9th International Head and Neck Cancer Quality of Life Conference EARLY NOTICE DATE FOR YOUR DARIES: Thursday 13th & Friday 14th November 2014 Abstract submission closing date 29/09/2014 Course Organiser : Professor Simon Rogers, Liverpool At The Merseyside Maritime Museum. 10% discount at Jury’s Inn: Quote AINT121114 Faculty Ms Naseem Ghazali Prof Gerry Humphris Mr Anastasios Kanatas Dr Cherith Semple Prof Mary Wells Topics Patient information Holistic Needs Assessment Interventions Information Technology Functional outcomes Psychological impact Interactive patient experience Communication MDT working International experience Long-term effects Update on current research From August 2014 One day attendance £120.00 Full conference, both days £180.00 Optional course meal Thursday £ 20.00 Contact person: Claire McNally Claire.McNally@aintree.nhs.uk Phone: 0151 529 6342 This conference is suitable for all members of the H&N MDT. Throughout the meeting there will be free papers – please consider submitting an abstract. The meeting will be a great opportunity to get up to date, for discussion and for all of us to share our experiences and shape best practice.
9th International Conference Quality of Life in Head & Neck Cancer Registration form 9th International Conference Quality of Life in Head & Neck Cancer Thursday 13th and Friday 14th November 2014 How to book: Fax form: to 0151 529 5288 Email form: to Claire.McNally@aintree.nhs.uk Post form: to Claire McNally, Head and Neck Directorate, Aintree Hospital, Longmoor Lane, Fazakerly, Liverpool L9 7A Your details Title: Dr Mr Mrs Ms Miss (circle as appropriate) Name: Job title: Place of work: Address Postcode Email: Phone: PAYMENT In order to register for the QoL conference full payment must be made with your application form, unless an organisation is paying on your behalf. Conference fees include lunch and refreshments. Fees for attendance (post 1st August 2014). Thursday 13th November ,1 days attendance £120.00 □ Friday 14th November, 1 days attendance £120.00 □ Full conference, both days £180.00 □ Optional course meal Thursday 13th November £20.00 □ Please specify any special dietary or access requirement Method of your payment: Cheque □ A cheque for £ is enclosed. (Please make payable to University Hospital Aintree Charitable Fund 4536) Invoice □ Please send an invoice to: Online Payments can be made online at www.aintreehospital.nhs.uk/epay Please select “other payments” and then follow the instructions given. In the additional information section please add that the payment is to be made to ‘Aintree Hospitals Charitable Fund 4536’ and the course title. (If you choose this option please ensure you forward your payment reference number to Claire McNally).