Public Libraries Providing Career Services in Ohio Meagan Kittrick, LPCC-S, NCC Career Counselor, Cuyahoga County Public Library NCDA Leadership Academy 2016
career search assistance each year.” “Estimates show that as many as 30 million Americans rely on public libraries for career search assistance each year.” Reported in The Digital Inclusion Survey, managed by the Information Policy and Access Center at the University of Maryland and the American Library Association (2013)
Action Project Goals Strengthen the relationship with ALA, PLA Survey Ohio Public Library leaders to assess career development in libraries Provide NCDA with recommendations to support identified career development needs
Opportunities to Connect to Public Libraries Career Programming One-Stop (state specific) Resources AARP Employment Programs Career Coaches vs. Career Counselors WIOA Training Opportunities Training and Development for Library Staff State CDA Resources NCDA (free) Resources