学 术 报 告 报告名称: Designing Chromophores in the Solid 报告人简介: 报告内容:


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学 术 报 告 报告名称: Designing Chromophores in the Solid 报告人简介: 报告内容: State: The Role of Transition Elements  报告人:Srinivasan Natarajan 时间:2016-10-11(周二) 下午14:30 - 17:30 地点:会议中心中心会议室 120*90, 90*60 报告人简介:  Professor S. Natarajan is from Solid State and Structural Chemistry Unit, Indian Institute of Science RESEARCH INTEREST Inorganic Solid State Chemistry; Synthesis, structure and mechanistic studies of framework solids; Magnetic interactions in low-dimensional solids; Heterogeneous catalysis, photocatalysis, ionic and electronic conduction studies; He has 280 research publications, 15 reviews, H-Index = 49 PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY Editorial Board Membership in National/International Journals: European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry Chemistry - An Asian Journal; Chemistry Select; Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie Associate Editor – Resonance, Journal of Sci. Education (Springer); Bulletin of Materials Science Topic Editor . Crystal Growth & Dessign (ACS) (2012 – 2015); 报告内容: Crystalline inorganic oxides displaying bright colours attracted much attention from early days for application as gemstones and pigments. In addition to the naturally occurring gemstones and pigments, several man-made (synthetic) coloured solids were also developed to meet the demand. Thus, hydrate d chromium oxide (Viridian), cobalt aluminate (Thernard’s blue) and various cadmium sulphi-des (Ca dm-ium Yellow, Cadmiun Red) as well as an hydr-ous Fe2O3 are some of the early synthetic pigments for green, blue, yellow and red colours respectively. A scientific inquiry into the origin of colours of inorganic solids is essential for a rational design and synthesis of coloured materials. While there are several causes for the colour of solids, the main factor that causes colour in an inorganic oxide contain -ing transition metal ion is the electronic transitions within the partially filled d-states arising from the ligand field effects around the transition metal ion. Octahedral and tetrahedral are the most common geometries where the colour and optical absorption spectra of all the transition metal ions have been well-documented. Transition metal ions in less symmetric geometries such as distorted octahedral and five-fold coordinated (square pyramidal and trigonal bipyramidal) geometries produce colours differe- nt from those in regular octahedral and tetrahedral geometries in materials. The present talk would ad- dress some of these issues and our efforts towards identifying new chromophores employing transitio n metal chemistry. 北京化工大学化工资源有效利用国家重点实验室 北京化工大学理学院 周云山教授课题组