ShareTheTraining TRR ARB Presentation Team 11 Friday , December 5, 2014
Presentation Overview Product Demo Test cases, procedure and results Traceability Metric Transition plan
Product Demo
Test case, procedure, result
Acceptance Test Cases P.1 TC-01 User Account Registration TC-01-01: Both users can register TC-02 Filter and Search Results TC-02-01 Location TC-02-02 Price TC-03 User Course Registration/Management TC-03-01 Registration after login TC-03-02 Payment TC-03-03 View Course Info TC-03-04 Cancel Courses TC-04 Rate/Review
Acceptance Test Cases P.2 TC-05 Share Courses TC-06 Trainer Course Submission/Management TC-06-01 Course/Profile Submission TC-06-02 Trainer Availability TC-06-03 Set Details TC-07 Administrator TC-07-01 Dashboard Access TC-07-02 Receive Info and Requests TC-07-03 RUD and Cancel TC-07-04 Course Management TC-07-05 User Profile
Example Test Case Test Case Number TC-04-01 Rate and review. Test Item User is able to select a rating level and provide review feedback for a specific course. Test Priority S Pre-conditions User has a registered account.. The course has been completed. Post-conditions Course information pages will load with updated ratings and feedback. System database will update corresponding data. Input Specifications Click on My Account, the click on the Done tab to go to courses that have been completed. Click on Comment which will display a prompt. Check fields for rating and enter text for reviews. Expected Output Specifications Search results page refreshes with new data. Admin dashboard will receive notification of a new rating. Pass/Fail Criteria Pass Criteria: Verify that user is able to review ratings and feedback of a course or a trainer if he clicks on course/trainer's detail page. Database values match. Fail Criteria: Ratings and feedback do not change after user has provided input. Database values are incorrect. Assumptions and Constraints User has connection to the internet. User has already completed the course. Dependencies TC-01-01 Traceability WC_3476
Test Procedure Purpose To verify and validate that core functionalities of the system have been satisified via testing the acceptance cases. This artifact can help us detail certain activies (ie. Dependency graph, business importance, fail probability, etc ….) to help plan, prioritize, and execute those tests. Testing Preparation Required Test Data: User's Facbook account credentials User's Twitter account credentials User's dummy personal information User's ShareTheTraining account credentials Eventbrite registration credentials Admin dashboard access Random data relevant for course information Software: Google Chrome 38.0.2. Hardware: Windows Asus Laptop.
Dependency Graph
Testing Date 12/4/2014 Test Case Number Business Importance Rationale Fail Possibility Test Value Criticality Test Result: Pass? TC-01-01 VL Threshold attribute Fail for sure Dependency 1 VH Blocks 90% Y TC-02-01 L Search f Have no idea New Test Case M Blocks 40% TC-02-02 Search TC-03-01 Threshold Most Likely to Fail 0.7 H Blocks 75%, Low BI TC-03-02 TC-03-03 TC-03-04 This is a 1.4 Blocks 0% TC-04-01 Good Least Likely to Fail 1.2 TC-05-01 High benefit. Complex 2.5 TC-06-01 Mandatory Blocks 40%, L-N BI TC-06-02 0.6 TC-06-03 TC-07-01 Blocks 70% TC-07-02 Mandatory, Complex. New Test Case TC-07-03 0.3 TC-07-04 Good requirement 0.9 TC-07-05
Traceability Matrix
Traceability Matrix for S.NO Win-Win Agreement Use Case Test Case Test Case Description 1 WC_3123 UC-14 TC-01-01 User account registration. 2 WC_3099 UC-16 TC-02-01 Filter by location. 3 WC_3103 TC-02-02 Filter by ratings/reviews. 4 WC_3104 TC-02-03 Filter by price. 5 WC_3125 UC-17 TC-03-01 Course registration after login. 6 WC_3127 Payment. 7 WC_3482 8 WC_3134 9 WC_3100 UC-19 TC-03-03 View relevant course information. 10 WC_3129 11 WC_3114 12 WC_3111 13 WC_3476 UC-18 TC-04-01 Rate and review. 14 WC_3126 UC-15 TC-05-01 Share a course. 15 WC_3101 16 WC_3487 TC-06-01 Course/profile info submission. 17 WC_3105 UC-10 18 WC_3107 UC-11 TC-06-02 Trainer availability. 19 WC_3108 TC-06-03 View ratings/reviews. 20 WC_3130 TC-06-04 Setting details and limits. 21 WC_3121 UC-3 TC-07-01 Dashboard access. 22 WC_3433 TC-07-02 Receive info and requests. 23 WC_3120 UC-2, UC-4 24 WC_3116 25 WC_3119 UC-1 TC-07-03 CRUD and cancel. 26 WC_3118 UC-6 27 WC_3117 28 WC_3131 TC-07-04 Attendee management. 29 WC-3488 UC-8 TC-07-05 User profile.
Transition Plan
Transition objective Successful transition of the complete final software product and its full capabilities with respect to the win conditions. Successful completion of the user training session and receiving positive feedback about the User Manual. Delivering system source codes for future maintenance or development. Package up all documentation, source code, and user manual of the system to the client. Satisfy most of the stakeholders’ objectives.
Software Preparation The following items are needed to prepare for transition: Payment for the web server—Linode. Installation of necessary data in the system. Deploy the system in the web server.
Stakeholder Roles, Responsibilities and Schedule Date Role Responsibility Location 11/26/14 Developers Software preparation and site preparation. Developer’s location 11/28/14 Test the performance of system running in web server. 12/5/14 Deploy the system TipSure 12/5/14, 12/8/14 Provide user training 12/8/14 Maintainers Learn to maintain the system after delivering ShareTheTraining Client evaluation and submit feedback 12/10/14 Product Archiving Product Release
We welcome any questions and comments. Thank you!