Incorporating Gender into Labour Statistics UNECE Statistical Division
Labour Statistics Introduction
Labour Statistics Why is it important?
Coverage of Labour Statistics
Labour Statistics Gender Roles
4 Steps to Incorporate Gender in Labour Statistics Step 1: Determining the topics to be covered in the survey Step 2: Set the definitions and classifications Step 3: Measurement methodology Step 4: Present and disseminate
Labour Statistics Step 1: Topics
Topics: Occupational Segregation Labour Statistics Topics: Occupational Segregation
Topics: Balanced Work and Family Life Labour Statistics Topics: Balanced Work and Family Life
Labour Statistics Step 2: Definitions
Labour Statistics The 30 largest occupations in Sweden 2005 (ranked by numbers in occupation)
Labour Statistics Topics: Gender Pay Gap
Labour Statistics
Labour Statistics
Labour Statistics
Step 2: Classifications Labour Statistics Step 2: Classifications
Labour Statistics Step 3: Methodology
Step 4: Presentation and Dissemination Labour Statistics Step 4: Presentation and Dissemination
Labour Statistics
Step 4: Presentation and Dissemination Labour Statistics Step 4: Presentation and Dissemination Economic Activity Rate of women in Sweden 2000-2005
Step 4: Presentation and Dissemination Labour Statistics Step 4: Presentation and Dissemination Women and men aged 20-64 by activity status and hours normally worked 1970-2005