5.2: Triangle Inequalities Greater Than 5.2: Triangle Inequalities Less Than or Equal To
What is an inequality? For any real number, a>b iff there is a positive number c such that a=b+c
All Properties Still Hold All Properties Still Hold! Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Transitive etc.
Theorem 5.8: If an angle is an exterior angle of a triangle, then its measure is larger than the measure of either remote interior angle.
Name all the angles whose measures are less than <14
Which angle is the largest?
Theorem 5.9: If one side of a triangle is larger than a second side, then the angle opposite that side is larger than the angle opposite the shorter side
Put the sides of the triangle in order from smallest to largest AB<BC<AC
Put the angles in order from smallest to largest (assume x>0) <C, <B, <A
Compare the following angles m<RSU_____m<SUR m<TSV_____m<STV m<RSV_____m<RUV
It’s Proof Time!! See Overhead