THE NEED FOR FACULTY DIVERSITY Institutional Credibility Mission Climate and Trust Decision Making Societal Needs—Communities, Trust, Competencies, Equity,, Education and Research Questions—Role of Race, Class Gender, Etc. Competencies Content Interpersonal Role Models/Mentors Retention
INTERRUPTING THE USUAL At predominantly white institutions most faculty hires of underrepresented persons of color will occur when at least one of the following three conditions are met: A job description written to enhance the applicant pool, an institutional intervention strategy, or a diverse search committee.
STRATEGIES FOR HIRING Myths Mission and Planning Job Description Special Hire Intentionality / Commitment Leadership at all Levels Active not Passive Searches
STRATEGIES FOR HIRING - Continued Identifying Talent Personal Networking Championing Cautions About Elitism Dual Career Issues Evaluation Post Hiring Support and Institutional Issues
RETENTION STRATEGIES Vertical and Horizontal Networks Explicit support for those who stay and work—targeting burnout Development of allies and colleagues Community Connections Information and Data PERCEPTIONS OF INSTITUTIONAL COMMITMENT
CONCLUDING POINTS Myths Mission Intentionality Success Not Excuses Interrupting the Usual