The new Sulzer website Internet Core Team | July 2012
New Sulzer Website | slide 2 The new Sulzer website Full offer of Sulzer products and services Comprehensive, updated content Additional functionalities and resources Six main languages
New Sulzer Website | slide 3 Many ways to get to what you are looking for We speak your language Find information in six languages: English, Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish, German, and Russian (Content not translated is displayed in English) Look for specific products and services Navigate through the full offer of Sulzer in 15 main product and service groups and our Products & Services A-Z overview page Find out how Sulzer can support your industry Find our main products and services offer for your industry Find your right solution Get a quick overview on the specific products and services applicable for your industry Access a wealth of information resources Get the right information out of web pages and PDF documents Get in contact with us Get the specific contact at Sulzer in your country for specific products and services Check out the latest news and highlights Read the latest news releases and selected highlights of our products and services
New Sulzer Website | slide 4 Special channels for special interests Look up specific Terms and Conditions (T&C) Find the Terms and Conditions of the Sulzer subsidiary you do business with Get updated on latest developments Access news releases, technical articles, photos, and videos Assess our financial performance Make up your mind about Sulzer as an investment case Watch out for career opportunities Meet our people and check out job opportunities globally Learn more about Sulzer Read about our markets, businesses, vision, and commitment to innovation and sustainability Direct access to key topics Quick links to the divisional profiles and other key pages Share content Direct access to news feed and social media to share content
New Sulzer Website | slide 5 Comprehensive information and resources at your fingertip Related information Teaser boxes indicate related web content of potential interest to individual page visitors Get a quick overview Read the most relevant information on a specific product or service on one page Get access to specific resources Check out our selection of the most relevant brochures, articles and much more
New Sulzer Website | slide 6 Targeted search for specific information and resources Use specific key words and get the most relevant results Standard search with more than one term gets you all documents which contain one or more of these terms Use … to search for an exact combination of terms in web pages and other resources, e.g. boiler feed pumps Use AND in uppercase to get results with all terms, e.g. boiler AND feed AND pumps also gets you pumps for boiler feed applications Use - to get results without a specific term e.g. boiler -pumps to get content containing boiler but not pumps Narrow your search down with filters to specific areas of interest By products and services Selects documents categorized for a specific product and service area By industries Selects documents categorized* for a specific industry By Divisions Selects documents from a specific division By format Focus your search on web pages or PDF documents By type Focus your search on specific types of documents (brochures, presentations, technical articles and many more) In your preferred language Only view documents in your preferred language (as selected with the language menu at the top of the page)
New Sulzer Website | slide 7 Find the right product or service with the Solution Finder Selecting a product and service group (and sub-group) and an industry (or sub-industry) produces a list of all product and service pages on level 3 which have been identified by the divisions as applicable for a specific industry. Can be combined with a keyword search