Japan Land of the Rising Sun
Japan: Geography Most densely populated nation in the world – 844 people per square mile Separated and isolated from Asia, which protected it from invasion and created distrust of foreigners Japan is a chain of islands consisting of four main islands and 6,848 smaller islands for a total of 6,852 islands.
Japan: Geography 85% of Japan is mountains 200 volcanoes 75% of population in coastal cities
Japan: Climate Four Seasons 40 inches of rain in the driest part of Japan (Seattle’s average is 38) 100 inches in other parts of the the country
Japan: Resources Human Resource Technology Minerals are copper and coal 90% of their oil is from Middle East Human Resource Ability to industrialize lead to economic growth Technology Leading export
Japan: Culture Hard work, practicality, modesty, reserve, humility, devotion, and loyalty Extremely loyal to their “group” Usually stay with “company” for life. Fired - disgrace to person and family Greet with a bow
Japan: Culture Conform – be like and act like everyone else Impolite – yawn or chew gum in public or point with finger Education – The literacy rate of Japan is one of the highest in the world, at almost 100%. Economic Progress – Unemployment rate is 3.65% Patriarchal – male dominated. If individuals threaten the family’s good name, the family would expel them Sumo – national sport, but they LOVE their baseball Homicide – 2nd lowest in the world, behind Iceland. Japan’s rate is .50 per 100,000 people. The United States is 4.5
Japan: Culture
660 BCE – 1185 CE: Imperial Period Japan: History 660 BCE – 1185 CE: Imperial Period Ruled by an emperor, as noble families gained power the emperor’s rule weakened and became more religious and ceremonial
Feudal Period
Japan History 1868-1912 Meiji Restoration Referred to as Enlightened Rule. The Japanese ended feudalism and began to modernize by borrowing actively from the West. Transportation: train system (bullet) Manufacturing: weapons /ship building industries Technology: students went abroad to study in the West to learn adapted new ideas to fit their culture Japan did not want to be colonized
Japan Today