Read, Write, Group, Share By Brian Gomila
Read, Write, Pair, Share Systematic approach to processing information from text sources. Allows students the opportunity to share their thoughts in a smaller group environment. Gives teachers options on how to engage students.
Steps Read: students read text silently Write: students summarize the important parts of the text, what struck them as important or interesting Pair/Group: As a pair or small group, discuss the article and their own summary and decide the main points. Share: The teacher guides the students in presenting the important parts of the article to a larger group or the whole class.
Advantages: Engages the class Gives students “think” time Gives students a safe environment to discuss ideas before presenting to whole class Can help students with lower vocabulary skills Systematic approach to comprehending text Can be used to coax information out of shy students
Disadvantages: Answers are not always reliable Unequal partnerships Requires extra teacher supervision Requires higher teacher energy Requires extra time and preparation.
Sample classroom procedures: 1. Silently read the article to yourself 2. Write a Summary of the article (in your own words, tell me the most important details) 3. Within your group, discuss the most important details (that you wrote down) and prepare to present them to the class. 4. Answer 3 questions(as a group): a. Is the article an example of natural selection, artificial selection, or both? Why? b. Do the organisms in the article benefit from the adaptations they have? Why or why not? c. Do humans benefit from the adaptations that the organisms in the article have? Why or why not?
References: Fisher, D. & Frey, N. (2012). Improving adolescent literacy: Content area Strategies at work (3rd ed.). Boston: Pearson. Fisher, D., Brozo, W.G., Frey, N., & Ivey, G. (2011). 50 instructional routines to develop content literacy (2nd ed.). Boston: Pearson. University of Texas at Austin (2013, March 25). Decoding the genetic history of the Texas longhorn. ScienceDaily. Retrieved April 21, 2013, from¬ /releases/2013/03/130325160514.htm