Student - Week 14 (Turbidites and neritic): Lecture 2016 Contrasting experiences of postgraduate and staff education forums in Earth Sciences Chris Saville, Earth Sciences
Student - Week 14 (Turbidites and neritic): Lecture 2016 Education forum aims Share good practise across the teaching staff in the department. Disseminate ideas from external courses. Increase communication about teaching within the department. Have a forum for evaluating/discussing changes to teaching practises.
Student - Week 14 (Turbidites and neritic): Lecture Forum structure 2016 Forum structure 2 x 30 minutes sessions per term. First session to provide ideas and provoke discussion. Second session to follow up and review. Deliberately informal. Invited members of the department to share practise.
Student - Week 14 (Turbidites and neritic): Lecture Forum contents 2016 Forum contents Staff Postgraduate Teaching International Students Assessment and feedback Follow up on Teaching International Students Follow up from ‘Assessment and Feedback’ Lessons from the ‘Oil Game’ Demonstrating in the field Implementation of lessons from the ‘Oil Game’ Review of fieldwork experiences What do students learn from field work? Small group teaching
Student - Week 14 (Turbidites and neritic): Lecture 2016 Impacts on departmental practise Integrated reminders of minimum standards for demonstrator preparation. Help with students understanding personal team-working/learning styles embedded earlier on in the course. Review of division of teaching responsibilities during undergraduate fieldwork.
Student - Week 14 (Turbidites and neritic): Lecture 2016 Staff versus postgraduate Staff Postgraduates Sharing ideas Wanting help with problems Looking to change own practise Looking to increase amount of guidance they receive Talked about own activities Talked about others’ activities Low attendance High attendance Led discussions (both formally and informally) Lots of cross-questioning and trying to acquire information Becoming the sharing practise mechanism of department peer- observation system. Embedded into future induction Led to personal activities to try Led to institutional activities to do
Student - Week 14 (Turbidites and neritic): Lecture Takeaways 2016 Takeaways A large collection of good practices taking place across Earth Sciences weren’t being shared previously. Postgraduates often don’t see themselves as being responsible for their own teaching. Regular discussion is needed to prevent bad practises just becoming embedded in ways we work. It’s difficult to incorporate ideas of things to try into ongoing teaching.