Monday 14th January Read new poem. Find images, repetition, rhyme. Find comparisons. Metaphors.
‘I wanna be yours’ Three images Three examples of repetition Three examples of rhyme
‘I wanna be yours’ Write down all the household items mentioned in the poem
‘I wanna be yours’ How can a person be a “vacuum cleaner”?
‘I wanna be yours’ John Cooper Clarke is comparing himself to a vacuum cleaner – he will clean up any mess his love makes in life, just like people use hoovers to clean their houses.
‘I wanna be yours’ “I wanna be your vacuum cleaner breathing in your dust” This is an example of a metaphor. The poet is comparing himself to a vacuum cleaner because he, like the machine, will clean up any mess his lover makes. This is a funny way of saying he will support her. A metaphor is a comparison made without using like, as, or than.
Write down and explain three more examples of things the poet says he wants to be and how he can be those things.
A metaphor is a comparison made without using like, as, or than.
What is being compared to what? Explain how the two things being compared are similar.