Ivanna Villegas Cordova 11-74 « virgen del Carmen» Ivanna Villegas Cordova NAME AND SURNAMES : GRADE / SECC : 5 «A» MISS : Raquel Rocha Vargas 2014
1) What is that. It is a vacuum cleaner 2) what is it for 1) What is that ? It is a vacuum cleaner 2) what is it for ? Used for removing dust and other dirt particles 3) who invented it ? It was invented by HUBERT CECIL BOOTH in 1901 4) that this fact ? plastic made this works with a motor and parts are formed by a hose brush extractor waste 5) how it works ? powered by an electric motor at high rpm which takes several blades running in reverse of how fans work. Thus we airflow inlet high pressure and can pick up small objects from the the floor and then store them in a bag