Inclusion Briefing Summer 2016 Oxfordshire School Inclusion Team
Agenda County SEN inspection SEN Information Reports and developing your school provision to support learners and families SEN Team Updates: Feedback from ECHP panel, Additional Funding Applications and Annual Reviews SEMH – behaviour and welfare in school –ISP / PSP? The importance of governance. Secondary transition OXSIT website and support packages Conference and professional learning for 2016 - 2017
LA Ofsted Inspection of SEN What are OFSTED looking at? What might the inspectors be looking at if they visit your school? Ensure your SEN information report has been updated this year and is on your school website! Have you included an evaluative summary? SEND reforms – working collaboratively – Teachers / Governors / Parents / Children See guidance sheet.
Your current provision / areas for development in your school Four Barriers to learning C and L C and I SEMH PD and SENSORY Use hand out to get SENCOs to think about 1: needs in their school. 2. Current provision. 3. Priority areas for development. How will they aim to develop QFT and interventions to support.
CAPACITY BUILDING With all support in a time of austerity how are you developing capacity in your school or partnership to meet need? Have you built in contingency funds for any unexpected mid year issues for learners? Are you clear on the LA role moving forward? Ics see the document on the white paper and LA role?
Additional Support EI hubs are changing. There will still be provision to support vulnerable families and children in Oxfordshire. However this is under review. It is key you are developing capacity in school to develop relationships with families. How are you doing this? The CAF process is under review.
Feedback from ECHP panel The evidence needs to be robust and have no gaps They need to determine what the progress has been and the effectiveness /impact of provision so far. Therefore the paperwork must show that: the interventions are targeted to the child’s needs the impact or lack of impact of provision (with data) what the school are doing to support the pupil
What are the panel looking for? The needs of the child / young person. Whether the child / young person has made expected progress? Evidence that the school/educational provision has taken relevant and purposeful action to identify, assess and meet the needs of the child / young person. Sheet from Emma Curtis – Lead for SEN Team in the South
Before applying for additional funding This sheet will help you determine whether you have met all the steps along the way before applying for additional funding.
Annual Reviews Officers may not attend all ARs, but they will offer SENCOs a telephone conversation before the review. Hester’s sheet on Annual Reviews
SEMH - Behaviour and Welfare BEHAVIOUR and the impact of WELFARE in the new OFSTED framework – How you are developing a whole school climate for inclusion? County are putting in some additional resources in to train schools to develop inclusion, improve attendance and reduce mental health issues. More at conference on this! ISP or PSP – You need a framework to support and evidence your interventions. Take a look at the ISP examples and discuss how the framework is different to the PSP.
SEN Governor Involvement How do you ensure your governance is effective? Do you know your SEN governor can receive training on SEN through the Oxfordshire Governor Services team?
Secondary transition Transition day Effective arrangements for pupils with additional needs at transition Information sharing and profiles etc. Ensure the SEN File is compliant and is passed to the receiving school in a timely manner. What is best practice? How can we pass the ‘baton’ when it comes to teaching and learning? New letters on website to support secondary SENCOs with making decisions about students with S and EHCPs applying for places in year 7.
New Look OXSIT Website - Explore http
OXSIT Summary of our project work this year Consultancy Packages – Friday 17th June deadline for annual buyback discounts thanks to all who met the deadline. Behaviour toolkit passwords will be distributed in July. Make sure we have your SENCO email for your new OXSIT password in September. Our training offer next year will include. See courses overview.
Inclusion Conference 2016 Include Me! Improving SEMH Provision 2 Additional afternoon workshops from CAMHS and SENSS re. SEMH and AUTISM
In Summary What are your development priorities for SEN at your school in 2016-2017? Why? Is this a feature of your School Development Plan? What support will you have to reach your aim and vision for the outcome of these priorities? Have you booked your OXSIT support for 2016-2017? Have you booked a place at the OXSIT conference?
Evaluate the year and Action plan the future