EXPORT OPPORTUNITIES AND MDA/MAI SCHEMES Interactive Session 06th May, 2011 Presentation by: Abhay Kumar Sinha, Assistant Regional Director PHARMACEUTICALS EXPORT PROMOTION COUNCIL (Set up by Ministry of Commerce, Govt., of India) Regional Office, 305 Padma Tower-II, 22, Rajendra Place, New Delhi-8 E-mail: rodelhi@pharmexcil.com 1
Global Pharmaceutical Industry – Overview AGENDA 1 Global Pharmaceutical Industry – Overview 2 Indian Pharmaceutical Industry – Overview 3 Opportunities for Indian Pharma Industry 4 MDA/MAI Schemes of Department of Commerce 5 Role of Pharmexcil 2 2
Global Pharmaceutical Industry – Overview 1 Global Pharmaceutical Industry – Overview The global pharmaceutical markets are estimated at US$773.1bn (2008) growing at 4.8% percent over the previous year. As per the latest statistics available from United Nations ‘Comtrade’ the Global exports of Bulk Drugs and Pharmaceuticals in the year 2008 stood at US$ 404.2bn growing by 10.37 over the previous year. Global Exports of Pharmaceuticals stood at US$374.69bn. growing by 10.38%. Bulk drugs have a meager share of 7.3% in the total trade at US$29.5bn.
Top Exporting Countries of Bulk Drugs & Pharmaceuticals (figs. in US$mn.) Rank Country (Exports) 2007 2008 % share 1 Germany 55,520.78 67,438.88 16.68 2 Belgium 47,377.79 50,665.56 12.53 3 Switzerland 36,232.92 44,145.34 10.92 4 USA 33,379.84 38,076.67 9.42 5 France 28,291.37 33,189.47 8.21 6 United Kingdom 28,975.58 31,342.25 7.75 7 Ireland 18,749.69 22,546.15 5.58 8 Netherlands 15,361.05 17,231.52 4.26 9 Italy 15,646.15 16,595.01 4.11 10 Sweden 8,719.60 9,167.87 2.27 11 China 6,093.35 8,117.00 2.01 12 Denmark 7,237.12 8,076.41 2.00 13 Austria 6,303.99 7,382.23 1.83 14 Canada 6,188.93 6,191.10 1.53 15 India 4,475.95 5,822.45 1.44 Source: UN trade database ‘Comtrade’, Pharmexcil
Source: UN trade database ‘Comtrade’, Pharmexcil Top Importing Countries of Bulk Drugs & Pharmaceuticals (figs. in US$mn.) Rank Country 2007 2008 % share 1 USA 53,954.01 59,868.18 15.38 2 Germany 40,934.01 46,669.00 11.99 3 Belgium 41,602.36 44,332.86 11.39 4 France 22,068.56 24,820.57 6.37 5 United Kingdom 20,418.65 20,658.26 5.31 6 Italy 18,176.71 19,974.99 5.13 7 Switzerland 16,693.44 17,777.67 4.57 8 Netherlands 16,353.47 12,981.00 3.33 9 Japan 9,145.98 10,998.52 2.82 10 Canada 10,315.06 10,770.32 2.77 Source: UN trade database ‘Comtrade’, Pharmexcil 5
Region-wise Imports of Formulations (figs in US$ mn.) 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 CAGR (2004-05 to 2008-09) % Share EU 136,646.37 150,930.08 165,865.34 198,076.04 219,722.57 12.61% 57.82% North America 38,148.73 43,075.37 51,539.68 58,999.89 63,054.17 13.39% 16.59% Other European Countries 12,919.97 14,291.89 16,394.10 18,889.73 20,317.85 11.98% 5.35% Asia (Excluding Middle East) 10,075.43 11,803.01 13,293.29 15,869.83 19,442.41 17.86% 5.12% LAC 7,829.30 9,220.21 10,909.13 16,137.70 15,711.52 19.02% 4.13% CIS 4,374.39 6,330.61 8,768.74 10,129.35 13,229.05 31.87% 3.48% Middle East 7,129.95 8,384.63 8,490.05 11,104.89 9,383.53 7.11% 2.47% Oceania 5,137.06 5,931.11 5,963.17 7,195.15 7,704.82 10.67% 2.03% Africa 3,677.62 4,191.28 4,737.33 5,712.55 4,964.89 7.79% 1.31% Asean 2,730.36 3,455.16 4,183.43 4,692.09 4,511.31 13.38% 1.19% South Asia 659.90 822.85 1,058.40 1,395.46 1,526.66 23.33% 0.40% Other America 256.11 321.87 331.55 365.76 443.91 14.74% 0.12% Grand Total 229,585.17 258,758.09 291,534.21 348,568.44 380,012.71 13.43% 100.00% Source: UN Trade Statistics Database ‘Comtrade’ Notes on Infrastructure – GLP Labs, GCP Hospitals, Data Management Centers, Toxicity Centres, Pharma SEZs, etc 6 6
Region-wise Imports of Bulk Drugs (figs in US$ mn.) Rank Region 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 CAGR % Share 1 EU 8,417.18 9,059.21 9,598.95 10,631.82 10,942.03 6.78% 47.76% 2 North America 2,981.26 3,125.03 2,926.99 3,155.24 3,822.54 6.41% 16.68% 3 Asia (Excluding Middle East) 1,518.39 1,600.15 1,659.63 1,818.84 2,193.67 9.63% 9.57% 4 LAC 984.74 1,021.29 1,108.10 1,201.14 1,599.77 12.90% 6.98% 5 South Asia 498.70 646.90 711.38 1,005.66 999.85 18.99% 4.36% 6 Asean 715.29 979.91 881.89 1,112.83 995.17 8.61% 4.34% 7 Other European Countries 810.22 791.49 707.29 675.53 854.27 1.33% 3.73% 8 Middle East 665.67 710.41 580.70 730.07 636.15 -1.13% 2.78% 9 Africa 195.79 228.04 232.50 292.86 336.65 14.51% 1.47% 10 Oceania 327.89 320.37 267.51 271.55 294.37 -2.66% 1.28% 11 CIS 125.49 144.41 176.68 212.79 231.95 16.60% 1.01% 12 Other America 3.33 4.12 3.15 3.29 4.13 5.54% 0.02% Grand Total 17,243.97 18,631.35 18,854.79 21,111.62 22,910.57 7.36% 100.00% Source: UN Trade Statistics Database ‘Comtrade’ Notes on Infrastructure – GLP Labs, GCP Hospitals, Data Management Centers, Toxicity Centres, Pharma SEZs, etc 7 7
2 Indian Pharmaceutical Industry – Overview The Indian domestic pharmaceutical market size is estimated at US$12.2bn (Rs.55,454 crores) in the year 2008 growing by health 10%. (Source: IMS) India’s Healthcare Expenditure in the year 2008 is estimated at US$68.6bn (as per Espicom Reports). Pharmaceuticals expenditure occupies a share 17.78% in health care expenditure and 0.8% in GDP. The per capita Pharmaceutical expenditure in the country is approximately US$10 (compared with US$1,154 of USA). 8
Indian pharmaceutical industry is among the world’s largest and most developed. 15th largest exporter of Bulk Drugs & Formulations in value terms with a share of 1.44% during 2008. It ranked 14th in value terms and 3rd in volume terms. The country is 9th largest exporter of APIs/Bulk Drugs and Ranked 8th in terms of export volumes. 9
Exports for the year 2009-10 are estimated at US$8.88bn. EXPORTS FROM INDIA Exports for the year 2009-10 are estimated at US$8.88bn. CAGR (2005-06 to 2009-10) was 17.46% Pharmaceutical exports occupied a share of around 5% in India’s total exports over the last 5 years. 10
Country-wise Exports of India’s Drugs, Pharmaceuticals & fine chemicals (figs. in Rs. Crores) Rank Importing Country 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 CAGR YoY Growth Rate % Share Cumulative % Share 1 USA 5,839.35 7,177.06 9,121.25 30.26% 27.09% 21.67% 2 UK 1,146.52 1,235.83 1,636.70 18.45% 32.44% 3.89% 25.56% 3 Germany 1,448.01 1,530.49 1,502.44 7.61% -1.83% 3.57% 29.13% 4 Russia 1,243.81 1,529.60 1,301.64 4.89% -14.90% 3.09% 32.22% 5 South Africa 684.27 1,127.38 1,164.32 27.02% 3.28% 2.77% 34.99% 6 Brazil 771.61 1,167.64 987.58 12.27% -15.42% 2.35% 37.33% 7 Nigeria 671.24 1,040.75 904.17 14.53% -13.12% 2.15% 39.48% 8 Canada 789.15 1,096.04 767.06 9.94% -30.02% 1.82% 41.30% 9 Viet Nam 483.56 536.73 707.84 14.62% 31.88% 1.68% 42.98% 10 Netherlands 522.69 683.28 685.15 14.35% 0.27% 1.63% 44.61% 11 Turkey 502.10 627.99 661.42 10.63% 5.32% 1.57% 46.18% 12 China 879.42 564.81 643.20 -4.83% 13.88% 1.53% 47.71% 13 UAE 426.11 478.14 577.79 13.26% 20.84% 1.37% 49.08% 14 Thailand 352.48 461.08 573.12 24.95% 24.30% 1.36% 50.45% 15 Ukraine 497.14 687.45 569.13 7.37% -17.21% 1.35% 51.80% 16 Spain 501.42 622.89 564.36 12.64% -9.40% 1.34% 53.14% 17 Italy 471.28 633.87 563.21 7.47% -11.15% 54.48% 18 Kenya 366.60 544.08 551.26 30.69% 1.32% 1.31% 55.79% 19 Iran 379.11 485.64 532.23 15.31% 9.59% 1.26% 57.05% 20 Ghana 296.44 332.22 522.03 34.46% 57.13% 1.24% 58.29%
Current Status of India in Global Pharma Markets 1 Global Pharmacy for Generic Medicines 2 Manufacturing Hub of the World 3 Emerging Flagship Industry of India Finished generics supplied from India account for 20% of the global generics market. Source: PricewaterhouseCoopers, The changing dynamics of pharma outsourcing in Asia 1 More Than 90% of WHO Prequalified API [ARVs, Anti-tubercular & Anti-malarials ] are sourced from India. 2 It is estimated that 70% of the patients belonging to 87 developing countries received medicine procured from India by The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) International Dispensary Association (IDA) the Global Fund and the Clinton Foundation. 3 Medicine Sans Frontiers also purchases 80% of its ARVs, for its projects in over 30 countries, from India. Source: Ellen F.M. ’t Hoen, LL.M., The Global Politics of Pharmaceutical Monopoly Power, AMB 2009 4 5 Indian generic ARVs approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) also resulted in cost- savings of an over 90% of the ARVs for PEPFAR.
The largest number of US FDA approved facilities outside US are in India. 1/3rd of all DMFs & 30% of all approved ANDAs in US are from India, ranking next only to USA.
India’s Competence 1. USA* India’s Presence in Regulated Markets 1. USA* Over 30% of DMFs, ANDAs, Tentative Approvals in USA are from India India accounts for one out of every four Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) approvals in the years 2007 & 2008 Ranks first in total Type II active Drug Master Files (DMFs) with U.S. FDA Received 31% of all tentative approvals (as on 11.12.2008). The country currently has 1,735 Type-II active DMFs filings with US FDA of all 6,482 DMFs filed which is 26.76% of all DMFs filed with that country. - Source: U.S. FDA, Pharmexcil Research * All figs. as at the end of Sep. 08 15
India has 539 CEPs (21.47%) of the total 2,511 granted by EDQM. 2. Europe* Highest number of Certificate of Suitability (CEPs) is granted to India. India has 539 CEPs (21.47%) of the total 2,511 granted by EDQM. The country has 153 EDQM approved facilities for 195 molecules out of the total 693 molecules approved by EDQM. * Source: European Directorate of Quality Medicine EDQM) (As on July, 2009) Notes on Infrastructure – GLP Labs, GCP Hospitals, Data Management Centers, Toxicity Centres, Pharma SEZs, etc
Name of Regulatory Agency No. of Companies Approved from India Registration Summary Table 5: Approvals Received by Indian Pharma Companies from Various Regulatory Agencies of the World (As on Sep. 2009) Name of Regulatory Agency No. of Companies Approved from India DMFs filed with U.S. FDA (companies) 136 DMFs filed with U.S. FDA (facilities) 169 Number of molecules filed for which DMFs have been filed 464 Formulation Plants approved by U.S. FDA 23 EDQM (European Directorate of Quality Medicine) (Bulk drug facilities) 153 Number of CEPs received 539 Number of Molecules for which CEPs have been filed with EDQM 195 WHO GMP Certified Plants Over 1,000 DACA (Drug Administration and Control Authority), Ethiopia 50 (TFDA) Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority 75 Source: FDA sites of respective countries, Pharmexcil Research Notes on Infrastructure – GLP Labs, GCP Hospitals, Data Management Centers, Toxicity Centres, Pharma SEZs, etc
Opportunities for Indian Pharma Industry 3 Opportunities for Indian Pharma Industry Generic Opportunity: 450 molecules worth US$350 bn are going off patent in the coming years 1 The contract manufacturing opportunity of prescription drugs is estimated to increase from a value of $26.2 billion to $43.9 bn. in the next 5years. 2 There are many important categories such as monoclonal antibodies, Peptides, biotech, etc., which are not filed by India forgoing a global opportunity of approx. US$ 90bn. 3 Several technologies such as sustained release/controlled /modified release Lyophilized Pharmaceuticals, bio-pharmaceuticals, Specialty generics, Drug Intermediates, NIP based APIs/Formulations, regulatory compliant infrastructure are not attempted in India. There are more than 285 drug in this category with an opportunity of US$50bn. 4 In the drug research value chain, there are certain key strengths such as: Significant valid population to participate in clinical trials Significant capabilities in medical skills, hospital beds and IT. 5 There exists an opportunity to capture the market share in global clinical R&D market such as clinical trials, data management, testing, etc. 6 By 2012, nearly half of all newly approved prescription drug products will be biologics 4 7 By the end of 2010, patents will expire on brand biologics with $15bn in annual sales. Source: GPhA. 4 8
MDA/MAI Schemes of Department of Commerce 4 MDA/MAI Schemes of Department of Commerce Special Export Promotion Schemes for Exporters Govt. of India extends financial assistance, through Export Promotion Councils, for the promotion of Pharma industry, under the following two schemes: Market Development Assistance (MDA) Scheme Market Access Initiative (MAI) Scheme Market Development Scheme: The Objectives of the MDA Scheme is basically to assist the SMEs to promote exports of their products and Explore new markets for their product Focus areas have been identified by the Government of India viz: Focus CIS Focus Africa Focus Asean +2 (i.e. Australia & New Zealand.) Focus LAC 19
MDA SCHEMES The Objectives of the MDA Scheme is basically to assist the SMEs to promote exports of their products Explore new markets for their product Company applying for MDA shall not be under investigation/charged / prosecuted / debarred / black listed under the Foreign Trade Policy of India or any other law relating to export and import business. Maximum MDA assistance shall be inclusive of MDA assistance received from all Govt. bodies / EPCs/ FIEO / ITPO etc. Member exporters of EPCs etc would also be eligible for MDA assistance for participation in events organized by ITPO abroad. Their applications / claims would be routed / reimbursed through the concerned EPC etc. A maximum of 3(three) participations in a particular trade fair / exhibition would be eligible for MDA assistance.
Exporting companies with an FOB value of exports of up to Rs. 15 Exporting companies with an FOB value of exports of up to Rs.15.00 crores in the preceding year are eligible for MDA scheme. Assistance for Travel (economy excursion class) + built up furnished stall in Focus Areas (Assistance Amount subject to ceiling – Shown in separate slide). Assistance available for participation through Council sponsored activities. Assistance permissible to one regular employee/director/ partner/proprietor of the company. Exporter of foreign nationality or holding foreign passport will not be eligible. Intimation application must be received in any of the offices of Pharmexcil with a minimum of 14 days advance notice excluding the date of receipt of application in Pharmexcil & the date of departure from the Country. (Application available for download from our Website).
MDA Amount Ceilings & Visits in each areas permitted Companies participating for more than 3 times including past cases for a particular fair/exhibition have to participate in that fair on self financing basis. MDA Amount Ceilings & Visits in each areas permitted S. No. Area / Sector No. of Visits Maximum financial Ceiling per event 1 Focus LAC Rs.1,80,000 2 Focus Africa (including WANA Countries) Rs.1,50,000 3 Focus CIS 4 Focus ASEAN + 2 5 General Areas Rs. 80,000 Total Visits The participation of individual companies in the above activities shall be subject to the following conditions: For EPC etc. led Trade Delegations/BSMs only air-fare by Economy Excursion class upto a maximum of Rs. 70,000 (Rs. 1,00,000 in case of Focus LAC) shall be permissible.
(2) Maximum number of permissible participations shall be five in a financial year as indicated in above table (No travel grant is \ permissible for visit to General Areas). (3) Assistance shall be permissible to one regular employee/director/ partner/proprietor of the company. Assistance would not be available to exporter of foreign nationality or holding foreign passport.
After completion of the activity, the exporters have to file their claims with Pharmexcil along with the following simple documents: Claim form as per Annexure – VII (downloadable from our website) duly signed by the Chartered Account Claims must be filed immediately upon return to India after completion of activity but positively within 45 days from their return to India.
MAI SCHEME Market Access Initiatives (MAI) Scheme is an Export Promotion Scheme envisaged to act as a catalyst to promote India’s export on a sustained basis. The scheme is formulated on focus product – focus country approach to evolve specific market and specific product through market studies / survey. Assistance provided to EPCs / TPOs etc for enhancement of export through accessing new markets or through increasing the share in the existing markets. Level of assistance for each eligible activity is fixed.
Marketing Projects abroad: Level of Assistance Leasing/rental charges of Showroom/warehouses 75%, 50% and 33% in the first, second and third year respectively Ceiling of Rs. 100.00 lakhs for each market/product per annum. In cases of multi product showroom/warehouse-Rs.500.00 lakhs Participation & Organising Trade Festival of India etc abroad Ceiling of Rs. 500.00 lakhs. 65% of the total expenses towards venue, publicity, catalogues, translation and interpreter and any other component as approved by EC. Displays in International Departmental store 50% of rental charges subject to a ceiling of Rs.100.00lakhs per annum/each product Publication of World class Catalogues 50% for a particular market subject to a ceiling of Rs.10.00 lakhs per market per annum. Can be again considered after 3 years for updation. Publicity Campaign and Brand Promotion 50% for two years subject to a ceiling of Rs.100.00 lakhs per annum per market Research and Product Development 65%. Ceiling Rs.100 lakhs for each product. Industrial Clusters 75% subject to ceiling of Rs.100 lakhs. RBSM 65% of total expenses. 100% of the travel cost(economy) of foreign delegates. Hotel charges – up to Rs75000/-. Rs 1lakhs in case of American continent
Capacity Building Level of Assistance Imparting training 65% subject to ceiling of Rs.10 lakhs. (study material, venue cost, faculty charges, organising expenses Upto 90% of the cost of developing study material for trainers and exporters subject to ceiling of Rs.25 lakhs may be considered. Up-gradation of lab, universities, Research institutions, national level institutions for fulfilling SPS measures, related testing 75% of the approved expenditure subject to ceiling of Rs.50 lakhs per organisation, for creating hardware and software neaded for creating these facilities Capacity building for up gradation of quality 66% subject to a ceiling of Rs.25 lakhs per annum towards organising training prog for skill imrovement for quality up-gradation, product improvement etc. Developing Common facility centres, packaging etc. 65% subject to a ceiling of Rs. 50 lakhs. Funds may be provided for engaging experts/consultants. ( Amount up to10 lakhs in each case) Hiring of consultants in the prospective/buyer country 65% subject to a condition that an exporter can apply for maximum two reimbursements in a year and the total ceiling for each exporter would be Rs.5 lakhs per annum.
Statutory Compliances Level of Assistance Charges/expenses for fulfilling statutory requirements in the buyer country including product Registration charges 50% subject to ceiling of Rs.50 lakhs per annum for each exporter. Anti-dumping, Anti money laundering and other investigations/ compliances Support up to 50% of the actual expenditure subject to a celing of Rs. 200 lakhs in each case. Nature of litigation and extent of support shall be decided by EC on case to case basis
Studies Level of Assistance Market Study 75% subject to a ceiling of Rs. 100 lakhs per study. 100% in case of studies assigned by Department of Commerce for the cause of export promotion. Ceiling of Rs. 100.00 lakhs for each market/product per annum. Export Potential survey of the states The organisation of state government would be the co-ordinating agency for the survey. 65% of the cost of survey subject to a ceiling of Rs 100 lakhs. Project/Study which further the objective of the scheme Financial assistance to any project/study. 65% subject to ceiling of Rs. 50 lakhs. Studies on WTO related matters and JSG/FTA/RTA Assistance may also be provided for preparation of projects through reputed professional institutions. Upto 100% of the cost.
Miscellaneous Level of Assistance Developing Foreign Trade Portal 100% upto a maximum of Rs 2 crore.
Reimbursement of 50% of registration charges R & D projects Out of the above, individual exporters are eligible to apply for the following incentives: Reimbursement of 50% of registration charges R & D projects Hiring of Consultants at abroad Litigation expenses in the buyer country on anti dumping duties etc Reimbursement of Product Registration Charges overseas 50% of registration fees upto Rs 50 lacs( subject to MAI Guidelines) 31
5 Role of Pharmexcil Pharmexcil is an autonomous export promotion council (EPC) set up by by Ministry of Commerce & industry, Government of India setup on 12 May, 2004 With the objective of focusing on healthcare and pharmaceutical products in the global arena
Pharmexcil is the designated authority for drugs & pharmaceutical sector dealing in the following products/ services from India: Bulk drugs (APIs) Drug intermediates Drug formulations Biotechnology Biological products Herbal products Medicinal plants Homeopathy Diagnostics Nutraceuticals & Phytochemicals Contract research Contract manufacturing Clinical research Surgical dressings Collaborative research Pharma industry related services Technologies/consultancy 33
In the duty of export promotion, Pharmexcil provides the following services to Indian pharmaceutical companies: Dissemination of trade enquiries Organizing trade delegations from India to overseas markets as also reverse delegations Organizing buyers-sellers meets Organizing participation in international trade fairs Providing policy inputs to the government of India on India’s bilateral trade in pharmaceuticals Dissemination of India’s pharmaceutical trade statistics Preparing technical publications, exporters’ directory, etc. 34
Resolving grievances of pharmaceutical importers and exporters Organizing national & international seminars on areas related to pharmaceutical industry. Certificate of origin 35
Other services from Pharmexcil: Country reports World Pharma Reports Patents Facilitation Center Separate Cell for Ayush products 36
Offices of Pharmexcil Head Office: Pharmexcil 101, Aditya Trade Centre Ameerpet Hyderabad – 500 034. Phone: 91 – 40 – 23735462/66 Fax: 91 – 40 – 23735464 Email: info@pharmexcil.com Regional Office, Mumbai T.V. Industrial Estate, Unit No. 211 1st Floor, 248-A, S.K. Ahire Marg Worli, Mumbai - 400 030. Phone: 91 - 22 - 24938750 / 51 Fax: 91 - 22 - 24938822 Email: romumbai@pharmexcil.com Regional Office, Delhi 305, Padma Tower II 22, Rajendra Place New Delhi - 110008 Phone: 91 - 11 - 41536654 / 45062550 Fax: 91 - 11 - 41536658 Email: rodelhi@pharmexcil.com