In-cylinder combustion and emission characteristics of an agricultural diesel engine fuelled with blends of diesel and oxidatively stabilized Calophyllum methyl ester Prof. Chinmaya Mishra1 KIIT University, Bhubaneswar Prof. Naveen Kumar2 Delhi Technological University Prof. Purna Chandra Mishra3 KIIT University, Bhubaneswar Prof. Biswabandita Kar4 KIIT University, Bhubaneswar
Carbon footprints reduction for motor fuels key to sustainable growth. INTRODUCTION Carbon footprints reduction for motor fuels key to sustainable growth. Biodiesel is a promising option. Feedstock diversification essential to improve supply. Diversified feedstock brings challenges like poor oxidation stability and increased tail pipe NOx emission. Additives can address these twin challenges. Aromatic amine based antioxidant additives are suitable options to be explored. Paper # 2016-28-0140
MOTIVATION Energy Scenario Glimpse Paper # 2016-28-0140 Curtsey: IEA, BPSR, World Bank, Planning commission etc.
Why diesel replacement critical for sustainability? Curtsey: Basic statistics on Indian Petroleum, Ministry of Petroleum, GOI Paper # 2016-28-0140
Background & direction of investigation 1 2 3 4 Feedstock Availability Irrigation & rural electrification needs Diesel replacement with biodiesel from locally available feedstock Faceoff with twin challenges of increased NOx & poor oxidation stability ADDITIVE APPLICATION Paper # 2016-28-0140
Literature Review Researcher Finding Remarks Hoekman et. al Theories for biodiesel NOx effect Use of additives suggested Varatharajan et. al Additives L-ascorbic acid, ethylenediamine etc. evaluated on Jatropha methyl ester. 0.025% concentration led to impressive NOx reduction DPPD & NPPD antioxidant additive effect on Soya biodiesel Aromatic amine antioxidants additives effective in NOx reduction Agarwal et. al BHT, BHA, TBHQ, PG additive effect on Karanja oil methyl ester TBHQ & BHA improved oxidation stability substantially Damasceno et. al. Cafeic, Ferulic acid & TBHQ additive effect on Soya biodiesel Oxidation stability improved to 6.6 hours fulfilling EN14214 Dunn, Focke et. al., Jain et. al., Liang et. al., Lamba et. al., Obadiah et. al. BHT, BHA, TBHQ, PG, Orox PK, tocopherol etc. evaluated on soya, jatropha, karanja, sunflower, palm, pongamia pinnat etc. Aromatic amine additives improved oxidation stability and reduced tailpipe emission with varying effect from oil to oil. Paper # 2016-28-0140
PROBLEM FORMULATION Antioxidant additives reduces the tail pipe NOx emissions & improves the oxidation stability. Research on non-edible, high FFA vegetable oil biodiesel and their engine trials is the missing link. Prepare biodiesel from a high FFA local vegetable oil, from coastal Odisha known as Calophyllum Inophyllum and study its oxidation stability with and without aromatic amine antioxidant TBHQ. Comparative performance, emission and in-cylinder combustion characteristics of a diesel engine running on neat diesel, diesel-biodiesel blends with and without additives. Paper # 2016-28-0140
MATERIAL AND METHODS Calophyllum Inophyllum vegetable oil High oil content, extensive availability, non-edible nature, low water requirement, growth on non-arable lands etc. makes this oil seed highly suitable for biodiesel Paper # 2016-28-0140 Curtsey: Atabani et. al.
Calophyllum Biodiesel & TBHQ additive Paper # 2016-28-0140
Copper-strip corrosion Fuel characteristics Property Units ASTM D6751 EN14214 D100 B100 Viscosity @40°C cSt 1.9-6.0 3.5-5.0 3.12 3.45 Density @15°C kg/m3 880 860-900 824 877.6 Acid value mg KOH/g Max.0.5 0.34 Flash point °C Min.130 Min.120 78 165.5 Pour point -15 to 16 - 2.0 Cloud point -3 to 12 CFPP 19 Max. +5 -8 0.0 Heating value MJ/kg Min 35 46.83 41.442 Oxidation stability hours Min 3 Min 6 3.97 Cetane number Min 47 Min 51 51 56 Iodine value G I2/100g Max 120 106.5 Carbon residue wt.% Max 0.05 Max 0.3 0.03 Copper-strip corrosion Max 3 Min 1 1a Sulphur content vol% Max 10a <50 6.23 Ash content Max 0.02 Max0.02 0.001 Phosphorous content 10 4 3 Carbon 77 72 Hydrogen 12 12.2 Oxygen 11 11.80 Paper # 2016-28-0140
Oxidation stability with TBHQ additive Paper # 2016-28-0140
Agriculture diesel engine Make Kirloskar No. of cylinder 1 Strokes 4 Rated Power 3.5 kW@1500rpm Cylinder diameter 87.5mm Stroke length 110mm Connecting rod length 234mm Compression ratio 17.5:1 Orifice diameter 20mm Dynamometer arm length 185mm Inlet Valve Opening 4.5°BTDC Inlet Valve Closing 35.5°ABDC Exhaust Valve Opening 35.5°BBDC Exhaust Valve Closing 4.5°ATDC Fuel injection timing 23⁰BTDC Test Engine Paper # 2016-28-0140
Control Panel & Emission Analyzer Data Acquisition System Control Panel EGA & Smoke meter Paper # 2016-28-0140
Test Rig Paper # 2016-28-0140
Test Rig Error Band S.N. Measurements Measurement Principle Range Accuracy 1 Engine load Strain gauge type load cell 0-25 Kg ±0.1Kg 2 Speed Magnetic pick up type 0-2000 rpm ±20 rpm 3 Time Stop watch -- ±0.5% 4 Crank angle encoder Optical 0-720 °CA ± 0.2⁰CA 5 Pressure Piezoelectric 0-200 bar ± 1 bar Calculated results Uncertainty 6 Engine power 0-8 kW ±1.0% 7 Fuel consumption Level sensor ±2.0% 8 Air consumption Turbine flow type 9 BTE 10 BSEC ±1.5% 11 In-cylinder temp. Ideal gas equation Up to 3000°K ±5.0% Paper # 2016-28-0140
RESULTS Brake thermal efficiency Paper # 2016-28-0140
CO & HC Emission Paper # 2016-28-0140
Smoke and NOx emissions Paper # 2016-28-0140
Cyclic variability & Average P~ɵ history Paper # 2016-28-0140
PRR & HRR Curves Paper # 2016-28-0140
MFB & Combustion duration curve Paper # 2016-28-0140
Phase wise heat release & combustion table Fuel Peak Pressure (bar) Peak HRR (J/°CA) CHR (J) TCD (°CA) ID D100 67.51 67.56 1260.62 24 14 CB10 68.13 65.92 1232.43 25 12 CB20 65.8 57.69 1220.21 26 11 CBT10 65.10 56.92 1237.61 CBT20 53.53 53.56 1225.43 10 Paper # 2016-28-0140
Conclusion CBT10 and CBT20 exhibited 3.37% and 3.55% higher full load BTE as compared to CB10 and CB20. Full load BSEC of CBT10 and CBT20 were 13.0 MJ/kWh and 13.7 MJ/kWh respectively to 13.5 MJ/kWh by CB10 and 14.2 MJ/kWh by CB20 test fuels. The full load CO emission of D100 was 0.14%. CBT10 and CBT20 exhibited 0.11% and 0.13% by volume of full load CO emission as compared to 0.08% and 0.1% by volume exhibited by CB10 and CB20 respectively. CBT10 and CBT20 demonstrated 42 and 39 ppm each of volumetric HC emission as compared to 38 and 34 ppm by CB10 and CB20 respectively. CBT10 and CBT20 exhibited 779 ppm and 795 ppm each of NOx by volume as compared to 860 ppm and 890 ppm exhibited by neat biodiesel blends CB10 and CB20 . Neat diesel exhibited highest full load smoke opacity of 99.5% followed by CBT10, CBT20, CB10 and CB20 with smoke opacities of 96%, 94%, 92% and 90% respectively Peak in-cylinder pressure exhibited by D100 at full load was 67.51 bar as compared to 68.13 bar, 65.8 bar, 65.1 bar and 63.53 bar exhibited by CB10, CB20, CBT10 and CBT20 test fuels Fluctuation in in-cylinder pressure for 91 consecutive cycles was reported for diesel baseline ranging from 64.2 bar to 71.8 bar where as the minimum fluctuation of 63.6 bar to 67.8 bar was reported for CBT20. Paper # 2016-28-0140
Conclusion (Contd.) Peak pressure rise rate was found to be the highest for baseline data of diesel that stood at 5.26 bar per degree crank angle (bar/ºCA) as compared to 5.18 bar/ºCA, 4.65 bar/ºCA, 4.58 bar/ºCA and 4.38 bar/ºCA for CB10, CB20, CBT10 and CBT20 test fuels respectively Heat release rate was highest for D100 that stood at 67.56 J/ºCA followed by 65.92 J/ºCA, 57.69 J/ºCA, 56.92 J/ºCA and 53.56 J/ºCA exhibited by CB10, CB20, CBT10 and CBT20 test fuels respectively Diesel baseline exhibited an ignition delay of 14CAD followed by 12CAD, 11CAD, 11CAD and 10CAD each by CB10, CB20, CBT10 and CBT20 respectively Controlled or diffusion phase combustion duration as a fraction of total combustion duration was increased from 41.6% for D100 to 41.9% and 55% for the CB10 and CB20 test fuels Antioxidant containing test fuels CBT10 and CBT20 moved the trend forward with 68% and 67.8% diffusion phase combustion duration as a fraction of TCD indicating smoother combustion Fraction of diffusion phase heat release to the total heat release was increased from 49.2% for diesel baseline to 54.3%, 54.9%, 55.7% and 55.4% for CB10, CB20, CBT10 and CBT20 test fuels respectively. Paper # 2016-28-0140
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