Measurements of doses and fluences with online


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Presentation transcript:

Measurements of doses and fluences with online radiation monitoring system in the Inner Detector More info about the system in the note (and in references there): I. Dawson et al., “Fluence and dose measurements in the ATLAS inner detector and comparison with simulation.” ATL-INDET-INT-2011-004

Total Ionizing Dose (TID) vs Total Ionizing Dose (TID) vs. time at 4 sets of locations in the Inner Detector. For each location dose is estimated as the average form several sensors (RadFETs) (they are at different angles Phi and ±z). On PST 3 sensors are used, on IDEP (r = 54) 3 , and IDEP (r=80) 3 and on Cryostat wall 2 sensors. The error bars (colloured region) are RMS of measurements and 10% systematic error . Simulated line: Dose = Integrated_luminoisty* proportionality_factor  proportionality factors (Gy/pb-1 ) from: (Fluka simulations I. Dawson, L. Nicolas et al.) or

Non Ionizing Energy Loss NIEL (equivalnet fluence of 1 MeV neutrons) measured from forward current increase in PIN diodes.

similar plots as on previous slides showing 2010 and 2011 data in log scale

very preliminary measurements with DMILL bipolar transistors (input transistor of the ABCD3T chip) base current at given collector current measured  first signs of base current increase in the DMILL transistors  thermal neutron fluence is estimated from the base current change

Plots show FLUKA simulated 1 MeV equivalent neutron fluences and ionizing doses per pb-1 of integrated luminosity for 7 TeV beam in the inner detector More info:

there is a similar but simplified online radiation monitoring system also in subdetectors outside of the Inner Detector same types of radiation sensors as in the ID are placed at 48 locations , near electronic equipment of subdetectors: 16 locations in Muon detector, 16 in Lar, 6 in Tile calorimeter and 10 on patch panel 2 sensors are read out once per hour, values are stored in DCS database in the Common Infrastructure Control (CIC) part. The drawings (FSM screens) show schematically the locations of sensors. Muons Calorimeters PP2

plots show integrated doses vs. time at different locations plots show integrated doses vs. time at different locations. Each line represents on e sensor. The doses are very low and are on the limit of sensitivity of the system. It can be seen that the there exists a correlation between accumulated dose and integrated luminosity (except on PP2 where measured doses are consistent with 0).