PPA 601 FIELD OBSERVATION OF CITRUS AND BANANA NAME: Neha Nandani: 2015130195 Manisha Kumar: 2015127884 Moreen Lata: 2003002583 Sailasa .S. B: 2015127709 Ropate Delanimate: 20131117016
CITRUS Kingdom Plantae – Plants Subkingdom Tracheobionta – Vascular plants Superdivision Spermatophyta – Seed plants Division Magnoliophyta – Flowering plants Class- Magnoliopsida – Dicotyledons Subclass Rosidae Order Sapindales Family Rutaceae – Rue family Genus Citrus L. – citrus
LIST OF DIEASES IN CITRUS: Fungal attack on branches causing to die. Sooty Canker Topography: Flat land -Sap wood is killed leaf turn brown on branches -Wilting and brown and die.
Con…. Control -Remove small infected branches -Prune large limbs when trees are dormant. -deep watering on regular basis. -Avoid regular pruning of larger limbs.
DISEASE OF CITRUS 2) Citrus canker(symptoms) -Vascular blackening -wilting -stunted growth -Stem rot
CONTROL MEASURES: Control Measure -use of certified disease free seeds and transplants -hot water treatment on non-certified seeds. -Chemical treatment with sodium hypochlorite and hydrogen peroxide -Crop rotation with non cruciferous crop
BANANA: Topography: flat land Kingdom Plantae – Plants Subkingdom Tracheobionta – Vascular plants Superdivision Spermatophyta – Seed plants Division Magnoliophyta – Flowering plants Class Liliopsida – Monocotyledons Subclass Zingiberidae Order Zingiberales Family Musaceae – Banana family Genus Musa L. – banana
Old plant leaves dry/ panama disease DISEASES: Grown on ridges. Old plant leaves dry/ panama disease Old leaves yellowing Longitudinal splitting of the outer sheaths on the pseudostem. Followed by wilting and buckling of leaves on the petiole base.
CONTROL: Heat treatment of soil Chemical treatment- methyl bromide but can only last for 3 years. Crop rotation of musa species with Chinese chive
Sigatoka leaf spot disease/ black sigatoka CONT: Sigatoka leaf spot disease/ black sigatoka Chlorotic spots appears on the bottom surface of the 3rd or 4th open leaf. Streak color becomes darker sometimes with purple tinge. Black streaking of leaves Early streak pale yellow and dark brown
Black sigatoka disease:
CONTROL: Chemical control on large planatation: Mancozeb rotated with chlorothalonil, applied with water or oil combinaytion. Biogical control: pseudomonas, bacillus and Serratia speceis. Cultural practices: wider planting, better drainage, better weed management, remove diseased leaves or portion from the plants.