iPhone & iPad New user Enrollment People and Technology Creating a Better Environment
Objectives Enrolling your device We need ALL iPhone and iPad users to enroll their devices to the into MobiControl This will allow users to access the Clean Harbors application catalog to down load the company apps and to receive application updates to their devices. This will also set up the users E-mail on that device. This document will show you how to install MobiControl
Step 1: Enrolling Device Before enrollment Verify device connectivity via WiFi or 3G Verify device is named correctly (Settings >> general >> about) iPad standard = DeptID.Location_Username (10TI.MACP_DOEJ1) Note: The location is the State and City MA for Mass and NW for Norwell
Step2: Enrolling Device Open up safari and go to soti.cleanharbors.com/enroll Please select the correct configuration for your device and login
Step3: Continue Please login with username & password
Step 4: Terms & Conditions Accept the terms
Step 5: Setup & Enroll Enroll your device select Install 1st then enroll you can click on the drop down to get step by step instructions on the process.
Step 5: Enrolled Once completed you are enrolled on the IOS Mobi Control Server. You can now go to the Clean Harbors App Catalog and down load the apps you need
If you have any issues with Enrolling your device in to the Mobi management system please open up a service now ticket. Service Now Category Mobile – iPhone / iPad Subcategory either iPhone or iPad enrollment