The Memphis Economy; Using Data to Reach A New Audience Presented by Ryan Hanson
The Sparks Bureau of Business and Economic Research Founded in 1963 Largest Research Center at the University of Memphis, in terms of grants Center for Manpower Studies Center Center for Real Estate Research
About Me Hired in 2006, GIS Services Programmer MA in Geography and MS in MIS Candidate for the PH.D. in Earth Sciences Positions at SBBER always evolving
How we used to do things
Advantages and Disadvantages Business Perspective was our calling card Limited Audience Cost to Produce Time to Produce Challenge to present timely data Not Flexible
The Partnership Memphis Economic Development Growth Engine (EDGE) PILOT and TIFFs Expanding their role
Challenges Limited Staff Limited Funding Development Cost University Website Software Narrow Focus Better Serve the Public Raise Awareness About Us Gain a Larger Audience
Solutions SquareSpace DataZoa Facebook Twitter YouTube GoAnimate MailChimp Google Docs Power BI 2 main functions Data Center Analysis
News Feed YouTube Twitter Facebook
Improved Data Request Response
YouTube Data Animations
What’s next First issue of the web publication will come out in Q1 2017. Website will go live in Q1 2017. Economic Outlook and a Year-end Review Developing Social Media Presence Expanding Data Center Animations GIS and Data Visualization Development and Automation