WHAT IS EAL? E – ENGLISH A – ADDITIONAL L – LANGUAGE If pupils of minority ethnic backgrounds are to make optimal progress, the overall ethos and curriculum of a school should be inclusive and welcoming. Whether or not there is a high incidence of pupils from minority ethnic groups in a school, valuing diversity and challenging racism is relevant to every pupil, and they should all be prepared for life in a pluralist society (DEFS, 2007)
EAL SUPPORT Class and EAL support teachers need to plan collaboratively in order to agree roles and targeted support to EAL learners. Develop an effective portfolio of strategies to help the EAL learner
EAL SUPPORT STRATEGIES Make sure the pupil knows your name – write it down. Demonstrate the meaning of instructions such as sit down, stand up etc Don’t worry if the learner does not say much – emphasis on listening and developing communication and confidence.
EAL SUPPORT STRATEGIES Involve pupil in routine tasks e.g. giving books out Link curriculum to home culture/language Use of audio – so learners can listen to spoken English Identify key vocabulary and language in activities Meaningful tasks – related to lesson
EAL SUPPORT STRATEGIES Integrate pupil into class activity as far as possible – differentiation. Maintain confidence – completion of tasks