Course facilitation Tools: Engaging 21st Century Adult Learners UETN Tech Summit 6/15-6/2017 Tony Pellegrini, Southern Utah University
Good Teaching is about teachers having students answer questions of solving problems that they find intriguing, interesting, or beautiful! Ken Bain 2/19/2015 So whether we are teaching traditionally, face to face; in a blended format; or in an online format; Good Teaching is Good Teaching!
21st Century Learner Needs - Learner Support Services Outcomes-based Course Assessment Assessment of Learning Outcomes Transitions between Life, Work, Learning, and License Flexible Programs Forbes, 2010
End-to-end learning support services. Human Contact Problem-solving Balance of Full-time and adjunct instructors When dealing with these new learners, learner support must encompass the entire learner experience, as well as operate as part of a lifelong partnership between college and learner. it is too easy to walk away because of lack of support. Support services will include an educational ePortfolio at the core, operating as a collection point for all of the learners information, as well as a point of service for connecting learning to work and meeting other needs the learner may have.
Outcomes-based course assessment and consistent course design Course Facilitation Tools Online Instructional Review Increasingly employers are asking for skills and abilities at two levels. First, they want employees to be able to write well, think critically and analytically, solve problems, work on a team and bring a global perspective. Second, they want employees to have demonstrable knowledge in the skill and professional areas required for proficiency in their fields. Learning outcomes evaluations, supported by rubrics, at the course and program levels is the only consistent means for understanding the relationship between what someone has done and what she knows as a result.
Assessment of Learning, Program, and Institutional Outcomes. Standard’s based Annual Faculty and Program Evaluation Businesses and colleges audit their books to assure financial quality. Colleges and universities should audit their academic books as well. Asking third-party academic auditors to review learning assessments performed by learners and faculty as part of the instructional process will validate the reliability and consistency of academic assessments. The same procedure should be employed to validate institutional effects on learners–persistence, graduation rates, satisfaction and employment rates.
Seamless transitions between life, work, learning, and license. Problem-based learning activities Practical Internships The 21st century will be characterized, among other things, by mobility, social choice, flexibility and speed. Learners will be mobile as well. Portability and recognition of learning achieved will lie at the heart of learners expressed needs. Learning accomplished at work, whether experiential or applied, will translate to certificate and degree plans seamlessly and counted toward graduation without discounting its value. And learning done in life, in the military, through testing or at other colleges will translate similarly to credits of equivalent value in the workplace.
Flexible programs of study, organized to give learners services they can’t get elsewhere. Zoom Seminars Video Texting Education has the growth of easily accessible and cheaply stored content, other educational services and related information on the Web. In a content-rich ecology, the means, practices and strategies that produce high levels of learning attainment and recognition will produce the value, becoming hallmarks of quality. The organizing architecture for licenses and degrees will be more flexible and better suited to organize and accommodate learning that is highly specific to the needs and the interests of the learner and the Board, while also continuing to support learning that is highly structured because of professional considerations.
SUU COEHD – Graduate Studies in Education Tony Pellegrini 435-559-1054