Utah Water Conservation Forum – 5/12/2017


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Presentation transcript:

Utah Water Conservation Forum – 5/12/2017 Agenda Item No. 4 Turn-key Programs Utah Water Conservation Forum – 5/12/2017

Reasons for “Turnkey” Programs Agenda Item No. 4 Reasons for “Turnkey” Programs The 2014 Water Conservation Plan Update recommended expanding the Member Agency Grant Program to include "Turnkey" programs. Member Agency Feedback: Limited staff May lack expertise Current grant proposal process may be considered complicated, cumbersome, or intimidating. JVWCD’s Board of Trustees adopted the 2014 Water Conservation Plan Update on November 12, 2014. As an effective water conservation tool and better use of resources, one of the key program recommendations was to expand the Member Agency Grant Program to include "Turn-key" programs. Member Agency Feedback: Limited staff resources dedicated to water conservation programs. May lack expertise on the latest and most effective water conservation strategies. Current grant proposal process may be considered complicated, cumbersome, or intimidating.

Benefits to Jordan Valley Water District Agenda Item No. 4 Benefits to Jordan Valley Water District Member Agencies can choose the programs that are most appropriate for their service areas. Larger scale implementation of these programs will extend the reach of our water conservation efforts and provide greater economies of scale (ex. website, cost, and staff resources). Programs will be designed to meet cost- effectiveness and water conservation standards. Programs will be vetted by the staff and Board beforehand. Member Agency application and approval process will be streamlined.

Agenda Item No. 4 Overview of Program $50,000 or more is available to qualified Member Agencies Current Member Agency Grant Assistance program provides funding based on cost-sharing tiers. Turnkey programs will be offered in conjunction with the Member Agency Grant Assistance program, allowing agencies to select how much of their allocation will be used for each. For example, the pie chart shows how the $50,000 could be allocated: Turn-key #1: 60% $30,000 Turn-key #2: 15% $7,500 Turn-key #3: 15% $7,500 Grant from traditional proposal method: 30% $15,000

Turnkey Approach Curated Programs Agenda Item No. 4 Turnkey Approach Curated Programs Offering a selection of curated programs that Member Agencies can select from. JVWCD will provide all staff and program resources, except for the necessary promotional costs from the Member Agency. District resources (funds, staff, and technologies) will be used more efficiently than having individual agencies creating similar programs. Member Agencies are more engaged and commit to actively promote the programs in their service areas. Member Agencies can be as involved as they wish. Water customers will know that the Member Agency is behind the programs. They can easily include these programs as part of their state-mandated water conservation plan updates.

Example #1: Flip Your Strip A cash rebate of $1.00 per square foot is available to residential customers who convert the landscaping in their park strips from lawn to a water-efficient design. Program participants who attend a free park strip class will receive $1.25 per square foot of grass. Participant Process: Participant applies online at UtahWaterSavers.com JVWCD schedules a mandatory pre- conversion site visit. Participant signs Program Agreement Participant may attend a free park strip class at JVWCD Education Center Participant schedules a final site visit after conversion is complete Participant receives a rebate check in the mail

Example #2: Landscape Consultations Landscape Consultations are designed to overcome barriers faced by homeowners by providing important information about their landscapes and irrigation systems. Key to the consultations are correlating meter data with actual water use and offering short-term and long-term recommendations for improved water efficiency. Participant Process: Participant applies online at UtahWaterSavers.com Technician evaluates water meter, water pressure, and irrigation zones, and notes any problems. Technician assesses the landscape design for possible improvements. Technician provides the participant with water use data in multiple formats that shows how irrigation practices affect actual water consumption. Technician provides a report with both short- term and long-term recommendations.

Example #3: Switch2Drip Switch2Drip is an add-on program to the Landscape Consultation Program. A cash rebate of $100 per converted zone is available to residential customers who convert existing spray sprinklers to drip irrigation. Participants must receive a Landscape Consultation to be eligible for this program. Participant Process: Participant applies for Landscape Consultation online at UtahWaterSavers.com Participant is made aware of Switch2Drip program at the landscape consultation Technician measures area to be converted and takes pictures Participant purchases and installs drip irrigation equipment Participant submits pictures of converted area and a copy of the purchase receipt Participant receives rebate check in the mail

Example #4: Toilet Replacements Up to $100 will be rebated for the purchase and installation of qualified high-efficiency toilets (1.28 gallons per flush or less) for individuals who replace toilets installed prior to 1992 or exceed the standard 1.6 gallons per flush. Participant Process: Participant applies online at UtahWaterSavers.com Participant purchases and installs a qualified high-efficiency toilet Participant applies for rebate online and includes a copy of the receipt, most recent water bill, photo of the old toilet and photo of the new toilet installed Participant receives a rebate check in the mail

Turnkey Information Sheets Agenda Item No. 4 Turnkey Information Sheets Program Overview Program Process Cost Effectiveness and Water Savings Grant Funding Estimates JVWCD and Member Agency Responsibilities Timeline Program Requirements and Restrictions Agreement Information Program Overview – General description of the program Program Process – How the program will work for participants Cost Effectiveness and Water Savings – Use a capital recovery analysis to determine cost per acre foot. Program costs include the rebate amount and program administration fees (scheduling, staff time, vehicle costs, application processing, invoicing, check processing, mailing, and 1099 compliance). Grant Funding Estimates – Table of program costs compared to volume levels. Member Agencies will select a volume level and subtract the estimated costs from total grant allocation. JVWCD and Member Agency responsibilities – Expectations and dependencies for both Timeline – Schedule for program implementation Program Requirements and Restrictions Agreement Information – To be attached to the agreement

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