June 16, 2016 Carmen Connect Webinar Audio – 1-877-820-7831 code:484159#
Housekeeping Items All lines will be muted *6 to unmute your line to ask a question *6 to mute your line after you are done speaking The leads will be monitoring the questions via the chat boxes, please feel free to ask questions there.
Agenda PSSC Staff Updates PO Closures & Fiscal Year PO’s Ink/Toner Cartridge Scams Travel –Conference Agendas Travel Blanket Orders AP Updates AP Deadlines Staples Catalogs
Website http://u.osu.edu/pssc Staffing Since the last Call Angela Britton – Fiscal Associate, Angela will be helping with the voucher approvals for Student Life Operations. She is a recent graduate of The Ohio State University! Next call is schedule for July 21st but may be rescheduled due to Workday project conflicts.
Purchasing updates PO Closures Blanket/Term PO’s Reminder to close old PO’s. Excel spreadsheets can be sent to your service center contact for closures. PSSC will be running reports looking for old PO’s FY15 & older and sending those to the department Fiscal contacts to confirm closing Currently have 897 PO’s with due dates 6/30/15 or older 1858 PO’s with due dates between 7/1/15 and 12/31/15 Blanket/Term PO’s Departments should have already submitted Blanket/Term requests for FY17. If you haven’t please make this a high priority so that we can have these ready prior to 7/1/16
FY17 Blanket & Term order Renewals It’s time to start inputting eRequests for Blanket & Term orders for FY17 Please work with your PSSC contact to determine what orders should be renewed No Blankets for eStores vendors Term order should be for one Fiscal year (July 1 through June 30) with very few exceptions
Blanket or Term Order
Blanket PO: Term PO: Blanket Orders are used for transactions that occur very frequently (daily or multiple times a week) have a high variation of product types, undetermined timing and not available in eStores. As a general rule, transactions = a minimum of 48-52 transactions per year. An order that allows for the incremental purchase of a specific product or service when the price, quantity and schedule of fulfillment are largely predetermined and specified in the purchase order at the time it is initiated. The quantity can be the same with every delivery or may vary. Blanket order for bulk roadway salt Purchase of water delivery service (eStores) Blanket order for Pharmaceuticals and Biologicals Purchase of hay at 100 bales/per month
Ink/Toner Cartridge Scams Vendor calls staff member indicating they are the official toner cartridge provider for the University Vendor convinces staff member that they need to order a toner cartridge Staff member agrees to have a toner cartridge shipped to the department Toner is shipped and invoice is sent to the department for payment Invoice is 4-5 times the amount we would normally pay for a toner cartridge from our contracted vendor. Vendor calls staff member repeatedly asking about payment and makes threats against the University if payment isn’t made.
Ink/Toner Cartridge Scams Reminders: ComDoc is the official Managed Print Provider for OSU https://purchasing.osu.edu/FileStore/Contract%20Book/ManagedPrintProgram.pdf If ordering for printers outside of the managed print program, ComDoc can still provide toner via eStores Please communicate this to your staff If you receive one of these toners, please contact Sherry Huegel in OSU purchasing at Huegel.1@osu.edu, 8-4415.
Travel – Conference Agendas Reminder: Please attach a PDF or other documents to the travel request with the conference agenda. This is a requirement per the travel policy for documentation required. Providing a web address link does NOT fulfill this requirement as the information at the web address is often changed or deleted after the conference ends.
Travel – Blanket Orders Reminder: Please submit your blanket order travel requests for FY17 A blanket Travel is a travel request in eTravel with multiple reimbursements to track and reimburse in-state transportation (mileage, parking, tolls, etc). Reimbursements can be per trip, per month, per quarter. Each trip must have a documented business purpose
Central AP Updates Currently going through a process/procedure reengineering Reorganizing staff into teams of invoice entry and problem resolution Have begun scanning invoices prior to voucher being entered Turn around times have decreased significantly AP needs your help: Vendors should be sending invoices directly to Central Accounts Payable for UNIV invoices This will help get them into our systems to track payments and better assist in benefiting from prompt pay discounts AP has begun tracking which vendors do not send invoices directly to AP and will be working with those vendors
End of year processes for AP: Central AP Voucher Cutoff End of year processes for AP: Invoices received by 6/20/2016 will be guaranteed to be entered by the end of the fiscal year
Staples Catalog Do you like to shop for your office supplies by looking at a catalog with pictures? You can order the 2016 Staples Advantage Full Line Catalog at the Staples punchout eStores website. Access eStores then go to Suppier websites and Staples. Search for Staples item #1785157. There is no cost. NOTE: Not all products in the catalog are available to OSU customers due to contract restricts and competing contract initiatives.
PSSC Email addresses Area Email Dnodes Ocio Dnodes Ocio ADMIN-cio.fiscalservice@osu.edu OAA All CIO and ODEE Dnodes ESUE ADMIN-esue.fiscalservice@osu.edu All Enrollment Services and Undergraduate Education Dnodes Grad School ADMIN-gradschool.fiscalservice@osu.edu All Grad School Dnodes (D3000, D3001, D3002) John Glenn ADMIN-jgi.fiscalservice@osu.edu John Glenn Dnode (D4240) Libraries ADMIN-libraries.fiscalservice@osu.edu Libraries Dnode (D3200) OAA Admin ADMIN-oaa.fiscalservice@osu.edu All OAA Admin Dnodes (D4009, D4200, D4201) ODI ADMIN-odi.fiscalservice@osu.edu Diversity & Inclusion Dnode (D4207) OHR ADMIN-ohr.fiscalservice@osu.edu All Human Resource Dnodes (D4700, D4710, D4720, D4730, D4750, D4780) OIA ADMIN-oia.fiscalservice@osu.edu All International Affairs Dnodes (D4232, D4235) Outreach & Engagement ADMIN-oe.fiscalservice@osu.edu All Outreach & Engagement Dnodes (D5900, D5910) Research ADMIN-research.fiscalservice@osu.edu All Research Dnodes Wexner ADMIN-wexner.fiscalservice@osu.edu All Wexner Center Dnodes ADMIN PSSC-Govt Affairs ADMIN-Govaffairs.pssc@osu.edu BF All Govt. Affars ADMIN PSSC-Board of Trustees ADMIN-BOT.pssc@osu.edu All Board of Trustees ADMIN PSSC-Ofc of the President Admin-President.pssc@osu.edu All office of the President ADMIN PSSC-Legal Affairs ADMIN-LegalAffairs.pssc@osu.edu All Legal Affairs ADMIN PSSC-Univ Advancement ADMIN-UnivAdvancement.pssc@osu.edu UA All University Advancement ADMIN PSSC-Business and Finance ADMIN-Busfin.pssc@osu.edu All Business & Finance ADMIN PSSC-SL Advancement ADMIN-SLAdvancement.pssc@osu.edu SL All SL Advancement Operations ADMIN PSSC-SL Tech Services ADMIN-SLTechServ.pssc@osu.edu All Tech Services ADMIN PSSC -SL FML ADMIN-SLFML.pssc@osu.edu All Facilities, Management, And Logistics ADMIN PSSC-SL Dining Services ADMIN-Diningservices.pssc@osu.edu All Dining Services and Regional Dining ADMIN PSSC-SL Res Life & Housing ADMIN-Housing.pssc@osu.edu All Housing, Regional Housing, and Residence Life ADMIN PSSC-SL Ohio Union ADMIN-OhioUnion.pssc@osu.edu All Ohio Union, Student Activities ADMIN PSSC-SL Rec Sports ADMIN-RecSports.pssc@osu.edu All Rec Sports ADMIN PSSC-SL Health & Wellness ADMIN-StuHealth.pssc@osu.edu Student Health Services, Student Wellness, Counseling & Consultation Services ADMIN PSSC-SL Admin Support ADMIN-SLAdminSupport.pssc@osu.edu Budget & Planning, Fiscal Support Svcs, CFO, SL Admin, CFTSOSL, Strategic Communications, and BuckID ADMIN PSSC-SL Student Services ADMIN-SLStudentServ.pssc@osu.edu Student Health Insurance, Student Advocacy, Student Conduct, MCC, Off Campus, carreer Counseling, Buckeye Careers, Disability Services
Thank You!