105-106 “Sources for Plagiarized Text” 106 - 108 “Plagiarism” Week 10 – Unit 5 105-106 “Sources for Plagiarized Text” 106 - 108 “Plagiarism” 108 - 110 “Plagiarism: A Misplaced Emphasis Part 1” 114 “Code of Academic Integrity”
“Sources for Plagiarized Text” p. 105 This essay is very disorganized. The information is good, but it is not clearly organized. There are quotes and statistics, but no citations. Can we tell if the facts are good? On p 106, respond to what you have read in your text book.
p. 106 “Plagiarism” How is this essay organized? Poorly or well? Is the information, facts, statistics, and sources good? It is very informal. How can it be made into a more formal essay? Is it more informative or persuasive? Respond to what you read on p. 108
p. 108-110 This essay is VERY formal. It is mostly clearly organized. It is more of an informative essay than an argumentative essay. Do you feel the information is clearly explained? Respond to the essay on p. 110
p. 114 “Code of Academic Integrity” This code is a guide for behavior in academics. Does SWUST have a similar code? Do you think that this code is realistic or that most students would not follow it? You can use this reading as a source for your next essay because it clearly explains terms.
Count off by threes You will get either #1, #2, or #3. #1 students will read and outline p 116 “Cheating in Exams, No Excuse” #2 will read and outline p 117 “No Cheating” #3 will read and outline “Say 'No' to Imposture in Exams”
Move to your groups. Read and discuss. Group Work Move to your groups. Read and discuss. Each group must pick one person to come up front and explain the good points of the essay and the negative points.
Pre-writing, essay 4 Please sit apart from all other students. Get out and show me your outline, brainstorming, and early research. By yourself, develop your outline. Create a list of points that you will use in your writing. Begin writing your rough draft. This should be double spaced in your notebook.
Essay 4 is due next week Please look at the rubric on engrade. This essay must be in third person. It should include sources to support your claim and a works cited. This one does NOT need a refutation, but you may choose to include one. Remember to spend at least 1 hour on editing and revision prior to printing.
Essay # 4 is not due next week I really want you to take a lot of time and do a great job on this essay. Because of this, I want you to spend two weeks on it. Your essay is due November 14/16th (week 12). I am taking away essay #5. We will not write Essay #5. However, you can still choose to do essay #5 to replace a grade from one of your other essays. It is optional. Your portfolio is due week 16.