Integrated Urban Model Boston 25th June 2014 Tim Stonor Architect & Urban Planner
London 2012 The GIS Games Space Syntax’s spatial model of London used as the stage for Opening Ceremony
London 2012 The Olympic Park Spatial analytics used to design the Park and integrate it into the wider city.
Creating an Integrated Urban Model Categorising the data inputs People Behaviour Wealth Health Safety Cultural identity Urban Form Spatial Form Physical Form capacity location condition value Resources Materials Energy Finance Utilities supply Waste handling Environment Sun Wind Rainfall Groundform Biodiversity
The SMART “data journey” Sense, Map, Analyse, React, Test Data inputs Urban Baseline Study Map Urban Data Collective Integrated platform for visualising performance data How is the place working? Analyse Urban Performance Model Integrated urban diagnostics: spatial analytics Why does the place work the way it does? Urban Impact Analysis React Urban Strategy Integrated urban policy and practice What are the opportunities for change? Test Urban Forecast Model Scenario testing & performance forecasting How will performance be affected by change?
The user experience Creating confidence among stakeholders 1 Uncertainties d Understandings 2 d Ideas for change 3 d 4 Consultations d 5 Decisions d 6 Actions
d d d d d d Sense People Urban Form Resources Environment Integrated Data inputs Sense People Behaviour Wealth Health Safety Cultural identity Urban Form Spatial Form Physical Form capacity location condition value Resources Materials Energy Finance Utilities supply Waste handling Environment Sun Wind Rainfall Groundform Biodiversity Integrated Urban Model Space Syntax © 2014 User interfaces/states Urban Baseline Study Data Mapping Map Urban Data Collective Integrated platform for visualising performance data How is the place working? d 1 Uncertainties Data Quantification d Understandings Urban Diagnosis Analyse Urban Performance Model Integrated urban diagnostics: spatial analytics Why does the place work the way it does? 2 Issues, Objectives & Principles Urban Impact Analysis d Ideas for change Opportunities & Constraints React Urban Strategy Integrated urban policy and practice What are the opportunities for change? 3 Creation of Conceptual Options d Simulation & Optimisation of Options Test Urban Forecast Model Scenario testing & performance forecasting How will performance be affected by change? 4 Consultations Development of Preferred Option v3 Decision groups d 5 Decisions d 6 Actions Behaviour change Data
Spatial network analysis The base layer that makes sense of data The general approach of applying spatial design is firstly to understand the spatial structure of an existing urban environment and its influence on pedestrian movement, crime propensity, land and rental value, social interaction and urban buzz - in this case the Kings Cross regeneration area… Spatial Accessibility High Low
Spatial network analysis Testing ideas for new connections …and then to apply our knowledge of spatial structure to provide suitable development options. For example this first grid like option… Spatial Accessibility High Low
Spatial network analysis Identifying disconnected proposals …produces a weak pedestrian movement structure. Spatial Accessibility High Low
Our approach The creative use of scientific tools 建构交通 However, a more integrated route structure that links development into the right strategic connections surrounding the site… Spatial Accessibility High Low
Spatial network analysis Creating integrated urban proposals …is shown to produce a powerful and coherent movement structure. Spatial Accessibility High Low
Dislocated layout 破碎的布局 Connected layout 建议的布局 Low accessibility score 低通达性 High accessibility score 高通达性 Dislocated layout 破碎的布局 Connected layout 建议的布局 Difference 差别 IRR 内部收益率 11% 14% + 27% NPV 净现值 £47 Million £ 145 Million + £98 Million Integration R400
Visionary masterplanning Built on robust, predictive analytics