Mr. Merrill’s Georgia History What we do and how we communicate!!
Focuses in Classroom Inquiry-Based Classroom Social Studies Labs (Document-Based and Over-Arching Questions) Essay Writing (RACER, Quick Writing, Milestones Assessments) Reading Comprehension (MAX Strategies) Social Studies Skills
Classroom vs. District on Milestones (2015 to 2017)
Median Growth Rate of Students
8th Grade Social Studies Curriculum Map and Pacing Guide (2017-2018) August 1st to 8th 2017 Class Introduction and Unit One: Connecting Themes & Enduring Understandings August 9th to 18th 2017 Unit Two: Geography and Prehistoric Period of Georgia GSE Standards: SS8G1 and SS8H1a August 21st to September 22nd 2017 Unit Three: Exploration, Colonization, and Revolution GSE Standards: SS8H1b&c, SS8H2, SS8H, and SS8CG1a&b September 25th to October 18th 2017 Unit Four: Early Statehood of Georgia and Indian Removal GSE Standards: SS8H4 and SS8E2c October 19th to November 17th 2017 Unit Five: Georgia during the Civil War and Reconstruction GSE Standards: SS8H5 and SS8H6 November 27th to December 13th 2017 Unit Six: The New South Era GSE Standards: SS8H7 and SS8E2 December 14th and 15th 2017 Semester Exams January 4th to January 24th 2018 Unit Seven: World War I, FDR and the New Deal, and World War II GSE Standards: SS8H8 and SS8H9 January 25th to February 16th 2018 Unit Eight: Modern Georgia and the Civil Rights Movement GSE Standards: SS8H10, SS8H11, SS8H12, SS8E1 and SS8E2 February 26th to March 14th 2018 Unit Nine: State and Local Governments GSE Standards: SS8CG1, SS8CG2, SS8CG3, and SS8CG6 March 15th to March 23rd 2018 Unit Ten: The Adult and Juvenile Justice Systems GSE Standards: SS8CG4 and SS8CG5 April 2nd to April 6th 2017 Unit Eleven: Personal Finance GSE Standard: SS8E3 April 9th to April 27th 2018 Milestone Exams and Review April 30th to May 23rd 2018 Georgia History Enrichment May 24th and 25th 2018 Semester Exams
Sign up for important updates from Mr. Merrill. Pick a way to receive messages for Merrill Georgia History 2017-18: A-- If you have a smartphone, get push notifications. On your iPhone or Android phone, open your web browser and go to the following link: Follow the instructions to sign up for Remind. You’ll be prompted to download the mobile app. B-- If you don’t have a smartphone, get text notifications. Text the message @merrillgeo to the number 81010. If you’re having trouble with 81010, try texting @merrillgeo to (478) 845-3455. To 81010 Message C--Don’t have a mobile phone? Go to on a desktop computer to sign up for email notifications.
How to Join in Class Dojo In order for this new initiative to work in the most effective and efficient manner, you will need to e-mail your student's homeroom teacher so that they are able to obtain your correct e-mail address. To complete this task, please follow the steps below: Ask your student for the name of their homeroom teacher. Go to the Bibb County Board of Education website at Click on Our Schools at the top of the screen. Select Howard Middle School from the dropdown menu. This selection will take you to the HMS webpage. At the top of the HMS webpage click Faculty/Staff. Find your student's homeroom teacher and click on their name. Once on the teacher's page find their e-mail address and e-mail that teacher.
How else can you communicate with me? Howard Middle School phone # 478-779-3500 E-mail School web page: Teacher/Parent Conferences can be scheduled every Monday, and Fridays from 9:30 to 10:30am Every student who enters my class can and will learn, and every student that leaves my class is ready for high school!”