Literacy Across Disciplines (LAD)


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Presentation transcript:

Literacy Across Disciplines (LAD) via Teachers Learning Together (TLT) Project Overview

Statement of problems Nearly 50 percent of Ingham County 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students are deemed “not proficient” or “partially proficient” in reading on the M-STEP. It’s often difficult to normalize and routinize collaborative processes at our schools, given time and other constraints. PSAT data for 8th graders could not be pulled – IISD relies on districts to provide this data, and not all districts have shared it (plus it’s only been two years that it’s been given regularly and broadly – we used to focus on ACT)

More than 50 percent of students in grades 6, 7, and 8 are either “not proficient” or “partially proficient” on the ELA M-STEP assessment.

2015-16 7th Grade Science & 8th Grade Social Studies M-STEP Scores As we know, these two tests require students to read well in order to score well. At least 70 percent of 7th and 8th graders scored “not proficient” or “partially proficient” on their respective M-STEP assessments.

6th GRADE: Benchmarks scores improved throughout the year, but nearly 50 percent of students are still below the target.

7th GRADE: Benchmarks scores improved throughout the year, but more than 50 percent of students are still below the target at the end of the year.

8th GRADE: Benchmarks scores improved throughout the year, but about 50 percent of students are still below the target at the end of the year. The trend is about the same in grades 6, 7, and 8

Solving the problems Create a more highly effective school By improving collaboration  Collective teacher efficacy has an effect size of 1.57 (Hattie) Create more highly effective teachers By building teachers’ understanding and application of high-yield content reading strategies Related effect sizes (Hattie, 2015): Feedback 0.73 Teaching strategies 0.60 Direct instruction 0.60 Teacher clarity 0.75

Solving the problems, continued Source: Marzano (2003): What Works In Schools: Translating Research Into Action

Project outcomes Improve reading scores in grades 6, 7, and/or 8 by at least 5 percent on standardized assessments such as M-STEP. Positively impact the schools’ professional cultures by normalizing and routinizing the Teachers Learning Together (TLT) collaborative process. TLT is a framework that is already established in many Ingham County schools – we’re looking to build upon the work we’ve already done instead of throwing a new approach into the mix

Who we are looking for School teams of at least 4 teachers each At least one teacher from each of the four core content areas (ELA, math, social studies, science) Target grades: 6, 7, and/or 8 (middle grades) This is a multi-disciplinary approach – strengthening students’ reading is everyone’s responsibility, not just ELA teacher In elementary schools, intervention blocks are more routine, which enables struggling readers to receive extra help. In the middle grades, there is less opportunity for students to receive remediation or extra support – schools are structured differently, priorities shift and look toward high school…

The LAD plan for 2016-17 TLT framework Multi-disciplinary implementation teams High-yield content reading strategies (e.g. explicit vocabulary, summarization of informational text, citing text evidence) Observations of colleagues, with actionable feedback Modification of instruction to suit needs of students Expand in Year 2

We are counting on… Curriculum directors to: Recruit administrators and teachers to participate in LAD project Provide support to administrators as needed Attend year-end session to learn how the project went Commit to the expectations outlined in the MOU

We are counting on… BUILDING ADMINISTRATORS to: Attend LAD events Provide time for teachers to participate and to share their learning with colleagues Help plan for Year 2 implementation Commit to the expectations outlined in the MOU

We are counting on… Teachers to: Attend all events and training sessions Actively participate on implementation teams Give actionable feedback to colleagues Use feedback to modify instruction Try new approaches/strategies in classroom Commit to the expectations outlined in the MOU

Time out of classroom = 3 full days out of the classroom per teacher Each teacher will attend: 1 full day of training on content reading strategy #1 & TLT framework (October or November) 2 half-day learning walks (January and March) 1 half day of training for content reading strategy #2 (February) 1 half-day to debrief learning and plan for year 2 implementation (May) = 3 full days out of the classroom per teacher

You can count on us to… Pay for: Substitute teachers for times when TLT is meeting or when your teachers attend conferences related to the project Professional resources – books, etc. Instructional materials related to project Conference registration fees IISD consultants to support your teachers

You can count on us to… Provide: Professional learning on instructional strategies and TLTs Protocols and other tools for use within the TLT framework Coaching upon request for teachers and administrators Up to 18 SCECHs for participants

You can count on us to… Help school teams examine data to determine success of project Possible data sources: Classroom observation data Interviews Standardized assessment results Progress monitoring results Surveys Teacher participation throughout 2016-17 school year Implementation plan for Year 2

Contact us Lara Slee,EdD Tammy Shorna MTSS Coach & Academic Consultant 517-819-0929 Academic Consultant 517-256-8215