ATLAS Software Distribution Grigori Rybkine Royal Holloway, University of London on behalf of ATLAS
Overview ATHENA Configuration Management ATLAS Releases and Distribution Kit Distribution Kit Use Cases Distribution Kit Packaging and Tools Distribution Kit Repositories Distribution Kit and RPMs Package Dependencies Problems Used from AA/SPI Distribution Kit Statistics
ATHENA ATLAS offline software is based on the ATHENA framework re/index.html ATHENA is based on the GAUDI Data Processing Applications Framework that was originally developed by LHCb, but which is now a joined development project gaudi/welcome.htm
Configuration Management ATLAS uses the Configuration Management Tool (CMT) to manage configuration and building of its software and set up the user environment this tool supports the decomposition of the software into packages, or groups of packages – projects external packages are interfaced to CMT by defining a glue package, where configuration specifications for this external package are detailed, in particular, how to pack the external package is specified in the glue package
ATLAS Releases and Distribution Kit computing/projects/releases/releases.php used to be monolithic, sub- divided into CMT packages, now split into CMT projects - AtlasCore, AtlasEvent, AtlasTrigger, AtlasSimulation, etc. currently releases are regularly built for i686, Scientific Linux CERN 3, gcc 3.2.3 dbg & opt after a release has been built, a distribution kit is made
Distribution Kit Use Cases running the application (on the grid, at a remote centre, on a disconnected laptop, etc.) software development (at a remote centre, on a disconnected laptop, etc.) CERN software installations from the distribution kit (so that all use the same distribution) using offline software alongside TDAQ and HLT software at point 1 (the location of the ATLAS detector and the trigger computing farms)
Distribution Kit Packaging and Tools built with a suite of shell and python scripts http://atlas- comprises compressed tarballs "pacman" meta-data files (where to fetch from, dependencies, pre- and post- install scripts, etc.) for pacman accessible via http from the repositories
Distribution Kit Repositories monolithic releases kits (RedHat 7.3) e/ (SLC 3.0.x) project based releases kits cache/ (SLC 3.0.x)
Distribution Kit Tarballs Types monolithic releases for each CMT package - 1 tarball comprising binaries (optimised), platform- independent files including header files but excluding the other source code files and documentation project based releases for each CMT project - separate tarballs containing binaries (optimised), binaries (debug), source code excluding header files, documentation, other platform-independent files external packages (their contents are specified in the glue packages with special macros) 1 tarball containing binaries (optimised), platform-independent files if debug binaries available, 1 tarball containing them
Distribution Kit and RPMs considering packaging as RPMs also may be more suitable to meet requirements for software installation at point1 (the location of the ATLAS detector and the trigger computing farms) meet requirements from some grid sites
Package Dependencies at Distribution Kit Build Time of CMT packages (monolithic releases) or of CMT projects (project based releases) on each other as well as on the external packages are specified based on CMT of the separate tarballs for each CMT project (project based releases) as project opt -> project noarch + project dependencies opt + CMT project src -> project noarch project dbg -> project src + project dependencies dbg + CMT project doc, noarch (no dependencies) at Installation Time resolved by Pacman Pacman, also, simplifies installation updates
Problems (1/2) have had some issues with Pacman (e.g., installation failures on NFS mounted partitions, execution speed, diagnostic messages), several problems and feature requests in the past have had a good response from the author who is working on ATLAS related to the packaging of external software (some files missing from the kit) some non ATLAS specific libraries missing at grid or remote sites e.g., libshift (castor-devel) is part of the kit, but libX11 (XFree86- devel), libnsl, libcrypt, libdl (glibc-devel), libg2c (gcc-g77-ssa) are not
Problems (2/2) requirement from some grid sites to install the software as RPMs running and development on platforms other than SLC3 (and SL3, RHEL3) do not have LCG and External software mapping onto offline kits (debug, src, etc.)
Used from AA/SPI LCG and External software installations on AFS (when building the distribution kit) tarballs of LCG and External software (by those rebuilding ATLAS software on other platforms) if LCG (and External) software were provided packaged (as tarballs and RPMs) so that headers, optimised and debug builds, source code, documentation for a platform are not in one piece, we could use them
Distribution Kit Statistics A typical distribution kit of offline software (optimised mode) consists of 18 ATLAS projects packages, 2 GAUDI packages, LCGCMT package, CMT package and ~50 external packages Size of release 11.3.0 installation (opt) 4.4G Atlas software 2G Atlas data 1.1G external 1.3G More information is available at