Friday December 19th A-day Monday January 5th B-day Warm Up Lit Letter Silent Reading Time
Warm Up In your journal write about what you did over break Please write as much as you can about this Did you go on any trips? Did you see family? Did you hang out with friends? Did you sit around and watch movies?
Lit Letter Did you pick your author? Look back in your journal to the notes we took right before Thanksgiving Break Take the next 5minutes to free write about why you chose this author
Literary Letter: Complimenting or Corresponding? The objective of a Literary Letter is to explain to the author how their writing has changed you. This means that you are corresponding with them not just complimenting Complimenting means that you telling them how much you liked their book Corresponding means you are explaining to them why their book was important to you.
The following is an excerpt from someone’s lit letter The following is an excerpt from someone’s lit letter. Do you think they are complementing or corresponding? I am writing this letter to you as a pleased reader. As I dove into your book, Sea Jade, I felt both humbled and inspired. Sometimes I feel confused at how an author can pack so much emotion into one small book. It’s like a new world is opened at just the flipping of a page. Speaking from a future author’s point of view, I can tell you your book was a great creation. Yours was truly a wonderful tale of adventure, excitement, and wonder that I found incredible. Good job! Keep writing!
The following is an excerpt from someone’s lit letter The following is an excerpt from someone’s lit letter. Do you think they are complementing or corresponding? I have always read your books and love them dearly. It’s unbelievable to me that in your lifetime you wrote so many books that are so good. They recently came out with the movie, “The Grinch,” after one of your books. Your books are so funny! I love how you make up words instead of using plain words. (to Dr. Seuss)
Look back at the free write we did earlier in class Add to that with ideas of how you can correspond with your author not just compliment them Did it change your perspective on a topic? Did it change the way that you view the world in general? What did it teach you? What impacted you the most about the book AND why?
Lit Letter Planning Now that we have discussed the difference between complimenting and corresponding please look at the planning sheet Fill in each of the boxes to help you to organize your thoughts for your letter
Silent Reading Time Things to remember We will draft our Literary Letter when we get back The final will be due 1/8 A-day and 1/9 B-day We will be discussing Non-Fiction text structure when we return There will be a Non-Fiction text structure quiz on 1/12 A-day and 1/13 B-day We will be starting a new book club soon after we get back