“We believe each student can and will learn.” Second Grade News (404) 768-0081 October 3rd, 2016 www.tmsa.org Important Dates 10/07/16 Fieldtrip Money $15 and Permission Slip Due 10/10/16 Professional Development (No School) 10/15/16 Governance Committee Meeting 3 pm 10/18/16 Executive Committee Meeting 6 pm 10/21/16 Fieldtrip to Funk Heritage Center 10/28./16 Fun Friday Funk Heritage Center The second grade team will visit the Funk Heritage Center at Reinhardt University on Oct. 21st. The cost is $15 per a student and per a chaperon. Chaperons are first come, first serve and are limited to 2 per a class. All permission slips and money are due no later then October 7th. Please contact your child’s teacher with any questions or concerns. Thank you. The Second Grade Team Team Lead: Ms. Graves – Chandra.Graves@tmsa.org Ms. Allen- Deborah.Allen@tmsa.org Ms. Hall- Abigail.Hall@tmsa.org Ms. Hunt- Sandra.Hunt@tmsa.org School Pages Jacket 2 Jacket www. TMSA.org http://www.facebook.com/TheMainStreetAcademy/ The Georgia Tech Women’s Basketball team would like to invite your child to participate in their annual “Jacket 2 Jacket” reading program. Jacket 2 Jacket is an initiative to promote and encourage children to learn through reading. Forms were sent home last week and also can be found on our 2nd grade class pages. Saturday School Fun Friday Saturday School will be offered for students that require remediation of core class concepts in reading and math. The dates are as follows: October 8th and 22nd November 12th December 10th Fun Friday is the last Friday of the month. This Friday , 10/28 will be Fun Friday. Students may wear jeans and a TMSA spirit shirt for $1. All proceeds go to benefit and support TMSA. P.E. Days Ms. Allen- Thursday Ms. Graves- Monday & Friday Ms. Hall- Tuesday Ms. Hunt- Wednesday Students should be dressed in their P.E. uniform. “We believe each student can and will learn.” Core Value: Integrity
Second Grade Homework Curriculum and Homework Reading Log Week of October 3rd, 2016 TMSA.org (404) 768-0081 Curriculum and Homework Reading Log Students will have homework nightly (Monday-Thursday), due the next day. Homework will include nightly reading and math homework, spelling practice and social studies or science homework on Tuesday and Thursday. Math – Students will normally have nightly math homework online with Pearson Realize. (The week of Oct. 3rd, Homwork will be on paper) www.pearsonrealize.com Reading- Reading/ ELA homework will alternate between writing, reading comprehension, and ELA. All students are required to keep a daily reading log. Students should read for at least 15 minutes per a night. Please keep track of your students daily reading in their agenda. Next week, students will receive a reading menu to complete with their nightly reading. Social Studies/ Science- The curriculum will alternate between science and social studies every 4 weeks. Students will have S.S. or science every other night. We are currently on Science. Spelling Words/Test WHAT’S HAPPENING THIS WEEK Plural Words Friends Phones Teachers Plants Movies Pencils Stars Seasons Shadows Objects Chairs Lights Clocks Papers Moons Bonus: Constellations Math Reading/ELA Science This week students will learn about: Adding two digit numbers using different strategies (Test Friday) This week students will learn about: Summarizing and retelling Making Connections Compound Words Personal Narrative (Test Friday) This week students will review: Earth Science Stars Day and Night Moon Seasons (Test Friday) The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go! -Dr. Seuss