Guidelines for Phytosanitary Contingency Plans Argentina Brasil Chile Paraguay Uruguay COMITE DE SANIDAD VEGETAL DEL CONO SUR Bolivia RSPM 3.17 - version 1.1 Guidelines for Phytosanitary Contingency Plans 21th TC, Entebbe, Uganda. 2009 Ing . Agr. Soledad Castro Dorochessi.
APPROVAL AND SCOPE Approved in June 2009 by COSAVE´s Directive Committee. The scope of this RSPM addresses the design of Phytosanitary Contingency Plans that could allow to act in a previous, fast and efficient way in case of detection of a quarantine pest in an area or in case of detection of an outbreak of the same pest.
OBJECTIVE OF A PLAN The final objective of a Phytosanitary Contingency Plan must be selected from the options to control the pest, that are: Contention Suppression Eradication Nevertheless, continuous evaluation of actions performed and results obtained can vary the objective or drive to the cancellation of the Plan.
TECHNICAL COMMITTEE A Technical Committee of Phytosanitary Emergency has to be created to coordinate the development and implementation of the Plan.
COMPOSITION OF THE COMMITTEE Permanent participants NPPO Director or its representative Responsible persons of pertinent technical and administrative units of the NPPO at national level, as for instance legal support, financial administration, strategic planning, communication. Non Permanent participants Specialists on the pest involved in the Plan, internal or external to the NPPO, representatives of the private sector, representatives of other public organisms. If necessary, political-administrative authorities, as for instance governors and mayors
TASKS OF THE COMMITTEE The RSPM details the tasks to be performed in three different moments: before the emergency appears upon the emergency At the end of the emergency situation
STEPS OF THE PLAN The Phytosanitary Contingency Plan includes three steps: Elaboration of a proposal of Plan, Activation of the Plan and, Finalization of the Plan
Step 1. ELABORATION OF A PROPOSAL OF PLAN This step includes: ANALYSIS OF ALL AVAILABLE INFORMATION The RSPM includes a list of bioological/epidemiological data to be considered DESIGN OF A PHYTOSANITARY CONTINGENCY PLAN Proposal of final objective of the phytosanitary contingency plan. Contention, suppression or eradication.
Step 1. ELABORATION OF A PROPOSAL OF PLAN Proposal of phytosanitary regulations needed for the plan For the pest, the area or specific procedures. Proposal of actions to be addressed Inspection, surveillance, testing, capacity building, etc Other components to be included in the plan. Calendar, organizational scheme, quantification of necessary resources, sources of financial support
STEP 2. ACTIVATION OF THE PLAN Activation happens once the quarantine pest is detected The RSPM contains a guide on the information that has to be revised once the data on the detection are available and the actions to be undertaken to adjust the previously designed plan to a real situation. Permanent evaluation of actions performed and its effects is needed, as well as record keeping.
STEP 3. FINALIZATION OF THE PLAN Final report on the Plan is sent to appropriate authorities Readjustment of regulations adopted during the Plan is performed Activation and finalization steps of each Plan are communicate to all COSAVE member countries.
THANKS!!!! Argentina Brasil Chile Paraguay Uruguay COMITE DE SANIDAD VEGETAL DEL CONO SUR Bolivia Argentina Brasil Chile Paraguay Uruguay Bolivia THANKS!!!!