Electronics for MEG-II 12 September 2018 Electronics for MEG-II Donato Nicolo` Pisa Pisa, 15 January 2014
Outlook System overview Status, agenda & milestones WD DCB Backplane TCB Status, agenda & milestones Work in progress Tests Critical aspects delays? Electronics for MEG-II
System overview Crate WaveDream (WD) Data Concentrator Board (DCB) 3U Eurocard Custom backplane (SERDES point-to-point connection) WaveDream (WD) Bias voltage supply to photosensors (XEC,TC) Front-end (detector signal amplification) WFD (DRS4 @2 GSPS) Trigger (ADC 80 MHz + FPGA for Type1 algorithms) Data Concentrator Board (DCB) Data collection (crate master) Transmission to PC (via Ethernet) Trigger Concentrator Board (TCB) Type2 board emulation Sequential logic registered at multiple CLK frequency Electronics for MEG-II
Backplane connectivity Star connectivity for SERDES Slave Select Bus connectivity for SPI (except SS) MISC Clock Trigger Bus Serial Peripheral Interface Bus Electronics for MEG-II
Backplane Preliminary assignment Up to 8 pairs available for each 18 diff pairs – 12.5 Gb/s 5 times Up to 8 pairs available for each WD concentrator connection Obtain the best trade off between latency and connectivity Electronics for MEG-II
WD Backplane Power supply TCB fits in WD slot Firmware programming through backplane Hot swap capable High precision master clock Fan & power control through MSCB Electronics for MEG-II
WD Layout Backplane connector AD9637 DRS4 16 inputs Spartan6 Electronics for MEG-II
synchronization via clock signal on one channel WD, DCB, crate schedule Schedule presented in Fukuoka still valid (as of 17 Dec) Layout (FPGA change, calibration signal), completed before Xmas Production of prototype board until Feb. 2014 synchronization via clock signal on one channel Electronics for MEG-II
Critical points In either case the WD must be re-disegned ADC FPGA Current choice AD9637 8 diff. inputs, 80 MHz sampling rate, 12 bits, serial LVDS output ... but 200 ns latency (used to be 50 with AD9218) significant burden onto the trigger (overall latency < 500 ns) Proposed alternative: LTM 9010-14 same I/O as above, 105 MSPS, 14 bits, 50 ns latency ... but unitary cost 190$ (instead of 50) x 1000 = 140 k$ (100 k€) extra FPGA Current choice Spartan 6 (XC6SLX150-3FGG484) To be used for WFD registration & calibration, data serialization, trigger algorithm implementation Implementation frequency must be faster than ADC sampling With a minimum amount of logic we get 135 MHz Two alternatives to be conservative: use speed grade 4 or step to next generation Artix 7 (estimated extra cost 30 k€) In either case the WD must be re-disegned Electronics for MEG-II
Timing vs. sampling speed Electronics for MEG-II
TCB Features Basic elements 12 September 2018 TCB Features Collects data from WDs from different detectors Operate event reconstruction (XEC, TC) and generate START, STOP Basic elements FPGA Kintex 7, XC7K325T-2FFG900C (speed grade 3 not available by italian resellers) In any case wide margin on: Memory resources (registers, RAMs, FIFOs, DSP sheets) IO blocks SERDES 15 pieces purchased on 2013 budget the rest (of a tot. of ~50) on 2014 bugdet for an overall cost ≤ 50 k€ OK Electronics for MEG-II
Critical issues and new features Data bus handshaking WD TCB Expected throughput : 60 bit x 80 Mhz ~ 5 Gb/s from each WD Up to ~80Gb/s data load on a low-level trigger concentrator (twice larger than current Master Type2 board) with data serialization SERDES TCB TCB Connections from/to different crates synchronous CLK needed, with the possibility to use different skews L2 trigger algorithms LUTs for hit lists track segments mapping to be implemented onto associative memories options Search on single board (track info to be transmitted to upper level board) Track finder operated on master TCB CLK synchronization Backplane design and routing, master-slave protocol definition Electronics for MEG-II
Serialization and latencies WD side IOB guaranteed up to 1050 Mb/s 6 OSERDES on each WD with 10:1 serialization on Spartan6 Implemented with MMCM/PLL for CLK multiplication DATA stream in DDR mode (i.e. on both edges of the forwarded CLK) TCB side ~100 ISERDES needed to collect data from 16 WDs need to use series 7 FPGAs (where all IOB can be used as differential ISERDES ports) Need to use also a different IDE (VIVADO instead of ISE) Spartan 6 SERDES Low cost and power consumption Resources and performances Virtex 7 Kintex 7 Artix 7 Electronics for MEG-II
SERDES test Xilinx evaluation kit (EK-K7-KC705-G) been purchased master and internal clocks through connection to FMC connectors DATA & CLK output connected to input check whether memory content is the same and how input memory shifted it is wrt output Electronics for MEG-II
The test bench RTL schematic on Kintex 7, Vivado output on 15/10/2013 ISERDES Dual-Port RAMs OSERDES PLL for transmission CLK -processor Electronics for MEG-II
Results on data serialization Data given by the output of a 5 bit counter Transmission OK 4 CLK ticks latency confirmed OK (used to be 8) to be checked with random patterns (failure rate as a function of delay) Electronics for MEG-II
TCB TCB link Low level (~40 boards) 60 output bits from any TCB, again 10:1 serialization 6 data+1 CLK output 2 HDMI front D-type connectors Intermediate level (~10 boards) Fan-in 4:1 8 HDMI D-type input connectors Data output to master TCB through the backplane connector (the same as in the case of WD) direction inverted wrt low level boards compatibility can be guaranteed Top level (1 master board) Located in the same crate as intermediate boards Receives data and CLK from the backplane (the same way of low level boards) Electronics for MEG-II
In progress FPGA firmware development Board design I/O pad assignment SERDES instantiation (input, output and possibly bidirectional) algorithms Board design Connection to backplane and front panel Conceptual layout Routing to be started only after FW completion (due to constraints on CLK region) Electronics for MEG-II
FW project Electronics for MEG-II
Pad assignment (preliminary) WD12 WD09 WD15 WD11 WD08 WD14 WD10 WD13 TRG_BUS WD07 WD05 WD02 TC03 WD04 TC00 WD01 TC02 WD03 WD00 TC01 Electronics for MEG-II
Schedule for 2014 01/2014 12/2014 Electronics for MEG-II
Conclusions Electronics design going on Board production in 2014 on time Concerns about WD trigger capability in the current configuration Other aspects to be checked as soon as prototypes are available Backplane, DCB design supposed to go on in parallel TCB Serialization/deserialization protocol established Firmware development going on Board layout to follow timing constraint fit Electronics for MEG-II
Trigger, data transmission test Xilinx evalutation boards been purchased and delivered by the end of August AES-S6PCIE-LX75T-G (utilizes Spartan 6 XC6SLX75T-3FGG676C) cost 352 E EK-K7-KC705-G (Kintex 7, XC7K325T-2FFG900C) 1440 E Electronics for MEG-II