Workshop Welcome to the DDF Annual Appeal Thank the Parish hosting Thank the Pastor House keeping Thank the Vicar Forane for his leadership and helping with this meeting Welcome to the DDF Workshop.
Presenters Theresa Montminy Julio A. Chavez Director of Mission Advancement Julio A. Chavez Parish Relations Coordinator Mrs. Montminy she is CFRE Certified Fund Raising Executive Julio Chavez La Sierra University fund raising certificate
Prayer Call the Vicar forane By Your Vicar Forane
2015 DDF Annual Appeal Topic I Terrie Intro/ overview 1). 5 ministries funded A. Catholic education B. seminarian C. Social concerns D. Prides reflif E. land develop 2). Working together to make a difference ( “Everyone Can Give!!!! “) 3). Format of workshop: A. Unique to vicariate B. Dialogue- 5 Topics Discussion / sharing information after each topic 4). Core function of Mission Advancement A. Tolls to Reach Goals B. Resource center that trains your staff
Marching toward our Goal Participation 100% Terrie 1). Most Parishes-Less than 10% 2). Formation Opportunities 3). Baseline for future Campaigns-New Church A. Renovations, Building projects
Move forward by establishing a standard Kick-off Date Topic I 2015 DDF Annual Appeal Move forward by establishing a standard Kick-off Date January 24th and 25th 2015 Terrie 1). Unite our effort so that every one hears the same message 2). TimeLine for success: A. Kick off in Parish Jan 24 & 25 B. 2nd Appeal in May C. Final Appeal Oct / Nov
Mailers being sent to the homes Topic I 2015 DDF Annual Appeal We are only mailing solicitation material to donors who have contribute $100.00 (or more) in the 2014 DDF Annual Appeal Mailers being sent to the homes by January 12th, 2015 Terrie 1). Under $100 lost opportunity for evangelization 2). Move toward pledges over one-time donation 3). These are the advance notices to those who gave over $100 in 2014
Discussion on best practices Topic I 2015 DDF Annual Appeal Discussion on best practices Q & A Group in teams five minutes
Topic II Methods that all parishes have to monitor their ongoing progress in reaching the 2015 Goal Julio
ConnectNow Reports online Topic II Methods that all parish have to monitor their ongoing progress in reaching the 2015 Goal ConnectNow Reports online 1.You have a simple follow up direction in you folder 2. Eric is the System Software administrator any system/software problem with Login if you can run the report to Reset password and add users to be able to run the report is him 3. Julio takes care of if you are missing donors 4. Is easy and faster and any time to run it don’t have to wait for a month to get it.
Access to ParishSoft to achieve common goal of 100% participation Topic II Methods that all parish have to monitor their ongoing progress in reaching the 2015 Goal Access to ParishSoft to achieve common goal of 100% participation 1.In a perfected world it is are recommendation that you clean the parish records from Parishsofth and pull reports to compeer the donors that have giving to the DDF before and solicited parishioners that have not give to the DDF in the past with a personal letter form the pastor. 2. Used your ministry in your parish to help you to get to your goals as part of there formation with in there ministry and to give them the full understanding of stewardships. That every thing we have is from him and we need to give back to him thru his people 3.We are asking 100% participation from our donors and we need to ask for 100% participation from our parish message from our parish to the donors is the commitment to help the diocese as the local church that we are one catholic and apostolic church by announcing to the parishioners that we will paid the DDF by December 31 off each year and we need all the support. This is another way to show your commitment to your Diocese and to your parishioners this will help them to understand our goal . Everyone can give something! DDF is fully funded by December 31, 2015
Quarterly billing for parishes who were not able to reach the Topic II Methods that all parish have to monitor their ongoing progress in reaching the 2015 Goal Quarterly billing for parishes who were not able to reach the 2014 DDF Appeal Goal. That are in Capital Campaign Policy from the Diocese if you are in capital campaign you don’t need to promote the DDF however the parish is responsible to paid the DDF goal by December 31, of each year as off today we are some parish that have not paid last years DDF goal. Is more productive to start any thing in life with a good fresh start rather then begging a project knowing that you left the other project not done. The second appeal DDF is not a second collation this is the only on going appeal that you have a goal to paid at the end of each year DDF is fully funded by December 31, 2015
Discussion on best practices DDF is fully funded by December 31, 2015 Topic II Methods that all parish have to monitor their ongoing progress in reaching the 2015 Goal Discussion on best practices Q & A Group in teams five minutes DDF is fully funded by December 31, 2015
Tools that have been used to increase Donor Participation Topic III Tools that have been used to increase Donor Participation Terrie
DDF Plus Tools that have been used to increase Participation Topic III Terrie 1). Donors want to see results (black sink hole) 2). Diocese goal is silent providing funds to make improvement (not capital expenses $5000 under) 3). No assessment increase for revenue over goal * Set a parish goal for small project needed. * Add that amount to the DDF Annual Appeal Goal. * Help donors to see the benefit of their investment.
In-pew Solicitation Tools that have been used to Topic III Tools that have been used to increase Participation In-pew Solicitation Terrie 1). Specifically Addresses the way Hispanics give 2). Done in Oct/Nov – many examples of 2nd donor investment 3). Pride in you parish Promote a process that moves toward building awareness of pledge contributions … instead of one time gifts
Direct Mail Tools that have been used to increase Participation Topic III Tools that have been used to increase Participation Direct Mail Terrie 1). Review of giving history mail to those who may have been away 2). Large Gifts should be acknowledged by Pastor Consider mailing request for support to parishioners who do not have contributions recorded
Discussion on best practices Topic III Tools that have been used to increase Participation Discussion on best practices Q & A Group in teams five minutes
Topic IV 2014 DDF Final Appeal “ How can we Help? ! ?” Julio
Final Appeal in-pew solicitation Topic IV 2014 DDF Final Appeal Final Appeal in-pew solicitation 6 Steps: 1. Show The 2014 DDF Annual Appeal Video. 2. Ask for pledges, not money. 3. Right after that, pass the pledge cards to the parishioners. 4. Give donors 5 minutes to fill out the pledges. 5. Ask the usher to pick up the pledge cards as soon as the five minutes has passed. 6. Thank the people. Bless them for their job, health and family. 1 follow the steps
1.Collect unpaid pledges by phone. Topic IV 2014 DDF Final Appeal 1.Collect unpaid pledges by phone. 2. Collect unpaid pledges by sending mailers to home Julio 1). Mission Advancement can provide sample script 2). Confirm with donor by Letter
Discussion on best practices Topic IV 2014 DDF Final Appeal Discussion on best practices Q & A Group in teams five minutes
Topic V Recommendations that we have to process and post contributions more efficiently Terrie
Directly P.O. Box 3579 San Bernardino, CA 92413 Topic V Tools that we have to process faster and posting faster Send checks and pledges to Agilis at P.O. Box 3579 San Bernardino, CA 92413 Directly Terrie 1). Pastoral center deliveries delay processing 2). Parish assistance- Need pledge cars and Authorization to cut the check Do not send to the Diocesan Pastoral Center
Do not send to the Diocesan Pastoral Center Topic V Tools that we have to process faster and posting faster *Balance Deposit *Create Spread Sheet DUId # Name Pledge Amount 13245 Chavez, Julio $500 $50 54327 Montminy $1000 $100 98977 Rutilio $1500 Terrie 1). Debits = Credits 2). Use excel spreadsheets (template is available) Do not send to the Diocesan Pastoral Center
Do not send to the Diocesan Pastoral Center Topic V Tools that we have to process faster and posting faster Online Giving Terrie 1). Fast, Simple-Better than credit cards 2). Limited exposure- No Fraud 3). Point Rewards 4).35% Increase last year Do not send to the Diocesan Pastoral Center
Discussion on best practices Topic V Tools that we have to process faster and posting faster Discussion on best practices Q & A Group in teams five minutes
Marching toward our Goal Participation 100% The story of the peso to dollar form me child hood Making money and I wasn’t not happy Full of fear off not be able to paid for bills The call to help and to give Happy I don’t worry about to House keeping Save the Date December, 2 2014 Kick off party at the Pastoral Center to release 2015 DDF Video Material for the 2015 Annual Appeal will be mailed to the parish the last week of Noverber
Thank you !!! Please help us by Filling out the Workshop Evaluation Thank them