SIMULATION SIMULAND PURPOSE TECHNIQUE CREDIBILITY PROGRAMMATICS What is simulated PURPOSE Why it is simulated Dewey Decimal system TECHNIQUE How it is simulated CREDIBILITY How much is simulated, and How well PROGRAMMATICS How it is controlled Scope Physical Fidelity Functional Fidelity Quality Technology Management October 2000
SIMULAND 000 Generalities 100 Philosophy & Psychology 110 Metaphysics 120 Epistemology, causation, humankind 130 Paranormal phenomena 140 Specific philosophical schools 150 Psychology 160 Logic 170 Ethics (Moral philosophy) 180 Ancient, medieval, Oriental philosophy 190 Modern Western Philosophy 200 Religion 300 Social sciences 310 General statistics 320 Political science 330 Economics 340 Law 350 Public Administration 360 Social services; association 370 Education 380 Commerce, communications, transport 390 Customs, etiquette, folklore 400 Language 500 Natural sciences & mathematics 510 Mathematics 520 Astronomy & allied sciences 530 Physics 540 Chemistry & allied sciences 550 Earth sciences 560 Paleontology Paleozoology 570 Life sciences 580 Botanical sciences 590 Zoological sciences 600 Technology (Applied sciences) 610 Medical sciences Medicine 620 Engineering & allied operations 630 Agriculture 640 Home economics & family living 650 Management & auxiliary services 660 Chemical engineering 670 Manufacturing 680 Manufacture for specific uses 690 Buildings 700 The arts 800 Literature & rhetoric 900 Geography & history October 2000
PURPOSE October 2000
CLASSICAL MATHEMATICS Continuous Discrete Matrix Algebra ODEs in space PDEs in space only Steady-State Queuing Theory Initial value numerical integration ODEs in time PDEs in time and space Dynamic Discrete Event Simulation Deterministic versus Stochastic - a third dimension ODE = Ordinary Differential Equation PDE = Partial Differential Equation October 2000
SOFT COMPUTING Fractals Dynamic Programming Game Theory Artificial Intelligence Fuzzy Logic Petri Nets Emergent Behavior SOFT COMPUTING Neural Nets Human Cognition Knowledge Based Systems Swarms Logistic Networks Simulated Annealing Genetic Algorithms Decision Trees October 2000
EXECUTION CONTROL SINGLE RUN CONTINUOUS RUN STATISTICAL OPTIMIZATION given a single set of boundary conditions and parameters, as for analytical studies CONTINUOUS RUN as for man-in-the-loop or hardware-in-the-loop, usually in real time STATISTICAL generating probability distributions OPTIMIZATION multiple runs, maximizing or minimizing a defined function October 2000
INTERFACING Interface Hardware Ergonomics Graphical Tabular Batch Distributed INTERFACING Local HITL Virtual Reality MITL Human Factors Real Time Interactive October 2000
PROGRAMMATICS TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT Computer Science Software Engineering Systems Engineering Modeling Data Structures Production Tools Verification and Validation Planning Cost and Schedule Justification Marketing Configuration Management Training Staffing October 2000
October 2000 SIMULATION PURPOSE SIMULAND Dewey Decimal Classification Policy Experimentation Feasibility Studies Requirements Gaming Prototyping Development Engineering Analysis Design Optimization Sensitivity Analysis Training Test and Evaluation Acquisition Compliance Production Product Evaluation Logistics Education Research TECHNIQUE CREDIBILITY Scope Physical Fidelity Functional Fidelity Quality EXECUTION CONTROL INTERFACING SOLUTION METHOD TBD CLASSICAL MATHEMATICS SOFT COMPUTING PROGRAMMATICS TBD Continuous Discrete Technology Management Matrix Algebra ODEs in space PDEs in space only Queuing Theory Steady-State Single Run Continuous Run Initial value numerical integration ODEs in time PDEs in time and space Discrete Event Simulation Statistics Optimization Dynamic Deterministic versus Stochastic - a third dimension October 2000