HRMS End User Training HRMS End User Training HRMS Financial Reporting Training Guide X HRMS Financial Reporting Training Guide
Financial Reporting
HRMS Payroll and Reports Classroom Introductions Welcome to Financial Reporting Security Restrooms Participant Lounge Building Evacuations Messages Cell Phones Computers Agency Goal(s) for class Name Role HRMS Payroll and Reports
Course Objectives Upon completion of this course, you will be able to: Define new terms and concepts specific to Financial Reporting. Identify the financial reports available in HRMS. Understand how to manipulate reports using the Automated List Viewer (ALV). Define how to create variants, and how to access Statewide variants. Identify the Financial reports available in the Business Intelligence.
Training Tools HRMS On-line Quick Reference (OLQR): On-line help that provided you with step-by-step instructions designed to help you complete tasks in HRMS. HRMS OLQR An online help tool that contains user procedures and process flows to be used during all activities in the training. HRMS also contains Context Sensitive Help. When accessing the Help feature while working in HRMS, the OLQR will display procedures related to the transaction the user is currently working in. Website address:
Job Aids For classes, we are no longer providing copies of job aids. Job Aids can be accessed and printed from the OLQR if you chose to print them when you get back to your desk. While you are in class, you can review the job aids found in the binder on your desk. These binders are to remain in the classroom. Job Aids – Designed to provide you with reference materials so you can quickly access relevant HRMS information. . Website address:
Financial Reporting Overview
Financial Reporting Overview Upon completion of this section, you will be able to: Define new terms related to Financial reports. List the key features and benefits of reporting in HRMS. Describe roles as they relate to the course.
Key Terms Automated List Viewer – (ALV) Tool which allows users to modify data to fit their needs. Business Area – A specific agency in the State of Washington. This is associated with each Employer Identification Number (EIN). In-Period- The current payroll period. For- Period- The prior period that was processed in the current payroll because of a retro calculation in that period. Period – The pay period for which the report, transaction, or program is being run.
Key Terms cont’d. Personnel Area – A specific agency or sub-agency in the State of WA that is organized according to aspects of personnel, time management, and payroll. It divides the organization administratively. Organizational Unit – A department, division, region or unit within an Agency. Variant – A customized version of a report with specific, individually pre-selected criteria. Used for reports which must be repetitively run. Wage Type – An object which stores amounts or time units that are used to calculate pay and deductions. Used to separate amounts and time units for various business processes. Note: By using the Personnel Area you can define smaller “chunks” of information specific to your division versus pulling data for your entire agency.
Reporting in HRMS HRMS integration provides the capability to run reports within Personnel Areas (agencies or sub-agencies) Generating reports allows you to process information quickly to support decision making Display data and filter data to be unique to each agency or sub-agency. View the report online or print immediately. Ability to export and manipulate “real-time” data.
HRMS Role Based Security Human Resource Management System (HRMS) has role-based security A “role” is defined as a major grouping of activities that reflect a specific aspect of a person’s job While a role may have several activities aligned to it, an activity can only be aligned with one role. A person may be assigned one or more roles, and roles can be assigned to one or more persons. Your assigned HRMS role dictates the information that you can create, change and display Your agency assigned your role based on what tasks you perform Financial Reporting Processor: Responsible for running financial reports within HRMS to view the data for their agencies. Fill in the Blank: _____________________ provide ___________________________ limitations so employees have the access needed to perform their daily duties. An Employees ______________________________ determine what role (s) is _______________________ to them. The role associated with Financial Reporting is the _______________________________________. They are responsible for running financial reports within HRMS to view the data for their agencies. Depending on your position, you maybe assigned multiple roles. For example a small agency may also assign the Financial Reporting Processor the Payroll Processor role. The amount of information you can view is determined by your agency structure. For example, in one agency the Financial Reporting Processor may view employee data from all agency departments, while in another agency the Financial Reporting Processor can only view data for one division.
Financial Information Process Flow Agency End Users Input information into HRMS Payroll Outputs Pre-Payroll Analysis Pre-Payroll Analysis Payroll Processing Payroll Exits Accounting Load Pre-Payroll Analysis stage, Agencies continue to input new employee data and review/verify Master Data. Run reports to verify data has been entered correctly to help identify possible payroll errors. Next we have the Payroll Process stage, it is at this stage that DOP runs payroll and the financial interpreter in simulation mode which creates the financial data that is needed to generate reports to identify errors.***GAP 2 (Financial Transactions) ***** Agencies are responsible for running these reports to identify employees with payroll errors, agencies are also responsible for correcting these errors prior to payroll exiting on day 4) and/or verify payroll processing is correct and balance payroll. The Payroll Process state will repeat it’s self on days 2 and 3 On Day 4 we have the Payroll Output process - At this point, agencies are locked out of the system, so that DOP can run payroll, and financials in production which allows the system to produce payroll, validate and assign numeric identifiers to warrants, verify that payroll is balanced and then transmitted to the Office of the State Treasurer for the release of payroll. The day 4 jobs complete, and payroll exits which leads us to the: Payroll Accounting stage. In this stage Payroll is run though the centralized accounting system Agency Financial Reporting System (AFRS) where the HRMS information is recoded to populate OFM’s system which ultimately allow reports to be generated which provide us with Payroll Accounting details, Vendor Payment details, and Payroll Posting information in report form. Payroll Accounting
Running reports using the Automated List Viewer (ALV)
Section Overview Upon completion of this section, you will be able to: Define the Automated List Viewer (ALV) toolbar Access reports available to Financial Processors Describe how to use the ALV to manipulate data of reports.
The Automated List Viewer (ALV) The Automated List Viewer (ALV) is a tool for displaying and formatting reports in HRMS While some reports are easily viewed and printed, others can be large and harder to manage (potentially as wide and as long as a table). For these reports, the ALV, enables you to visually manipulate how data is viewed in table form. Note: The ALV function is not available for all reports within HRMS.
ALV Function Options Include: Selecting/Deselecting Multiple and Single Rows, Columns and Cells Swapping and Hiding Column Locations and Altering Widths Sorting in Ascending and Descending Orders Setting and Deleting Filters Selecting and Maintaining Filter Options Changing Filter Sequences Displaying and Deleting Totals Calculating and Deleting Averages, Maximums and Minimums Creating, Displaying and Deleting Subtotals for one or more columns Saving ALV List Layouts Selecting ALV Layout Options Displaying Lists Graphically Freezing Columns Choosing Details
Financial Reports Overview Payroll Threshold Report (ZHR_RPTPYN09) Payroll Posting Report (ZHR_RPTPY126) Wage Type Reporter (PC00_M99_CWTR) Wage Type Assignment - Display G/L Accounts (PC00_M99_DKON) Federal Employer Identification Numbers (EIN) (ZHR_RPTPY061) Negative Federal Tax Per Federal EIN Report (ZHR_RPTPY600) Negative Summary Records (ZHR_RPTPY455) Payroll Journal Voucher Report (ZHR_RPTPY376) Accrued & Mandatory Payroll Deduction Report (ZHR_RPTPY010) Remittance Detail Report (PC00_M99_URMR) Quarterly: Medical Aid Detail Report (ZHR_RPTPY394) Tip: Add the OLQR to your favorites list! To access the OLQR:
HRMS Reporting - Transaction Code Map The Transaction Code used for this example is the Payroll Threshold Report Functional Area HR = Human Resources Functional Areas: PY – Payroll PA – Personnel Administration OM – Organizational Management TM – Time Management BN - Benefits Z HR _ RPT PY NO9 “Z” = Custom “RPT” = Report Report GAP #
Personalize your Favorites Folder To personalize your favorites folder: Right click on the folder Select options You can: Add sub-folders Add common transaction codes Add commonly viewed websites Tip: Select Insert transaction code to insert commonly used transactions Select Add other Objects to add commonly viewed websites. To add the Technical Names for your transaction codes: Go to the Menu Bar Select Extras Then select: Settings And select the display technical names box
Payroll Threshold Report Run this report after payroll has been run by DOP in simulation mode on days 2 and 3. The report checks the accuracy of payroll run by displaying issues that have arisen after payroll has been processed. Refer to the OLQR User Procedure: Payroll Threshold Report To access this report, enter the transaction code: ZHR_RPTPYN09 into the command field This report can be ran by: * Payroll Processor * Payroll Analyst * Payroll Inquire * Payroll Supervisor * Financial Approver
Accessing the Payroll Threshold Report Click to access the screen shown to the right Enter the Payroll Area. Choose to search by: Current period Other periods In the screen shot example the Payroll period button has already been clicked. It now a displays a Period button. In-period view will be the current period that you are in when running payroll. For-period will be the prior period that was run because of retro calculations in that period. Example: If a change was made during period 7.2009 that had a effective date change during period 5.2009 then it will have an In-Period 7.2009 For-Period 5.2009. This will show you what is being processed in that previous period to cause the retro change you are going to see in the new 7.2009 period. Common cause: A change made to an employees basic pay infotype that was made in the current pay period with a start date of a date in the past. Therefore, retros display to show changes in all periods that now have to be processed with the new basic pay rate.
Accessing the Payroll Threshold Report Fields to complete: Personnel number (s) Personnel area Personnel subarea Employee group Employee Subgroup Under the Infotype selection choose an infotype to validate by clicking the checkbox. Click (Execute) to generate report. Enter: Payroll Area: 11 Other Period: 24/2010 Personnel Area: 1110 Explain Infotype Selection- remember can select all or a few, or one Check the box next to: Arrears- Checks for employees who do not have enough money for retirement/health deductions being taken Claim- Checks for employees who have claims-over paid in prior period, agreed to pay back however do not have enough money. NET PAY GROSS PAY < 0 DEDUCTIONS NOT TAKEN NET PAY EXCEED LIMT---change to = 1800 Tip: To change the selection the Net Pay Exceed Limit is searching, place your cursor and double click to bring up the other selection values. Refer to Variants_Create and Retrieve in the OLQR
Saving a Variant- Payroll Threshold Report To save the report with your selected criteria, on the Menu Bar click Goto Variants Save as Variant Note: It is recommended to save variants using Agency code first, then naming convention. If there is a Statewide variant, there is no need to re-save the variant for your needs, just change the Business Area and/or date. If an employee leaves your agency, and there are known created variants that are not going to be used Agencies are responsible for the clean up of variants. If there are variants that need to be deleted, contact the DOP Service Center(360)664-6400 Note: You can also use [Ctrl + S] or click (Save) to save a variant.
Saving a Variant- Payroll Threshold Report Complete the Variant name and Meaning fields Click (Enter) to validate the data Click (Save) to save the data You’ll then be taken back to the report page SAVE VARIANT: Fields to complete: Variant Name- 110LEARNING020 Meaning- What the variant is capturing- there is a 30 character max for this field.(net pay period)- meaningful Protect Variant – Other users may user your variant, however they will not be able to save any changes made to the format. Tip: Clicking the ‘Protect Variant’ box will help ensure that no one will save over your variant. This is optional.
Payroll Threshold Report Click (Execute) to generate report. Refer to Variants_Create and Retrieve in the OLQR
Payroll Threshold Report
Viewing Results: Payroll Threshold Report Tip: You can also select a column and right click to display the details. To view the complete column header: select the entire report, right click and chose: optimize width. Note: Select the row and choose (Details) to display details of the row
Selecting Multiple Rows, Cells or Columns To select multiple columns: Select Personnel Area Press Shift Select Status To select NON adjacent: Press ctrl select Org Unit Txt (rt click- to hide) Note: To unselect columns click some where off the report. To select Adjacent Columns: Select a column, choose shift select the first and last of the desired column To select Non Adjacent Columns: Select a column, choose control, and select the desired columns
Hiding Unwanted Columns select hours column header rt click and hide Select rate column header, right click and hide Select unwanted column headers Right click your mouse and select hide
Sorting in Ascending and Descending Orders Select WAGE TYPE COLUMN HEADER TO DEMONSTARTE ALL THREE 1. Use the Ascending (A-Z)/Descending (Z-A) Icons located on the application toolbar. 2. Select the column to sort, and right click, select ascending/descending 3. Use the Menu bar, select Edit ascending/descending First select column to sort- options on how to sort: Select the (Ascending) or the (Descending). Right click the column to sort. Use Edit on the menu bar.
Sorting in Ascending and Descending Orders Tip: To remove the sort, simply click on the change layout icon, (You will be on the Sort Order tab) and move the sorted column over to the column set. The column displays the sort. For this screen shot, ascending was selected. Note columns headers with a red triangle in the upper right corner indicate a sort
Adding Totals & Subtotals Select amount column header to SUM Select Wage Type to subtotal Select column header to total, then click (Total) to add the total to the column Select column header to subtotal, then click (subtotal) to add the subtotal to the column
Adding Totals & Subtotals cont’d.
Adding maximums and minimums Select column: Edit Calculate Mean Value Minimum Maximum
Saving a layout Click (save layout) To create a user layout. First make the formatting changes you want. Select the save layout icon Create a Save layout name * MUST start with a letter (a-z) I.E. AB/110 wt sort Give the layout a name- something meaningful to you. Select USER SPECIFIC if you check this, only you can access the layout. If you do not check this, others will be able use your layout. Green check to save. If you ONLY check default- this will make your layout the default for the entire SOW. To add or delete selection criteria to an existing layout Select Settings/Layout/Layout Management (only 1 person can be in the log manager at a time. To delete your layout: select the layout to delete and click trash can (Delete). Once you have made your changes on the “Layout: Management” screen, click Save on the toolbar. If you make changes and try to leave the screen without saving, you will get the “Save changes?” box. Click “Yes” to save changes Click (save layout) Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + F10 From the menu bar select: Settings Layout Save
Review Questions 1. True of False? All reports within HRMS have the ALV functions available? 2. True or False? When creating a variant there is no minimum or maximum to the criteria selection? 3. What are the three ways an end user can save a Layout?
Run and View the Payroll Threshold Report HRMS Activity Scenario: You need to verify your agencies payroll information for the current pay period. Run the report and practice what you have learned. 1.Enter the transaction code: ZHR_RPTPYN09 2.Click 3.Enter the Payroll area: 11 4.Click the and enter 16/2010 5.Enter Personnel Area: 1110- Department of Personnel 6.Check: ARREARS Claims Net Pay < 0 Gross Pay < 0 Work Hours = 0 Net pay Exceeds > $ 1800 Practice what you have learned: Complete the following functions and answer questions below: Questions: What is the Maximum value in the Amount column? ___________________________ What is the Minimum value in the Amount column? ___________________________ What are the 3 ways to sort a column in ascending/descending order? _________________________________________________________________ Run and View the Payroll Threshold Report (ZHR_RPTPYN09) Function Column Hide Columns Personnel area through Status Sort Column (ascending order) Wage type Total Column Amount Sub-total Column Save your layout Use your name as layout name
Payroll Posting Report The Payroll Posting Report displays all General Ledgers and the Cost Coding. This report reads payroll posting data after it has been processed through payroll. Refer to the OLQR User Procedure: Payroll Posting Report This report can be ran by: Payroll Processor Payroll Analyst Payroll Supervisor Payroll Inquirer Financial Reporting Processor
Payroll Posting Report Statewide Variants OLQR Web address:
Payroll Posting Report Statewide Variants
Accessing Variants Enter the transaction code: ZHR_RPTPY126 into the command field. To access a variants: Click (Get Variant). Clear the created by field Click the Variant name you are selecting. Click (Choose). select SWV PAYR + REL (Payroll and Related GL 6510* )
Payroll Posting Report Fields to complete: Pay period Business Area Use the (Multiple selection) to include or exclude search criteria Click (Execute) to generate the report. Fields to complete: Pay period: 22/2010 Business Area: 3000 (exclude 3001-3019) – show how to exclude RunID: 78 Sequential Number: 1 Note: If running this report for one employee, you must also enter in the business area along with the personnel number.
Payroll Posting Report To display the data double click on the (rollup) icon
Using the Change Layout- Payroll Posting Report AFRS Sub Object NU – Pension Benefits AJ – State Other NW – Special Employment Compensation – EE group F NW – Special Employment Compensation – EE group G AA – Classified (Payscale 01 thru 8 &10, 33, 65 thru 67) AB – Higher Education Classified AC- State Exempt AD – Higher Education Classified (PayScale 43) AE – State Special AG – Commissioned State Patrol Officers AL – Higher Education Students AM- Initiative 732 – Certified Teachers AN – Justices and Judges AQ – State Ferry System AR- Elected Officials Select the (Change Layout) to change the report layout, set filters, to gather the data needed.
Using the Change Layout icon- Displayed Columns Tab Column headers listed will display on the report To re-order the columns, select the column and use one: Reorder the DISPLAYED COLUMNS- move amount after wage type text To quickly columns from the report, select from displayed columns Press shift Select PERSONNEL NUMBER, LAST NAME, FIRST NAME to move to start of the report (use the double triangle pointing up)
Using the Change Layout icon- Displayed Columns Tab Column Set Available columns for the report, but not displayed on the report. To move columns from the Column Set to Displayed Columns or from Displayed Columns to Column Set use the: (hide selected fields, or display selected fields) To hide columns that you do not wish to be displayed Select the column name from displayed columns and move to column set Scroll to end of Displayed Columns : Press shift, selecting In-period and for period Press ctrl and select Initials You can also add columns that are listed in column set to be displayed on the report: Select G/L Account add to displayed columns- use the up arrows to move before amount
Using the Change Layout icon- Sort Order Tab Allows user to Add sorts to reports From the Column Set select the column to first sort by Use the (Add sort criterion) to add Use the (Remove sort criterion to) to remove
Using the Change Layout icon - Filter Tab Two step process: 1. Select column to filter- use the (Add Filter Criterion) to Filter criteria 2. Click the (filter) to set Enter filter criteria Click (Execute/Enter) to return to Change Layout Click (transfer ) to view results
Using the Change Layout icon – Display Tab Check box next to Printout with date, Title and Page number to add page numbers and titles to report print outs. Select the (Transfer) to return back to the report with layout changes
Payroll Posting Report results
Exporting Select List: Export- Spreadsheet- select format type(Excel) Name document to save
Run and View the Payroll Posting Report HRMS Activity Directions: Your supervisor has asked for a break down of salaries sorted and totaled by staff months greater to or equal to 0.45 to 0.50 months. Use the State Wide Variant SWV EXP BY WT (Salaries only sorted by WT) to provide this information . Practice what you have just learned about using the Change Layout icon to format a report to meet your reporting need. Enter the transaction code: ZHR_RPTPY126 Click the (Get variant) to select SWV EXP BY WT (Salaries only sorted by WT) Pay Period 22/2010 Business Area 1110 Run ID: Enter 78 Sequential Number: Enter 1 Click (Execute) to generate the report Select the (rollup) icon to open the report 1. Select the (Change Layout) 2. Under the Hide Business Area and Business Area Description 3. Under the Add Last Name select\t ascending 4. Under the Filter by Staff months greater to or equal to 0.45 to 0.50 4a. Remove Sub Object, GL Account 4b. Add Staff months to Filter Criteria- select Staff months 4c. Click on (Filter criteria) 4d. Place cursor into the Staff Months Field and double click 4e. Select greater to or equal to 4f. Enter the amount 0.45 to 0.50 5. Under the Add the Date, Title and Page Number to the printout Run and View the Payroll Posting Report ZHR_RPTPY126
Wage Type Reporter Use Wage Type Reporter to run analysis on wage types used in the payroll process. This report is used to identify transactions automatically recorded in the Agency Sate payroll Revolving Account 035 in General Ledger (GL) 5199- Other payables. Refer to the OLQR User Procedure: Wage Type Reporter Refer to the Statewide Variant List for existing statewide variants. To access this report, use the transaction code: PC00_M99_CWTR This report can be ran by the: * Payroll Processor * Payroll analyst * Payroll Inquirer * Payroll Supervisor
Wage Type Reporter Click (get variant) to select variant Fields to complete: Personnel Area Payroll Period Output Click (Execute) to generate the report Select: SWV– HI ERSHARE (Employer health insurance costs) Fields to complete: Personnel Area: 2350 Payroll period- Select Other Period- enter 21/2010 Tip: To select other layouts put your cursor into the Layout Variant field and select the (match code) to display all available layouts for the report.
Wage Type Reporter- changing layouts To change the layout click (select layout) Choose a layout and double click to Select. Tip: Keyboard shortcut to select a layout: Ctrl+F9
Wage Type Reporter- changing layouts cont’d. The new layout is displayed.
Run and View the Wage Type Reporter HRMS Activity Directions: Practice what we have covered in class. 1. Add your agencies home page to your favorites folders within HRMS. For example: For The Department of Personnel I home page, I would enter www.DOP.WA.GOV into the address line. 2. . Add the Wage Type Reporter to your favorites folder: Enter the Transaction Code: PC00_M99_CWTR 3. Enter the following: Company Code: WA01 Personnel Area: 5400 Payroll area: 11 Click the enter payroll area 11, Select Other Period, Enter 22/2010 Click and add Personnel Number to Objects Selected Select the ALV Grid Control place cursor into Layout Variant select /124 WAGE TY Click (Execute) Sort Order: Last name First Name- sort in ascending order- subtotal Wage Type – sort in ascending order Wage Type Long Text- sort in descending order Filter: Wage Types- /559, /5U0, /5U1, /5UT Add the printout with Date, Title, and Page Number to the report Select another layout and practice adding, removing, totaling and subtotaling columns. Run and View the Wage Type Reporter PC00_M99_CWTR
Review Questions True of False? All reports within HRMS are accessible by using the dropdown menu path? 2. True or False? When creating a variant there is no minimum or maximum to the criteria selection? 3. True or False? Users may only use the ALV layouts that they have created?
Wage Type Assignment Run this report to view the list of all HRMS wage types and view the General Ledger account the wage type will post to in OFM’s Agency Financial Reporting System (AFRS) Refer to the OLQR User Procedure: Wage Type Assignment - Display G/L Accounts Access this report using the transaction code: PC00_M99_DKON
Wage Type Assignment Fields to complete: Company Code Key Date Select Cost Planning Select Display as variable list Click (Execute) to generate the report. Scenario: DOP has sent a communication that new wage types have been added to the system. Run this report to produce a current list of all HRMS Wage Types and view the GL they will post to. Fields to complete: Country group – 10 USA (defaults in) Wage Type – Leave this selection blank to capture all wage types, or specify the wage (s) or range of wage types to view. Company Code- WA01 (Default for Washington State) Key Date- Defaults to today's’ date Cost Planning- select Note: Display as variable list – to view in ALV format. Display as tree- drill down method. Not recommend if viewing all wage types. Tip: To view agency specific cost objective for a wage type, use the Tree view and key in specific wage types
Wage Type Assignment-display as variable list This report displays: Wage Types Wage type name General Ledger number and name Activity: Add the Symbolic Account and Description of the symbolic account to the layout of the report. Create a filter to display the wage type and G/L Account; Enter wage type 1003 (pay period salary) and wage type 1222 (reg. hours worked salaried) G/L Acct- enter *AA* to search for all General Ledgers that have AFARS Sub Object AA within the GL. Question: What is the G/L for Wage Type 1003??
Wage Type Assignment-display as tree To display General ledgers: Select Wtype assignment Click (expand subtree) To close each folder: Click (collapse subtree)
Position Cost Distribution Report Used to identify the Cost Distribution Infotype (1018) for each position within your agency. Refer to the OLQR User Procedure: Cost Distribution- Position Access this report using the transaction code: ZHR_RPTFI1018
Position Cost Distribution Report Sections to complete: Report Effective Date* Position Selections Infotype Selections ALV Report Variant Click (Execute) to generate the report Enter: Report Date Personnel Area- 1111 Tip: In the ALV Report Variant area, select the appropriate variant layout. This is optional. Here are a list of available layouts: * Note: Report Effective date based on the start date of the Position Layout Name Description /Budgeted Indicates whether the Position’s Budget field contains a ‘X’ /IFACE Interface 39 layout /Vacancy PI Displays position vacancies with program index /Vacant Budg Displays vacant and budgeted positions
Position Cost Distribution Report Screen 1 of 2
Position Cost Distribution Report Screen 2 of 2
Employee Cost Distribution Report Used to identify employees within your agency who have a Cost Distribution Infotype (0027). Refer to the OLQR User Procedure: Cost Distribution- Employee Access this report using the transaction code: ZHR_RPTFI0027
Employee Cost Distribution Report Sections to complete: Effective Date Employee Selections Infotype Selections ALV Report Variant Click (Execute) to generate the report Fields to complete: Effective Start/End 12/1/2010 to 12/15/2010 Payroll Area: 11 Business Area: 1000
Employee Cost Distribution Report
Employee Cost Distribution Report
Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN) Report The Federal Employer Identification Number report provides the list of Federal EIN numbers for each agency. Refer to the OLQR User Procedure: Federal Employer Identification Numbers Access this report using the transaction code: ZHR_RPTPY061
Federal Employer Identification Numbers There are two layouts for this report. ALV Report Standard Report Click (Execute) to generate the report.
Federal EIN cont’d. What are the employer ID numbers for the following agencies? Office of the Governor State Treasurer Liquor Control Board DSHS Headquarters WA State Patrol Department of Agriculture
Negative Federal Tax Per Employer Identification Identifies all Employer Identification Numbers (EIN’s) which have a negative total by tax type for any specific payroll period. Refer to the OLQR User Procedure: Negative Tax per Federal EIN Report Access this report using the transaction code: ZHR_RPTPY600
Negative Federal Tax Per EIN Fields to complete: Payroll Area Select the reporting period Enter the Federal Tax ID Click (Execute) to generate the report. Note: You can enter one Federal Tax Number, or you can enter multiple, by using the multiple selection icon Enter the Payroll Area (usually 11 semi-monthly) Create the report by Current period or Other period. Enter a single tax ID in the Federal Tax ID Field, or enter a range of ID’s to include or exclude.
Negative Federal Tax Per EIN This report will display only EIN’s with a negative totals.
Negative Summary Records Report Use the Negative Summary Records report to identify any negative third party remittances that may have been generated from: Warrant cancellation Credit / Miscellaneous Deductions Retroactive Change Run this report for every payroll to have documentation of any negative deductions and for fund reconciliation. Refer to the OLQR User Procedure: Negative Summary Records Access this report using the transaction code ZHR_RPTPY455
Negative Summary Records Fields to complete: Payroll Area Other Periods Business Area Click (Execute) to generate the report. Payroll Area : 11 Other Period: 23/2008 Business Area (Agency Number) 4650 Click Execute to generate the report. Note: If no records are found you will receive the message No Negative 3rd Party Remittance Records Found
Click on the (detail) for further detail Negative Summary Records Report Results Summary View Click on the (detail) for further detail Details View
Payroll Journal Voucher Report Use this report to display all transfers of monies between agencies, Electronic Funds Transfers, treasury and/or treasury funds. Refer to the OLQR User Procedure: Payroll Journal Voucher Report Access this report using the transaction code ZHR_RPTPY376. This report can be ran by: Payroll Processor Payroll Analyst Payroll Supervisor Payroll Inquirer Financial Reporting Processor
Payroll Journal Voucher Report Fields to complete: Payroll Area Payroll Period Pay Date Business Area Report ID Click (Execute) to generate the report.
Payroll Journal Voucher 1 of 2
Payroll Journal Voucher 2 of 2
Accrued and Mandatory Payroll Deduction Reports Used to show: Medical aid and industrial insurance Court payments Social Security and Medicare for both employees and employer Retirement summaries by plan Refer to the OLQR User Procedure: Accrued and Mandatory Payroll Deductions Access this report by using the transaction code ZHR_RPTPY010.
Accrued and Mandatory Payroll Deduction Reports Click to the select payroll period. Enter the Payroll Area. Enter the Period to search by: Current period Other periods In-period view For-period view Enter the appropriate selection in the Selections field. Select Report Type. Click (Execute) to generate the report. Payroll area: 11 Pay period current Business Area: 3000 **** use 2350 for Court Payment ***** Choose a radio button in the Select Report Type area. (Only one button at a time) Medical Aid radio button displays medical aid, industrial insurance, employee and employer shares by risk class. Court Payments radio button details court payments. Federal Tax radio button displays the Social Security and Medicare for both the employee and employer. Retirement Plan radio button details retirement summaries by plan.
Accrued and Mandatory Payroll Deduction Reports – Medical Aid Note: To view Employee Level Detail- employee name and amount each employee paid Run the Flexible Employee Data (ZHR_RPTPAN02)
Accrued and Mandatory Payroll Deduction Reports – Court Payment
Accrued and Mandatory Payroll Deduction Reports – Employee/State Mandatory Deductions
Accrued and Mandatory Payroll Deduction Reports – Retirement Plans
Payroll Journal This report is used for Payroll certification based on the State of Washington Office of Financial Management State Administrative & Accounting Manual (SAAM) Chapter 25.20.30. Refer to the OLQR User Procedure: Payroll Journal Access this report using the transaction code: ZHR_RPTPYN33
Payroll Journal Fields to complete: Payroll area Current Period Other Period Personnel Area Personnel subarea Click (Execute) to generate the report. Payroll Area: 11 Current period Business Area 5400 Tip: Use Org structure- to run by specific org Tip: Use the Org. Structure to run report for a specific division/unit.
Viewing Results: Payroll Journal Screen 1 of 2 Note: If there are mid-period transfers during the reporting period, these transfers will appear at the bottom of this report. The employees entire pay will appear on both the gaining and losing agencies Payroll Journal.
Viewing Results: Payroll Journal Screen 2 of 2
Run and View the Payroll Journal HRMS Activity Scenario: You need to verify the payroll run for 11/16/2008 thru 11/30/2008 for your sub division. 1. Enter the transaction code ZHR_RPTPYN33 Enter the Payroll Area: 11 Click the Enter 20/1010 Click and select : Scroll through the list of agencies until you reach Department of Personnel (111) and select: Click (Continue/Enter) to return to the selection criteria screen Click (Execute) Questions? What is the total net pay for the reporting period for Org Key 2000? What is this report used for? Run and View the Payroll Journal (ZHR_RPTPYN33)
Remittance Detail Report Is used to provide a list of warrants that are not mailed out centrally by OFM. This can act as the agencies Miscellaneous Deduction Register (MDR). Refer to the OLQR User Procedure: 3rd Party Reconciliation Access the Remittance Detail Report using the transaction code PC00_M99_URMR
Remittance Detail Report Fields to complete: Company Code Business Area Vendor Due Date Click (Execute) to generate the report. Select Get Variant Key SWV* Select: Business Area: 5400 Execute
Remittance Detail Report Print this report by Vendor number to send as the MDR with the warrant. To view the report detail double click line numbers.
Remittance Detail Print Preview Agencies can print the remittance detail and send to vendors along with their payments Displays: Vendor Name Amount being sent Due Date Number of employees Employee’s personnel number SSN Amount being paid by each employee Tip: Another view/printing option for the Reconciliation of Remittance Posting Items is to click the (Back button) once the image on the slide displays to receive:
Wage Types Not in Use Report displays all wage types that were at one time used within HRMS and are no longer being used by the system. Use this report as a reference tool to identify old wage types. Access the Wage Types Not in Use by using the transaction code: ZHR_RPTPY164
Wage Types Not in Use Report Click to specify payroll area Fields to complete: Payroll Area Click (execute) to generate the report Enter PAYROLL AREA 11 Click Other Period- 22/2010 Personnel Area: 5400 Click execute!!
Wage Types Not in Use Report Report displays wage types no longer being used by HRMS
Percentage of Employee’s with direct deposit Report provides agencies with: Total number of employees paid Total number of employees paid by warrant Total number of employees paid by direct deposit Actual percentage of employees paid by direct deposit Access the Percentage of Employee’s with direct deposit by using the transaction code ZHR_RPTPY493
Percentage of Employee’s with direct deposit Fields to complete: Payroll Area Personnel Number Personnel Area Click (Execute) to generate the report Fields to complete: Payroll area= 11 Current period personnel area-1110(Department of Personnel) Use the Org. Structure to enter your org unit to run by specific org units within your agency.
Percentage of Employee’s with direct deposit Report displays: Total number of employees paid for pay period, number of employees paid by warrant, direct deposit and the percent of employees paid by direct deposit
Review Questions Which report is used to display the transfers of money between agencies? 2. Which report displays the General Ledger that each Wage Type reports to? 3. True or False? If there are mid period transfers the transferring employees’ entire pay information only displays on the gaining agencies’ Payroll Journal?
Quarterly Reports
Quarterly Report Upon completion of this section you will be able to: Run Medical Aid Report (ZHR_RPTPY394) to view quarterly gross salary and work hours by medical aid risks class.
Medical Aid Detail Report Displays quarterly gross salary (inclusive of wage types subject to Medical Aid only) and work hours by medical aid risk class code for the quarter Refer to OLQR User Procedure Medical Aid Detail Report Access this report using the transaction code: ZHR_RPTPY394
Medical Aid Detail Report Fields to complete: Payroll Area Other Periods Company Code Personnel Area Click ( Execute) to generate the report. Payroll area: 11 Other Periods: 13/2010 to 18/2010 Payroll Area: 11 Company Code: WA01 Personnel Area: 1110
Medical Aid Detail Report Tip To view employee level detail, run the Payroll Posting Report (ZHR_RPTPY126) selecting the SWV GL5187 Use the information from this report and go to Labor and Industries File Quarterly Reports to register and file the quarterly medical aid. To file your quarterly reports with L&I, to , select the Claims and Insurance Tab
Review Questions 1. What is the Medical Aid Report used for? 2. What is the name of the report that can be used to view the employee level detail of the Medical Aid Report?
Helpful Tips
Tip # 1- How to highlight a list of PRNR’s to copy to another report —ALV format Enter the report transaction code in the command field to access the report For this example: (ZHR_RPTPY126) Highlight the column (or row) to copy Right click and select Copy text
Tip # 1- How to highlight a list of PRNR’s to copy to another report —ALV format cont’d. Access the report to paste the copied field For this example we accessed the Payroll Journal (ZHR_RPTPYN33) Click the multiple selection Press CTRL+V to paste entries
Tip # 2- How to highlight a PDF or SAP standard form Once the report has generated Press CTRL+Y to highlight Select data to copy Instructor notes: This tip is to be used when you want to copy/highlight information from a report that is an SAP standard report. First you will want to of course enter the reports transaction code into the command field. Press enter to access the report. For this example, we will be using the Payroll Journal (ZHR_RPTPYN33) Enter the selection criteria screen and press execute to generate the report. Once the report has generated, press CTRL+ Y your cursor will turn into a crosshair and you will be able to highlight rows/columns
Tip # 2- How to highlight a PDF or SAP standard form Press CTRL+C to copy the data Enter the report transaction code into the command field: /NZHR_RPTPY394 Press CTRL+V to paste the copied personnel numbers
Tip # 3- Use Quick cut and Paste functionality To turn on: Click (Customize local layout) Select Quick cut and Paste To turn off: Click (Customize local layout)Turn on the Quick Cut and Paste function:
Business Intelligence Reports
Business Intelligence Reports Upon completion of this section, you will be able to: Describe the benefits of the Business Intelligence. Define the difference between roles for HRMS and the Business Intelligence Describe how to access the Business Intelligence to run Financial Reports. Identify where to access Self-Paced training material for the Business Intelligence
Benefits of the Business Intelligence Stores data in one place to allow efficient retrieval, reducing time spent gathering data. A single query can contain what traditionally would be found in multiple reports, reducing the number of “hits” on the system. Ability to “slice and dice” data and customize the look and feel of a pre-defined report for individual analysis. Response time results in less stress on the HRMS system.
Business Intelligence Security The ability to access BI reports, specific functions and data within the BI environment is controlled by HRMS BI Security. BI User Role: Agency HRMS BI users will be mapped to either a “BI End User” or “BI Power user”. All BI users can access reports via the HRMS Portal, but only Power users will be able to create ad hoc queries. BI InfoProvider Role: The ability to access reports, depends on the infoprovider role BI user is assigned: HR/Payroll/Time Data HR/Payroll/Time with Financial Data Financial data only
Accessing the Business Intelligence
Common Business Intelligence Reports
Schedule of BI InfoProvider Updates The following table provides an overview of the data load frequency for BI InfoProviders: InfoProvider Update Frequency Data Load Schedule AFRS Payroll Accounting Data (ZPY_C51) Daily (note: AFRS Payroll Accounting Transactional Data will be updated when an adjustment has been made and a new AFRS file is available. If no adjustments have occurred, AFRS Payroll Accounting Transactional Data will be updated after the next payroll exit) Daily Headcount (ZPAPA_C02) Headcount and Personnel Actions (ZPA_C01) Employee Specific Payroll Data (0PY_C02) Semi-Monthly After Payroll Exit Quota Data (ZPT_C51) Time and Labor (0PT_C01) Headcount and Education (ZPA_M50) Monthly 1st Friday/mo* Staffing Assignments (ZPAOS_C01)
BI Report Overview
Business Intelligence Website address:
Summary Throughout the day, you have learned about: New terms and concepts specific to Financial Reporting. The different financial reports available in HRMS. Manipulating reports using the Automated List Viewer (ALV). Creating variants and accessing Statewide variants. Identify Financial reports available in the Business Intelligence.
Resources The following resources are available for your use: Department of Personnel’s Service Center (360) 664-6400 Customer Support Web site: The Business Intelligence Self Paced Learning Materials: The On-Line Quick Reference (OLQR) The Office of Financial Management
HRMS Support The HRMS Support website is a point of contact for internal and external clients of DOP’s Information systems, websites and internal networks. Address:
HRMS Message Center Address:
ZAlert System Messages Messages are sent by the ISD Customer Support unit and will appear when logged into the system or when first logging in. ZAlerts will last up to 2 hours after being displayed. Once the message has expired you will no longer see the message. Messages will vary and may contain information regarding payroll pick-up or may direct you to the HRMS Message Center.
Question and Answer
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