WJEC Eduqas GCE A Level Course Outline 2017-19
Course Structure The two-year course is divided into six broad themes: Changing Landscapes Coastal or Glaciated Landscapes Changing Places Global Systems Water and Carbon Cycles Global Governance: Challenge and Change Processes and Patterns of Global Migration Global Governance of the Earth’s Oceans Tectonic Hazards Contemporary Themes in Geography A choice of two from: Ecosystems; Economic Growth and Challenge: India or China or Development in an African Context; Energy Challenges and Dilemmas; Weather and Climate A seventh theme (21st Century Challenges) combines themes and issues from different parts of the course and therefore will not be taught separately
Assessment summary for the course Component 1: Changing Landscapes and Changing Places [1h 45m – 20.5%] A: Changing Landscapes B: Changing Places In each of the above sections there will be two compulsory structured, data response questions and one compulsory extended response question Component 2: Global Systems and Global Governance [2h – 27.5%] A: Global Systems B: Global Governance: Change and Challenges C: 21st Century Challenges One compulsory extended response question drawing on both Components 1 and 2 with resource material (synoptic) Component 3: Contemporary Themes in Geography [2h 15m – 32%] A: Tectonic Hazards One compulsory extended response question B: Contemporary Themes in Geography Two essay questions – one from a choice of two for each of the two optional themes Component 4: Independent Investigation [20%] Non-exam assessment: one written independent investigation (3000-4000 words), based on the collection of both field data and secondary information
Year Plan 2017-19 (draft) Year 12 Year 13 Changing Places Tectonic Hazards Undecided Undecided and Independent Investigation preparation Glaciated Landscapes Ecosystems Fieldwork (4 days) Half-term break Christmas Easter Year 13 Continue with A level course Complete Independent Investigation – submission deadline: end of Autumn Term Revisions & exams Material posted on website – including specification Use of Supervised Study periods Expectations Lesson style
Useful Texts Student Guides from Hodder Education Changing Places [ISBN 978-1-4718-6405-6] Glaciated Landscapes; Tectonic Hazards [ISBN 978-1-4718-9950-8] – NOT the one with Coastal Landscapes! Water and Carbon Cycles [ISBN 978-1-4718-6415-5] Global Governance; Fieldwork and Investigative Skills [ISBN 978-1-4718-6416-2]