Milton Glaser
Born 1929 Jewish boy who grew up in the Bronx in New York. As a boy, drew pictures for neighborhood kids. Went to a fine arts based high school in New York, then educated at Cooper Union in the arts. With a Fulbright Scholarship he studied at The Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna Italy .
Glaser founded Pushpin Studios with classmate after Graduation- 1954. Pushpin was extremely influential in the world of Graphic Design.
Founded New York Magazine in 1968. Was the Model for City Magazines and stimulated a lot of imitations
Created a Design firm WBMG (Walter Bernard and Milton Glaser) in 1983 They have designed over 50 magazines, newspapers and periodicals around the world Worked with: LA Times, The Boston Globe, The Dallas Times Herald, ESPN, The Journal of Art... They redesigned 3 major newspapers The Washington Post- US La Vanguardia- Barcelona, Spain O Globo- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Created his own company, Milton Glaser Inc.- 1974 Logos, Print Graphics, Stationery, Brochures, Signage, and Annual Reports New York State I <3 NY Graphics for Restaurants in World Trade Center Tony Kushner's Pulitzer Prize Winning Play Angels in America...
Did work in interior design for restaurants and grocery stores. Designed illustrations, posters, logos, album art, magazine layout, cover design, etc. Master in commercial art. Referred to as a “modern day renaissance man”.
http://www. telegraph. co features/8303867/Milton-Glaser-his-heart-was- in-the-right-place.html