TTC - JLab - Bob Laxdal - TRIUMF WG1 Introduction Conveners: Sebastien Bousson, Yuan He, Bob Laxdal Several projects of high intensity hadron linear SCRF accelerators around the world are in operation, construction or design. They involve many forms of SRF cryomodules based on a variety of low, medium and high beta superconducting RF resonators designed to withstand long pulse or CW beam operation. Working Group n°1 should organize a review and a discussion about the recent designs and the recent developments, based on experimental results on cavity RF tests, problems and technical solutions for cavity fabrication, coupler and tuner limitations, cryomodule assembly and RF performance.WG-1 should also be opened to neighboring topics like experience in low-beta machine operation and upgrades, cold RF measurements and coupler test benches, or other CW applications. 11/5/2012 TTC - JLab - Bob Laxdal - TRIUMF
TTC - JLab - Bob Laxdal - TRIUMF General Comments Many new hadron facilities are proposed or in progress using low and medium beta technology FRIB marks a watershed moment for low and medium beta SC technology – it is a huge undertaking with ~400 cavities required – many technical challenges foreseen within the project and in industry – will require support from the broader community – TTC can play an important role Issues are: cw operation, high intensity beams, wide velocity range, industrial scale production 11/5/2012 TTC - JLab - Bob Laxdal - TRIUMF
TTC - JLab - Bob Laxdal - TRIUMF Low Beta Hadron Linacs Existing or Proposed ISAC-II FRIB ReA3 B-ISOL SPIRAL-II IUAC HIE-I IFMIF RISP CADS ANL LNL Project-X SARAF 11/5/2012 TTC - JLab - Bob Laxdal - TRIUMF
Upgrades, Projects and Proposals for Ions Lab SC Sol RT quads Particle Structure ISAC-II TRIUMF HI QWR Upgrade ANL HI-Linac IUAC SARAF-I SOREQ P, d HWR ReA3 MSU FRIB QWR, HWR IFMIF Various d Project-X FNAL H- HWR, spoke C-ADS IHEP, IMP p B-ISOL CIAE/PKU P,d,HI QWR, HWR, spoke HIE-REX CERN QWR (sputter) SPIRAL-II GANIL P,d RISP Korea P, HI QWR, HWR, Spoke 11/5/2012 TTC - JLab - Bob Laxdal - TRIUMF
TTC - JLab - Bob Laxdal - TRIUMF Presentations Operational experience from SNS and ISAC-II Project updates focusing on leading edge performance, technical challenges and new cavity developments Asia – IMP, IHEP and KEK Americas – FRIB, ANL, ODU Europe - ESS, IFMIF, Spiral-II, U. Frankfurt 11/5/2012 TTC - JLab - Bob Laxdal - TRIUMF