Nelson Mandela is preparing to save the blacks facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes Nelson Mandela Logout Nelson Mandela is preparing to save the blacks Wall Info Photos Boxes Write something… Share View photos of NM(5) Nelson Mandela omw home with F. W. De Klerk from jail Send NM a message Poke message Nelson Mandela on da phone with De Klerk Information Networks: South Africa . Birthday: July 18,1918 Political: Democrat Religion: Methodist Hometown: johanneoburg Nelson Mandela reading A is for Africa Nelson Mandela listening to Can You Feel The Love Tonight Friends Nelson Mandela who want to help me save Africa!?!?!?! F.W. M.J BE princess oprah obama
Nelson Mandela is preparing to save the blacks facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes Nelson Mandela Logout Nelson Mandela is preparing to save the blacks Wall Info Photos Boxes Basic Information Networks: South Africa Sex: Male Birthday: July18, 1918 Hometown: Johanneoburg Relationship Status: Married to Grace Marcel Political Views: Democrat Religious Views: Methodist View photos of NM(5) Send NM a message Poke message Personal Information Activities: reading, politics Interests: free blacks Favorite Music: Can You Feel The Love Tonight Favorite Movies: Count Down To Freedom Favorite TV Shows: toddlers and tiaras Favorite Books: A Is For Africa Information Networks: South Africa Birthday: July 18,1918 Political: Democrat Religion: Methodist Hometown: Johanneoburg Contact Information Photos 2 Albums Address: 107 Central Street Houghton 2198 South Africa Phone Number: +27 (0)11 547 5600
Nelson Mandela is preparing to SAVE the blacks facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes Nelson Mandela Logout Nelson Mandela is preparing to SAVE the blacks Wall Info Photos Boxes Photos of NM 4Photos NM’s Albums 4 Photo Alums 1 photo Profile Pictures