Teaching American History Grant counting on grace: Children of the Mills Teaching American History Grant Cheryl Metz, NBCT Washington Academy 2011
Everyone of these was working in the cotton mill at North Pownal, Vt Everyone of these was working in the cotton mill at North Pownal, Vt., and they were running a small force. Dave Noel, Theo. Momeady, 15, working three years. Albert Sylvester, 16, working 1 year; Eugene Willett, 13, working 1 year; Arthur Noel, 15, working 1 year; P. Tetro, 15, working 1 year; T. King, 14, working one year. Clarence Noel 11 working one year. Location: No[rth] Pownal, Vermont. http://contentdm.ad.umbc.edu/cdm4/item_viewer.php?CISOROOT=/hinecoll&CISOPTR=1636&CISOBOX=1&REC=1
Youngsters making bands, cotton mill, North Pownal, Vt Youngsters making bands, cotton mill, North Pownal, Vt. Clarence Noel, 11 years old. http://contentdm.ad.umbc.edu/cdm4/item_viewer.php?CISOROOT=/hinecoll&CISOPTR=1635&CISOBOX=1&REC=2
Every one of these was working in the cotton mill at North Pormal [i.e., Pownal], Vt. and they were running a small force. Rosie Lapiare, 15 years; Jane Sylvester, 15 years; Runie[?] Cird, 12 years; R. Sylvester, 12 years; E. [H.?] Willett, 13 years; Nat. Sylvester, 13 years; John King, 14 years; Z. Lapear, 13 years. Standing on step. Clarence Noel 11 years old, David Noel 14 years old. http://contentdm.ad.umbc.edu/cdm4/item_viewer.php?CISOROOT=/hinecoll&CISOPTR=1634&CISOBOX=1&REC=3
Two young doffers cotton mill North Pormal [i.e., Pownal], Vt. http://contentdm.ad.umbc.edu/cdm4/item_viewer.php?CISOROOT=/hinecoll&CISOPTR=1633&CISOBOX=1&REC=4
Every one of these was working in North Pownal Vermont cotton mill and work was slack. http://contentdm.ad.umbc.edu/cdm4/item_viewer.php?CISOROOT=/hinecoll&CISOPTR=1631&CISOBOX=1&REC=6
[Addie Card], anaemic little spinner in North Pownal Cotton Mill. http://contentdm.ad.umbc.edu/cdm4/item_viewer.php?CISOROOT=/hinecoll&CISOPTR=1632&CISOBOX=1&REC=5
What inferences might you make about the working conditions for the children of the mills? Consider… Conditions of their work area? How their dress of the time affected working in this situation? The number of hours they would have spent there?
Comparison of Baptisimal Record and Age Certificate of Stanley Letuvinak (American name, Thomas Long). Born according to baptismal record May 10, 1897; date of birth given in age certificate was June 10, 1893, in order to make him 14 years of age. He was killed by falling from a breaker at Wanamie, Pa., when only 10 years of age.
How do you think life was different for immigrant families with relative wealth? Consider… Their dress? Available food? Living conditions?
Alphonse Joseph Debuigne and Eugenie Marie Delourme Debuigne and their two children, Alphonse Paul (the submitter's father) age 3 years, and Sophie Eugenie Debuigne, age 8 years. Photo taken abt 1906, two years after arriving from Roubaix, France via Ellis Island, N.Y. and settling in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Alphonse's profession was a weaver (tisserand) in France which he continued after immigration to the USA.
Sources Haddix, Margaret Peterson. Uprising. Simon & Shuster, New York. 2007, 352 pp. Paterson, Katherine. Bread and Roses, Too. Houghton Mifflin, New York.2006 Winthrop, Elizabeth. Counting on Grace. Yearling (Random House), New York. 2006, 233 pp. http://www.loc.gov/pictures/search/?q=Lewis+Hine&sp=1&st=gallery Photography of Lewis Hine, Prints & Photographs http://contentdm.ad.umbc.edu/cdm4/results.php?CISOBOX1=%22Lewis+Hine%22+and+%22North+Pownal%22&CISOOP1=all&CISOROOT=all&CISOFIELD1=CISOSEARCHALL&ss=1 University of Maryland, Baltimore County Digital Collection