Unit Test: The Gilded Age


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Presentation transcript:

Unit Test: The Gilded Age

The Rise of Segregation Immigration and Urbanization Settling the west The Industrial Age Labor Unions Immigration and Urbanization 200 200 200 200 200 400 400 400 400 400 600 600 600 600 600 800 800 800 800 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

This Supreme Court case made segregation a fact of life in What was Plessy v. Ferguson? This Supreme Court case made segregation a fact of life in the nation. Row 1, Col 1

This was another name for the Great Plains. What was The Great American Desert? This was another name for the Great Plains. 1,2

He improved the incandescent Who was Thomas Edison? He improved the incandescent light bulb. 1,3

What was the Gilded Age? The period from 1865-1900. 1,4

further immigration in 1882. What was Chinese? This group was denied further immigration in 1882. 1,5

These were laws that described What were Jim Crow laws? These were laws that described segregation 2,1

This is where Custer and his army were defeated by the Indians. What was the Little Big Horn? This is where Custer and his army were defeated by the Indians. 2,2

This is the theory that the best businessmen will rise to the top What was Social Darwinism? This is the theory that the best businessmen will rise to the top and get rich. 2,3

He led the Knights of Labor. Who was Terence Powderly? He led the Knights of Labor. 2,4

Americanization of immigrant children. What was public schools? This was crucial to the Americanization of immigrant children. 2,5

This African American leader promoted immediate equality Who was W.E.B. DuBois? This African American leader promoted immediate equality and constitutional rights. 3,1

He invented barbed wire. Who was Joseph Glidden? He invented barbed wire. 3,2

He wrote a book called “The Gospel of Wealth” and was a Who was Andrew Carnegie? He wrote a book called “The Gospel of Wealth” and was a steel company owner. 3,3

Created exams for government What was the Pendleton Act? Created exams for government jobs. 3,4

This is where many European immigrants saw their first What was Ellis Island? This is where many European immigrants saw their first sights of America. 3,5

This African American leader was willing to accept racial separation Who was Booker T. Washington? This African American leader was willing to accept racial separation and believed the path to equality was through education and economic success. 4,1

This granted settlers 160 acres of land if they stayed on it and What was the Homestead Act? This granted settlers 160 acres of land if they stayed on it and worked the land for 5 years. 4,2

This type of business allowed for the control of all of the supply of What was monopoly? This type of business allowed for the control of all of the supply of a product. 4,3

Who was Samuel Gompers? He led the AFL. 4,4

People who came from Southern and Eastern Europe are referred to What were “new” immigrants? People who came from Southern and Eastern Europe are referred to in this term. (What do they call these people). 4,5

organization in pursuit of equality for African Americans. What was the NAACP? W.E.B. DuBois formed this organization in pursuit of equality for African Americans. 5,1

trans-continental railroad came together. What was Promontory Point, Utah? This is where the first trans-continental railroad came together. 5,2

What industry was revolutionized by the Bessemer process? What was steel? What industry was revolutionized by the Bessemer process? 5,3

Types of workers the AFL accepted. What were only skilled workers? Types of workers the AFL accepted. 5,4

Established in poor neighborhoods where middle-class residents What were settlement houses? Established in poor neighborhoods where middle-class residents lived and helped the poor. 5,5

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