Well-formed and Valid XML Documents 168493 XML and Web Services (II/2546) Well-formed and Valid XML Documents Kanda Runapongsa (krunapon@kku.ac.th) Dept. of Computer Engineering Khon Kaen University Dept. of Computer Engineering, Khon Kaen U.
168493: XML and Web Services (II/2546) Well-formed & Valid Well-formed XML documents are the XML documents that obey XML syntax Valid XML documents are the XML documents that follow the rules of the schema of XML documents Well-formed XML documents do not need to be valid 168493: XML and Web Services (II/2546)
Well-formed XML Documents 168493 XML and Web Services (II/2546) Well-formed XML Documents Must have XML Declaration Must have the root element Elements must have a closing tag Elements must be properly nested Element name of the end-tag must match with that of the start-tag <b><i>text is bold and italic</b></i> Not <b><i>text is bold and italic</b></i> 168493: XML and Web Services (II/2546) Dept. of Computer Engineering, Khon Kaen U.
Well-formed XML Documents (Cont.) Attribute values must always be quoted Element and attribute names cannot be started with xml (for both uppercase and lowercase) Special characters (< and &) cannot be used in text as they are used in markup 168493: XML and Web Services (II/2546)
Some Rules for Checking “Valid” The value of attribute of ID type must be unique between all values of all ID attributes The value of IDREF attribute must match the value of some ID attribute in the document The value of IDREFS attribute can contain several references to elements with ID attribute separated with whitespaces. 168493: XML and Web Services (II/2546)
168493: XML and Web Services (II/2546) Examples DTD: <!ELEMENT AAA (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST AAA id ID #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT BBB (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST BBB ref IDREF #REQUIRED> XML: <AAA id=“1”>Hello</AAA> <BBB ref=“1”>Hi</BBB> 168493: XML and Web Services (II/2546)