BIA Tribal Transportation Program Tribal Interior Budget Council Subcommittee on Road Maintenance Twin Arrows Resort and Conference Center Flagstaff, AZ July 27, 2017
Topics Overview of Subcommittee Nomination of Additional Co Chairs FY2017 Budget (TTP and BIA Road Maint.) GAO Report: TRIBAL TRANSPORTATION - Better Data Could Improve Road Management and Inform Indian Student Attendance Strategies Data Reporting under the FAST Act
Subcommittee Overview Established in March 2016 Accomplishments: Plan of action development Recommendations to full TIBC on establishing 4 priorities Separate line item ∙ Data Collection Emergency fund pool ∙ Include deferred maint. In annual budget report Survey on Data collection (GPRO providing assistance): August 2017 implementation
Subcommittee Recommendation Co-Chairs: Dakota Longbrake, Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe - Existing Dave Kelley, Oglala Sioux Tribe - New Michael Lomayaktewa, Hopi Tribe - New
FY2017 TTP Funding Summary -7.2%
FY2017 Budget (BIA Road Maint.) FY2017 Road Maintenance FY2017 Interior Appropriations Language: Road maintenance is funded at $30,307,000. The Bureau is urged to focus the program increase on roads and bridges in poor or failing condition, particularly along school bus routes. The Bureau is directed to consolidate the reporting requirements for road maintenance contained in the House and Senate reports and to report back to the Committees within 60 days of enactment of this Act.
FY2017 Budget (BIA Road Maint.) (Cont.) 1. Focus increase on roads and bridges in poor or failing condition, particularly along school bus routes. 2. Consolidate the reporting requirements in the House and Senate reports. Reports: 16% of BIA roads are in acceptable condition 67% of BIA Bridges are in acceptable condition Concern by substantial Road Maint. Backlog (Deferred Maint) Safety and emergency access to remote and isolated communities
GAO Report: TRIBAL TRANSPORTATION - Better Data Could Improve Road Management and Inform Indian Student Attendance Strategies National Tribal Transportation Facility Inventory (NTTFI) Recommendations: GAO recommends that the Secretary of the Interior direct the Assistant Secretary-Indian Affairs to take the following three actions: • coordinate with the FHWA and tribal stakeholders and reexamine the need for road-description and condition data currently collected in the NTTFI and eliminate fields that do not serve an identified purpose, • for fields determined to have continued relevance for management and program oversight take steps to improve the quality of these data by clarifying guidance in the NTTFI coding guide that tribes use to collect data and by providing additional guidance on steps needed to ensure that data are consistently reported, and • establish a process to monitor data to facilitate timely and targeted corrections to missing or erroneous data.
Deferred Maintenance Reporting (DMR) Recommendations: GAO Report: TRIBAL TRANSPORTATION - Better Data Could Improve Road Management and Inform Indian Student Attendance Strategies Deferred Maintenance Reporting (DMR) Recommendations: GAO recommends that the Secretary of the Interior direct the Assistant Secretary-Indian Affairs to take the following three actions: • develop a means to document when the level of service for each road section was last evaluated, • develop and maintain documentation supporting the unit costs of maintenance used to estimate maintenance needs, and • develop a process for more complete and accurate reporting occurring under existing authority of RMP funds expended for performed maintenance on BIA roads
DATA Reporting under FAST Data Reporting from the FAST Act for Tribal Transportation Program funding (this does not include BIA Road Maintenance funds) shows data is being collected Example: Tribes planned to use $55 M for maintaining roads (this includes all ownerships) The actual end of the year report indicates that they spent $41 M on maintaining these roads. The TIBC RM Subcommittee is optimistic that this can also be accomplished