Intensifiers adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menguatkan arti kata sifat (adjective) dan kata keterangan (adverb)
ENOUGH Enough artinya cukup (to show sufficiency) dan ditempatkan sesudah kata sifat (adjective) atau kata keterangan (adverb)
ADJECTIVES ADJECTIVES + ENOUGH It’s good enough to go fishing It’s enough good to go fishing He is strong enough to lift that box He is enough strong to lift that box Ketik kutipan di sini. Was he foolish enough to trust her? Was he enough foolish to trust her? ADJECTIVES + ENOUGH ADJECTIVES
ADVERB ADVERB + ENOUGH NOUN + ENOUGH They didn’t run fast enough to catch the thief They didn’t run enough fast to catch the thief NOUN + ENOUGH We have enough chairs in the classroom I don’t have enough food for dinner
Enough + Plural countable noun Enough+ uncountable noun Enough juga bisa ditempatkan di depan kata benda jarak (plural), kata benda yang tidak bisa dihitung (uncountable noun), atau kata bendaa yang bisa dihitung (countable noun) Enough + Plural countable noun or Enough+ uncountable noun Examples Examples: Have you bought enough tickets for the show? There weren’t enough cars for all of the participants. I can’t stay longer because I didn’t have enough time.
Enough + noun + for + something/somebody Enough + noun + to infinitive Sesudah enough bisa diikuti for someone/something atau to infinitive Enough + noun + for + something/somebody or Enough + noun + to infinitive Examples: They don’t have enough money for a holiday Jack’s father didn’t have enough money to pay his school fee
TOO Too artinya terlalu dan ditempatkan di depan kata sifat (adjective) atau kata keterangan (adverb) untuk menunjukkan “more than desirable (lebih dari yang diinginkan)” TOO
Too does NOT mean very. or Examples: This new car is too expensive for my father That house is too big for us He is still too young to get married Too does not mean very. Too + adjective + for someone or Too + adjective + to infinitive She is very beautiful. (NOT she is too beautiful.) She is too fat. OR She is very fat. Too does NOT mean very.
Too means there is a lot of something. It shows a negative opinion Too means there is a lot of something. It shows a negative opinion. It’s too hot = It is very hot and I don’t like it. Examples: -You can use too before an adjective. It’s too cold. My trousers are too small. -You can also use it before an adverb, You walk too fast. James speaks too quietly.
VERY We use words like very, really, and extremely to make Adjectives stronger: We call these words intensifiers. Other intensifiers are: Examples: -It’s a very interesting story -Everyone was very excited. -It’s a really interesting story. -Everyone was extremely excited amazingly exceptionally incredibly remarkably particularly unusually
Strong adjectives are words like: Enormous, huge = very big tiny = very small brilliant = very clever awful; terrible; disgusting; dreadful = very bad certain = very sure excellent; perfect; ideal; wonderful; splendid = very good delicious = very tasty We do not normally use very with these adjectives. We do not say something is "very enormous" or someone is "very brilliant".
We use ‘very much’ before some verbs We use ‘very much’ before some verbs. Some of these verbs are agree, enjoy, fear, hope, like, admire, enjoy, like, appreciate. VERY MUCH
VERY MUCH Example: She very much hoped to see him. (NOT very hoped..) We very much agreed with what she said. (NOT very agreed...) His book was very much appreciated
So atau Very + Adjectives Contoh kalimatnya: Last night, I was very happy. Last night, I was so happy.