Welcome to the Worship Service of the Lakeland Hills Church of Christ.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to the Worship Service of the Lakeland Hills Church of Christ

Times of Services Sun. 9:00 am – Bible Study Sun. 9:50 am – Worship Sun. 6:00 pm – Worship Wed. 7:30 pm – Bible Study

If You are Visiting with Us for the First Time, Please fill out a Visitor’s Card located in the Song Book Rack in Front of You. Please Hand it to one of the Men in the Back as you Leave.

What you will Find Here: Structured Bible Study for the Children In-Depth Bible Study for Adults Sound Gospel Preaching and Teaching. A Group of the Lord’s People who Strive to follow the Inspired Pattern. Scriptural Worship to Jehovah God. Explanation Available to the Work and Worship of this Congregation.

Visit our Website at www.lakelandhillschurchofchrist.com Information Regarding this Congregation Free Bible Study Materials Past Issues of the Lakeland Hills Leader Sermons that have been Taught Explanation of the Undenominational Characteristics of the New Testament Church

Please Take this Week’s Bulletin Articles to Help our Faith Current List of the Sick List of those to serve in Upcoming Services Announcements of Spiritual Interest to All

Overcoming Disenchantment Disenchantment – A Feeling of Disillusionment, Disappointment, Dissatisfaction or Discontentment

Overcoming Disenchantment Signs You May be Disenchanted: Have you ceased to sing with melody in your heart during Worship? Eph.5:19 Does your mind wander during the Services? Have you ceased to discern the Lord’s Body during the Lord’s Supper? Matt. 11:29 Do you no longer attend all of the Services? Do you no longer find pleasure in associating with fellow Christians?

If so, You may be Disenchanted with the Work and Worship of Serving the Lord Your God

Overcoming Disenchantment Facing the Facts: God Planned the Church Eph.3:9-11; Jn.1:29 Jesus Died for the Church Eph.5:25 Jesus Built the Church Matt.16:18 The Saved are Added to it Acts 2:47 The Church is the Elect of God 1 Peter 1:2 Our Work and Worship is by the Authority of God Matt.28:18; Jn.4:24

If I am Disenchanted with the Church, I am Disenchanted with God’s Plan and My Only Hope of Salvation. Heb.10:25-26

Overcoming Disenchantment What can One do to Overcome? Examine One’s Heart 2 Cor.13:5; Jas. 1:22-25 Realize the Purpose for Worship Jn.4:24 Worship, Edify, Teach, Provoke, Admonish Be More Spiritually Minded Rom.8:6 Make Preparation to Worship Ezra 7:10 Have a Greater Desire to go to Heaven Heb.11:8-10; Jn.14:1-6; Matt.25:46

Let Us All Worship Together this Day with Greater Devotion Overcoming any Disenchantment with Our Service to God.

Please Silence All Cell Phones and Electronic Devices