American Literary periods and primary authors
Colonial Puritan Period 1620-1750
Colonial / Puritan Newly arrived colonists were settling and establishing new governments. The literature of the period reflects the religious influence of the Puritans. Writing focuses on historical events, daily life, moral attitudes, political unrest.
Colonial / Puritan primary authors William Bradford Anne Bradstreet Jonathan Edwards Ben Franklin
Revolutionary 1750-1815 British rule caused rebellion in the states. Persuasive and political writing ruled the day. After the Revolution, American patriotism and nationalism became the focus.
Revolutionary Primary Authors Thomas Paine Ben Franklin Thomas Jefferson Patrick Henry
Romanticism & Transcendentalism 1800-1855 Both philosophical movements Writers celebrated individualism, nature, imagination, creativity, and emotions.
Elements of Romanticism and Primary Authors Use of the imagination Filled with emotion Revels in nature Primary authors: Washington Irving Edgar Allan Poe (dark) Nathaniel Hawthorne (dark) Herman Melville (dark)
Elements of Transcendentalism & Primary Authors Stressed respect for the individual Intuition Connection of the human spirit with Self Governed versus Big Government Primary authors Ralph Waldo Emerson Henry David Thoreau Walt Whitman
Realism 1850-1900 This period includes the Civil War, significant industrial invention, and westward expansion. Realism articulated tensions and complex events of the time (reality) Characters reflected real people with flaws struggling to overcome the difficulties of war, family , natural disasters and human frailties
Realism 1850-1900 Primary authors: Ambrose Bierce Stephen Crane Willa Cather Emily Dickinson Mark Twain
Naturalism 1880-1940 Overlaps with realism Writers focused on grim reality Focused on natural laws that govern human lives. Characters are often helpless victims of nature, the environment , and heritage. Primary authors: Theodore Dreiser, James T. Farrell, Jack London, Frank Norris
Modern Period 1900-1950 The first half of the twentieth century in the U.S. was marked by wars, economic prosperity, depression, commercialism, and increased population. Writers explored themes of alienation and change and confronted people’s fears and disillusionments.
Characteristics of the Modern period: Other writing groups included those of the Harlem Renaissance and The Jazz Age. Characteristics of the Modern period: Use of symbolism, irony. Writers experimented with new techniques, trying to right the social wrongs of the day. Primary authors: T.S. Eliot, William Faulkner, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston
Post-Modern Period 1950-Present Period includes prosperity, the Civil Rights movement, and the women’s rights movement Characteristics of the movement: Blurring the lines of reality creating non-traditional works No traditional structure Writings were cynical and ironic Focused on absurdity of daily life
Postmodern Period 1950-present Addresses social issues related to gender and race. Primary authors: James Thurber Alice Walker Kurt Vonnegut J.K. Rowling