Chicken Wing Dissection Partner 1 should put on gloves and retrieve a chicken wing from the center lab table and place it in the dissecting tray. Partner 2 is responsible for moving through the presentation and recording answers.
Remove the skin If the wing is greasy, try washing it with soap to make it easier to handle. Carefully remove the skin from the chicken wing following the cutting pattern shown in the diagram. Only cut away as much skin as seen in the photo. (Leave the skin on the hand). Do not cut through any muscle tissue. Answer questions 1 and 2
Muscles and Muscle Actions Find the largest muscle on the proximal end of the wing called the biceps brachii. Read through slides 4-7 and watch the movie. Then answer questions 3-7.
Prime mover: the muscle that provides most of the movement
These muscles all produce the muscle action of flexion. Synergist: muscle that assists the prime mover These muscles all produce the muscle action of flexion.
Antagonist: the muscle that opposes the action of the prime mover If the biceps brachii flexes, then the triceps brachii would perform the opposing action of ……?
Flexion and Extension Click on the picture to watch the video. Then try it yourself. It’s fun! Answer questions 3-7 if you have not already done so.
Tendons Tendon: Attaches muscle to bone Carefully pull the biceps muscle away from the muscles around it but do not tear it. Find the place where it attaches to the bone. Look near the elbow joint. Tendon: Attaches muscle to bone Answer question 8 Continue to the next slide.
The biceps brachii got its name because it has two (bi) attachment points. These attachment points are known as the origin. Origin: The location where the muscle is attached to the relatively immovable end of the bone Answer question 9
Insertion: end of the muscle that is attached to the movable bone Answer questions 10 and 11. Insertion
The triceps brachii has 3 origins and 1 insertion The triceps brachii has 3 origins and 1 insertion. You should refer back to this picture when you draw and label these structures at the end of the lab.
Joints The place where the two bones meet is called a joint or articulation. Look at the shoulder joint or if you wish, remove the arm muscles and view the elbow joint. Answer question 12. What kind of cartilage is this?
Find a ligament attached to the proximal end of the humerus. Or you can look for ligaments in the elbow joint if you cut away the arm muscles Answer question 13.
Carefully cut through the ligaments. Ligament: Attaches bone to bone Carefully cut through the ligaments. Answer questions 14 and 15.
Draw it. Draw in the muscles and tendons and then label the picture of skeletal muscle structures: Clean up directions on next slide!
Clean up! Throw the chicken parts in the garbage. Wash and dry your tray and dissecting tools. Wash your hands. The last class of the day should also wipe the lab tables. Finish your lab questions and submit your lab! Complete a lab participation rubric for yourself, be honest with your evaluation of yourself! *Friday morning at 8 a.m. is the final deadline for all missing/late work!*