Summit-Base Tiger Team and IT Services Committee Results August 14, 2017
LSST2017 - Tucson, AZ - August 14 - 18, 2017 Agenda Background and Context Summit – Base Information Technology and Communications Tiger Team (SBTT) Charter and members Accomplishments Future Ways to interact with the SBTT Information Technology Services Committee (ITSC) Accomplishments of the ITSC Future of the ITSC Ways to interact with the ITSC LSST2017 - Tucson, AZ - August 14 - 18, 2017
PMO Task – Victor Krabendam email 20160524 Need vehicle(s) to support LSST MREFC Project on “all things ITC” Act as “consultant” to PMO and project (hardware and software deliverables remain responsibility of subsystems) Task 1: Ensure Summit – Base Complex is optimally designed/engineered to avoid ITC gaps, redundancies, inefficiencies (SBTT) Task 2: Ensure consistency of life cycle management and support of all IT Services during MREFC project and as foundation for operations (ITSC) Be sure to address IT Security in both As you all know, DM Interim Leadership is in position and we are now formally seeking a new DM Manager to lead that subsystem. With this change Jeff Kantor's role has shifted to being the Technical/Control Account Manager for the DM long haul network work package and supporting me in the Project Office. Jeff will be working with the Telescope team to do some independent assessment and will be looking into overall IT work across the Project. For the latter point, several of you have or will be contacted by Jeff to provide some data on current and planned use of software and hardware for both development and operational aspects of LSST. I appreciate that you give this some attention as it is the first part of an overall assessment that I want to do regarding the LSST IT system. There are potential opportunities for commonality and efficiencies of labor and equipment in many areas of LSST IT, so we need to assemble the basic inventory of IT services and infrastructure to evaluate our plan for technical performance and completeness, efficiency, and commonality. A particular example area of current focus is the summit and base complex. There are many aspects that could be addressed consistently, from racks and power, to common hardware, to the networks, to the size of the buffers. In addition to needing more definition in many subsystem areas, we have cross-cutting architectural aspects to consider, such as cyber-security. Our WBS structure associated with the base and summit complex is spread across all three subsystems, so there are seams and boundaries to navigate, and we need to verify that there are no “holes” or misaligned interfaces. The current motivation for the research Jeff is doing is for summit - base immediate needs, however we have spoken and met many times over the last 5 years about the need to have better coordination of IT designs across the subsystems. Meetings have been convened and topical coordination has occurred, but actions have often terminated without comprehensive steps forward. We have had positive feedback across the technical teams about defining common IT infrastructure that needs to be better defined and turned into action. With Jeff's availability we have an opportunity to get a single comprehensive view of what is being done, where, by whom, on what time scale, and to what ends. I believe that the scope resides within the three major subsystems, but without the single full view we cannot do a proper evaluation nor plan for the commonality and efficiencies everyone has expressed as desirable. Concurrently we are also having discussions on how to best handle general IT services in the Project Office. The "business" IT team is doing an excellent job but the load is getting bigger and the effort is becoming more complicated. We are looking to better integrate expertise from SQuARE and PMO IT so that these co-located teams, in particular, are not stove-piped and might find a good staff and workload sharing model to serve the construction project that can then better inform how operations can be executed efficiently. The first step to our optimization and overall assessment is to aggregate the pieces. I hope that the information gathering can happen alongside other work already in progress, like the current Operations Planning and Base development for example, so please continue to work with Jeff on the inventory so we can prepare the information for collective discussion on ways forward.
Task 1: Summit – Base Complex Integrity We need to engineer the Summit – Base Complex as one ITC entity, with a consistent, coherent design This cuts across subsystems that contribute facilities, equipment, software, operational policies and procedures Many point-to-point communications and some workshops had tried to address various aspects of this as the subsystems have tried to do the work required in their “silos”, but… We needed a more integrated approach to achieve the goal in time for early integration and through end of commissioning. This was chartered in the form of a cross-subsystem “tiger team”, with a defined set of deliverables, a plan/schedule to provide them, and a T/CAM to track this and report on it PW - I brought up the question on PTP requirement at the observatory and the conclusion is there isn’t a requirement driving the need for PTP. “It’s just what was written in to the requirements.” was the general response. However, there is a change request: That doesn’t explicitly state which time mechanism is needed, it does express that NTP would meet the defined needs. Should we update the IT document: Summit - Base Scientific ITC o to reflect that PTP isn’t needed and point to the change request?
Summit – Base ITC Design We agreed we need Summit – Base ITC Design document(s) that are subsystem agnostic in terms of who delivers what and where it resides, and focus on: End-to-end data flows and processes Partitioning/allocation of responsibilities for above into logical nodes (e.g. “commissioning cluster, diagnostic cluster, image buffer, etc.) Full definition of interfaces between nodes (expand ICDs as necessary) Mapping of logical nodes to physical ITC infrastructure(DAQ, DWDM switch, etc.) and location (Summit, Base, both) Designs for cross-cutting services (e.g. System Time, Security, Network(s), etc.) AND ONLY AFTER THAT Mapping of the above to WBS elements and subsystems providing the implementation of the design
SBTT Charter and members The SBTT is a cross-subsystem team empowered to make technical decisions to optimize Summit Base ITC as an integrated system, i.e. not silo'ed by WBS. Members: Gregory Dubois-Felsmann (DM/SE) Mike Huffer (Camera DAQ) Tony Johnson (Camera CCS) Jeff Kantor (PMO TCAM) Ron Lambert (DM/TS) German Schumacher (TS OCS/TCS/Integration) Kian-Tat Lim (DM/SE) Donald Petravick (DM) Alexander Withers (ISO) Paul Domagala (DM) Iain Goodenow (PMO/ITS) Chuck Claver (SE/Commissioning) Dave Mills (TS OCS/TCS) Note: Members are the only people who are given assignments; they are expected to reach out to others on the project as necessary to achieve their assignments.
SBTT Accomplishments A wide range of design elements of the Summit – Base ITC design have been addressed All of the TT proceedings are captured in weekly meeting minutes The decisions/recommendations are all captured in LSE-309 Summit – Base ITC Design Document LCR-963 was approved to establish initial baseline version of LSE-309 LCR-??? Has been submitted to address some open issues relative to the CCS fiber cable run and Clean Room, White Room, Staging Areas, misc. other The current version is stable with respect to the overall complex, the Summit, and the Summit – Base Network, which are already in construction/equipment procurement and deployment A new version will be prepared by the end of CY17 to expand to full coverage of the Base, to support FY18 construction/equipment procurement and deployment LSE-299 Summit Computer Room Requirements was also developed, imported into Magic Draw, and updated LCR-964 is under second round of CCB review to baseline LSE-299
SBTT Future The Tiger Team started in the last quarter of FY16, and has continued through FY17 to accomplish Task 1 LSE-309 is the result of those meetings. The Tiger Team has fulfilled its primary mission when: LSE-309 is baselined with the entire complex covered The methods and timeline for implementation and verification are defined and accepted by the PMO, SE, and the subsystems The current intent is to disband the Tiger Team at that time. Any future architecture and design work and modifications to this document are expected to be a function of the LSST System Engineering team.
Ways to interact with the SBTT We have a slack channel We publish weekly meeting agendas and minutes in confluence We invite topical experts to meetings when something of broad interest is covered You can contact us via any project-standard vehicle, including JIRA issues, weekly management meetings, etc. We all represent our respective project organizations, feel free to contact your SBTT member by any means you find convenient
Task 2: IT Services Life Cycle Management We have many entities (subsystems, SE, SQuARE, PMO) selecting, purchasing, deploying, supporting, upgrading, and retiring IT Services for the MREFC project We don’t have good vehicles for keeping everyone informed about all the services: who provides them, how to get support, are other groups planning something similar or have done something that can be leveraged, etc. There are no internal “service levels” defining what level of service and support can be expected Many point-to-point communications and “local” channels have been set up to to address various aspects, but… We needed a more integrated approach to achieve the goal of optimal management and support This was chartered in the form of a broad representative committee and a process PW - I brought up the question on PTP requirement at the observatory and the conclusion is there isn’t a requirement driving the need for PTP. “It’s just what was written in to the requirements.” was the general response. However, there is a change request: That doesn’t explicitly state which time mechanism is needed, it does express that NTP would meet the defined needs. Should we update the IT document: Summit - Base Scientific ITC o to reflect that PTP isn’t needed and point to the change request?
ITSC Ecosystem and Roles Service Users LSST PO LSST Subsystems LSST Corporation LSST Science Collaborations LSST Community Strategy Governance Coordination Service Providers LSST ITS LSST SQuaRE NCSA --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOAO (N & S) University of Arizona Commercial Service Providers
ITSC Charter To advise what ITS the project provides/uses To make sure interoperability exists among ITS where possible To combine, reuse, recycle ITS when possible To prevent ITS from becoming stagnant or security hazards Act as an agent of the project to keep project advised of what is going on at all spectrums of ITS To make recommendation whether a particular IT Service continues, when to retire/replace To make recommendations how the Project Office ITS (mail, web, issues, etc.) will transition into commissioning and operations
Governance & Transparency The Project Office has final authority over any action or decision made by the IT Services Committee, especially if it results in a budgetary increase or has other consequences to project or observatory operations Actions or Decisions cannot violate existing Information Technology Security Program and Compliance Policies LPM 121 – LSST Master Information Security Plan LPM 123 – Acceptable Use Policy Subsystem IT Security Plans: LPM , LDM, LTS, LCAM LPM 141 – Compliance Policy
Membership The IT Services Council (ITSC) consists of: Core Members Representative Members
Core Members The Core Members consist of representatives from entities that are key providers of IT Services to the project Members: PMO : Daniel Calabrese (chair), Jeff Kantor (ex officio) Tucson IT Services Team: Iain Goodenow, Shahram Sobhani LSST Information Security Officer: Alex Withers NCSA: Paul Domogala SQuARE: Frossie Economou Non-voting LSST Compliance Officer: Veronica Kinnison
Representative Members The Representative Members represent a cross-section of the various project groups that have a responsibility for delivery consisting of and/or a vested interest in: IT Assets (including Services) Accessing IT Infrastructure Impacting IT Security Other IT related topics Members Systems Engineering: Brian Selvy, Michael Reuter Data Management: Frossie Economou (also Core Member) Telescope and Site: Harini Sundararaman Camera: Tony Johnson EPO: Ben Emmons
ITSC Accomplishments Reference White Paper entitled: “General Architecture Principles” Version 1 – 08.11.2016 LPM-51 update to to include ITSC role Services Database with comprehensive inventory of current services and initial inventory of planned services Clarification of Use of Third Party Tools: Only Whitelist is Supported IT Requests for Consensus (RFCs) Process ITRFCs to date: ITRFC-1 Ben Emmons IMPLEMENTED LSST Digital Asset Manager ITRFC-2 Iain Goodenow ADOPTED Upgrade Docushare ITRFC-3 Paul Domagala ADOPTED Consolidate LSST Service Status ITRFC-4 Paul Domagala ADOPTED Provision/integrate new IDM ITRFC-5 Paul Domagala ADOPTED Unified incidents & requests ITRFC-6 Iain Goodenow PROPOSED Puppet to be CMS ITRFC-7 Alex Withers PROPOSED Dynamic Emergency Contact List
ITSC Future The ITSC’s role of coordination and recommendation on ITS is currently chartered only in construction and commissioning It is even more important that this role be performed in Operations It is expected the ITSC or something like it will be chartered by the Observatory Director and will coordinate across Data Facility, Business, and Observatory Operations groups
Ways to interact with the ITSC Your Representative Member is your primary interface to the ITSC Responsible for making you aware of others IT Services plans, proposals, etc. Responsible for making ITSC aware of your IT Services plans, proposals, etc. Meetings are open to anyone, agendas and minutes are public ITRFCs in JIRA are public (use Project = ITRFC to search issues) Services database is currently accessible by ITSC, will be public in future