Create your own cartridges for Blackboard This is IT! May 21, 2009 ;11:20am-12:15pm Presented by Kimeiko Hotta Dover, ELI Faculty & Jennifer Peters-Lise, Digital Services Librarian
Agenda What are cartridges? Why use cartridges? Cases How are cartridges created? Demonstration Where can you find more cartridges?
What are cartridges? A way to package information for use in a Blackboard course Cartridges can contain any number of items E.g. tests, assignments, internet links, documents, videos, audio, images, and more. A cartridge is created using a Blackboard course, you don’t have to download any special software.
Use Cases Sharing - examples Archiving Library > faculty Publisher > faculty Faculty > faculty Course > course Archiving Course Course component(s)
How do you create a cartridge? You create a cartridge using a Blackboard course, no extra software required! Decide what to include in your cartridge Export the content, settings, quizzes, etc. Save the cartridge to your computer Import the cartridge into another Blackboard course or just keep it saved on your computer for use at a later time
Demonstration Creating a cartridge Importing a cartridge
Seneca Libraries’ Cartridges Teachers can easily use Seneca Libraries’ resources in their Blackboard courses library cartridge catalogue
Publishers Cartridges Publishers have been using cartridges to deliver materials to teachers to support textbooks for many years contain hundreds of items for teachers to use in Blackboard, e.g. question pools, PPT slides, templates for assignments, etc. Often require a PIN or KEY from the publisher (i.e. you have to prove you are using their textbook in your course) course cartridge catalogue accessible through Blackboard
In conclusion… Easy way to share, re-use and archive materials used in Blackboard Cartridges are both used and created in a Blackboard course For all things cartridges, use the Packages and Utilities button from the control panel in a Blackboard course
Digital Services Librarian Thank You! Kimeiko Hotta Dover ELI Faculty SENECA COLLEGE Jennifer Peters-Lise Digital Services Librarian SENECA COLLEGE